An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16075 entries, 14164 authors and 1948 subjects. Updated: February 15, 2025

Browse by Publication Year 1920–1929

804 entries
  • 51

The school of Salernum. Regimen sanitatis Salernitanum, the English version by Sir John Harrington. History of the School of Salernum by Francis R. Packard and a note on the prehistory of the Regimen Sanitatis by Fielding H. Garrison.

New York: Hoeber, 1920, 1970.

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: Education, Biomedical, & Biomedical Profession, MEDIEVAL MEDICINE , MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › Italy, MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › Italy › Schola Medica Salernitana
  • 960

The partition of CO2, between plasma and corpuscles in oxygenated and reduced blood.

J. Physiol. (Lond.), 54, 129-51, 19201921.

  • 659

The four phases of heat-production of muscle.

J. Physiol. (Lond.), 54, 84-128, 1920.

Hill and Hartree made valuable contributions to the knowledge of the thermodynamics of muscle. See also Physiol. Rev., 1922, 2, 310-41, and Hill, A. V., Trails and trials in physiology: a bibliography 1909-1964, 1965.

In 1922 Hill shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Meyerhof "for his discovery relating to the production of heat in muscle." 

Subjects: NOBEL PRIZES › Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine , PHYSIOLOGY › Biophysics
  • 1304

Studies in neurology. By Henry Head in conjunction with W.H.R. Rivers, James Sherren, Gordon Holmes, Theodore Thompson, George Riddoch. 2 vols.

London: H. Frowde, Hodder & Stoughton, 1920.

Reprint, with modifications and additions, of seven papers published in the journal Brain between 1905 and 1918. Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: NEUROSCIENCE › NERVOUS SYSTEM › Peripheral Nerves / Nerve Impulses
  • 743

The action of the boiled pancreas extract on yeast nucleic acid.

Amer. J. Physiol., 52, 203-7, 1920.


  • 744

Rapid colorimetric methods for the determination of phosphorus in urine and blood.

J. biol. Chem., 44, 55-67, 1920.

Subjects: BIOCHEMISTRY, BIOCHEMISTRY › Clinical Chemistry
  • 4719.1

Ueber eine eigenartige herdförmige Erkrankung des Zentralnervensystems.

Z. ges. Neurol. Psychiat., 57, 1-18, 1920.

Creutzfeld-Jakob disease, spatic pseudoschlerosis, independently discovered by Jakob. (see No. 4722). English translation in No. 5019.14, pp. 97-112.
Creutzfeld described a single case and later reported that "his case did not bear any resemblance to the cases reported by Jakob," suggesting that Creutzfeldt probably did not describe the symptomatology associated with Creutzfeld-Jakob disease.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Prion Diseases, NEUROLOGY › Degenerative Disorders
  • 4720

Zur Lehre der Erkrankungen des striären Systems.

J. Psychol. Neurol. (Lpz), 25, Ergänzht. iii, 627-846, 1920.

“Vogt syndrome”, disease of the corpora striata.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Degenerative Disorders, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 4721

Les lésions anatomiques de la maladie de Parkinson.

Rev. neurol. (Paris), 28, 593-600, 1920.

Foix and his colleagues showed that the specific lesion in Parkinson’s disease is in the substantia nigra of the mid-brain.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Movement Disorders › Parkinson's Disease (paralysis agitans)
  • 86.2

Papers and addresses by William Henry Welch. [Edited by Walter C. Burket]. 3 vols.

Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1920.

Vol. 1: Pathology and preventive medicine. Vol. 2: Bacteriology. Vol. 3: Medical education, history, miscellaneous subjects, and Welch's bibliography. Introduction by Simon Flexner. Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY, Collected Works: Opera Omnia, Education, Biomedical, & Biomedical Profession, PATHOLOGY
  • 529

Mechanismus und Physiologie der Geschlechtsbestimmung.

Berlin: Gebrüder Bornträger, 1920.

Translated into English William J. Dakin as The Mechanism and Physiology of Sex Determination (London: Methuen & Co., 1923). Digital facsimile of the 1920 edition from Google Books at this link. Digital facsimile of the English translation from the Internet Archive at this link.

  • 1247

Die vergleichende Anatomie des Nervensystems der Wirbeltiere und des Menschen. 2 vols.

Haarlem: Bohn, 19201921.

Ariëns Kappers was Professor of Neuroanatomy at Amsterdam. See also No. 14229.

Subjects: ANATOMY › Neuroanatomy, ANATOMY › Neuroanatomy › Comparative Neuroanatomy, NEUROSCIENCE › NERVOUS SYSTEM
  • 136

Handbuch der biologischen Arbeitsmethoden. Edited by Emil Abderhalden. 14 vols. in 107.

Berlin & Vienna: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 19201939.

The Hathi Trust maintains versions of all 107 parts, most of which are searchable to a limited extent, at this link.

  • 1712

On the rate of growth of the population of the United States since 1790 and its mathematical representation.

Proc. nat. Acad. Sci. (Wash.), 6, 275-88, 1920.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › United States , DEMOGRAPHY / Population: Medical Statistics
  • 2116

Die Gifte in der Weltgeschichte.

Berlin: Julius Springer, 1920.

Lewin was a prolific writer, producing more than 200 books and papers. The above is perhaps his best work, and contains a history of poisonings from the most ancient times to the present century, enhanced by innumerable citations from ancient and modern literature.

Subjects: TOXICOLOGY › History of Toxicology
  • 1909

Handbuch der experimentellen Pharmakologie … Hrsg. von A. HEFFTER. Vol. 1-.

Berlin: Julius Springer, 1920.

  • 2645

Squamous-cell epithelioma of the lip. A study of five hundred and thirty-seven cases.

J. Amer. med. Assoc., 74, 656-64, 1920.

Broders’s classification of tumors, an index of malignancy.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Dermatopathology, DERMATOLOGY › Skin Cancer › Squamous Cell Carcinoma
  • 2645.1

A preliminary report on the experimental production of sarcoma of the liver of rats.

Proc. Soc. exp. Biol. (N.Y.) 18, 29-30, 1920.

Proof that cancer can be caused by a parasite, Cysticercus fasciolaris, the larval stage of Taenia crassicolis. With M. R. Curtis and G. L. Rohdenberg. See also Proc. N.Y. path. Soc., 1920, 20, 149-75.

Subjects: ONCOLOGY & CANCER, ONCOLOGY & CANCER › Sarcoma › Soft Tissue Sarcoma, PARASITOLOGY
  • 2410

A more rapid and improved method of demonstrating spirochetes in tissues (Warthin and Starry’s cover-glass method).

Amer. J. Syph., 4, 97-103, 1920.

Warthin and Starry’s method.

  • 4836

Die Beeinflussung der Tetanie durch Ultraviolettlicht.

Z. Kinderheilk., 26, 207-14, 1920.

Treatment of tetany with ultraviolet light.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Tetany
  • 2852

An electrocardiographic sign of coronary artery obstruction.

Arch. intern. Med., 26, 244-57, 1920.

First description of the typical changes in the electrocardiogram in coronary thrombosis.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Coronary Artery Disease, CARDIOLOGY › Tests for Heart & Circulatory Function › Electrocardiography
  • 2853

Verhandlungen ärtzlicher Gesellschaften und Kongressberichte.

Wien. klin. Wschr., 33, 179-80, 1920.

Saxl injected a mercurial compound (Novasurol), a powerful diuretic, for the treatment of cardiac failure.

  • 2853.1

A method of analyzing the electrocardiogram.

Arch. intern. Med., 25, 283-94, 1920.

Mann developed the monocardiogram while a fourth-year medical student. This was the first vector loop and the beginning of modern vectorcardiography.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › Tests for Heart & Circulatory Function › Electrocardiography, INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments › Electrocardiogram
  • 2572.1

Exsudats leucocytaires et autolyse microbienne transmissible.

C. R. Soc. Biol. (Paris), 83, 1293-96, 1920.

  • 3195

Die Chirurgie der Brustorgane. Zugleich zweite Auflage der Technik der Thoraxchirurgie. 2 vols.

Berlin: Julius Springer, 19201925.

Abridged English translation, Baltimore, 1937.

Subjects: PULMONOLOGY › Thoracic Surgery
  • 2895

Angine de poitrine guérie par la résection du sympathique cervicothoracique.

Bull. Acad. Méd. (Paris), 3 sér., 84, 93-102, 1920.

Cervical sympathectomy for the treatment of angina pectoris was first carried out by Jonnesco in 1916.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Coronary Artery Disease › Angina Pectoris
  • 3723

Scurvy, past and present.

Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1920.

Includes a history and bibliography.


Subjects: NUTRITION / DIET › History of Nutrition / Diet
  • 3608.3

An operation for the radical cure of inguinal and femoral hernia.

Brit. med. J., 2, 68-69, 1920.

First preperitoneal approach to hernia repair.

Subjects: SURGERY: General › Hernia
  • 3757

The experimental production of pellagra in human subjects by means of diet.

U.S. Publ. Hlth. Serv. Lab. Bull., No. 120, 7-116, 1920.

Goldberger was born in Central Europe in poor circumstances. He migrated to America, and following attendance at a lecture by Austin Flint, decided to study medicine. He entered the U. S. Public Health Service in 1899. He was a pioneer in the study and treatment of pellagra, demonstrating its experimental production and its prevention by proper diet.

Subjects: NUTRITION / DIET › Deficiency Diseases › Pellagra
  • 3796

Verjüngung durch experimentelle Neubelebung der alternden Pubertätsdrüse

Berlin: Julius Springer, 1920.

Steinach rejuvenation operation, ligation of the vas deferens, later discredited.

  • 4240

On the testing of renal efficiency, with observations on the “urea coefficient”.

Brit. J. exp. Path., 1, 53-65, 1920.

Urea concentration test.

Subjects: NEPHROLOGY › Renal Physiology, NEPHROLOGY › Renal Physiology › Tests for Kidney Function
  • 3964

The relation of the islets of Langerhans to diabetes with special reference to cases of pancreatic lithiasis.

Surg. Gynec. Obstet., 31, 437-48, 1920.

Barron confirmed the experimental work of Sobolew. It was whilst reading the above paper that Banting first formulated the hypothesis upon which he based his successful experiments.

Subjects: Metabolism & Metabolic Disorders › Diabetes
  • 4271

Infiltration anesthesia of the internal vesical orifice for the removal of minor obstructions: presentation of a cautery punch.

J. Urol. (Baltimore), 4, 399-408, 1920.

Caulk’s cautery punch.

Subjects: UROLOGY › Prostate
  • 4890

Puncture of the cistema magna.

Arch. Neurol. Psychiat. (Chicago), 4, 529-41, 1920.

Introduction of cisternal puncture.

  • 4891

La meccanica del cervello e la funzione dei lobi frontale.

Turin: Bocca, 1920.

Bianchi showed that bilateral destruction of the frontal lobes caused character changes, a finding put to practical use by Egas Moniz and others. English translation, Edinburgh, 1922.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Neuropathology
  • 4892

Algievélo-pharyngée essentielle. Traitement chirurgical.

Rev. neurol., 27, 256-57, 1920.

Idiopathic glossopharyngeal neuralgia described and treated.

Subjects: NEUROSURGERY, PAIN / Pain Management
  • 4387

Eine typische Erkrankung des 2. Metatarsophalangealgelenkes.

Münch. med. Wschr., 67, 1289-90, 1920.

“Köhler’s second disease” – juvenile deforming metatarsophalangeal Osteochondritis. English translation in Amer. J. Roentgenol., 1923, 10,705-10. Also known as “Freiberg’s infraction” or “Freiberg–Köhler disease”.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton, Podiatry
  • 4198

X-ray studies of the seminal vesicles and vasa deferentia after urethroscopic injection of the ejaculatory ducts with thorium – a new diagnostic method.

Amer. J. Roentgenol, n.s. 7, 16-22, 1920.

Vesiculography first demonstrated.

Subjects: IMAGING › X-ray, UROLOGY
  • 5286

Ueber chemotherapeutische Versuche mit “205 Bayer”, einen neuen trypanoziden Mittel von besonderer Wirkung.

Berl. klin. Wschr., 57, 821-23, 1920.

Introduction of “Bayer 205” (germanin, suramin, naphuride).

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Triatomine Bug-Borne Diseases › Chagas Disease (American Trypanosomiasis) , PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Antiparasitic Drugs
  • 5701

Zur Technik der Splanchnicusanästhesie.

Zbl. Chir., 47, 98, 1920.

Splanchnic anesthesia. See also Dtsch. med. Wschr., 1920, 46, 535.

  • 5486.1

Mononucleosis leukocytosis in reaction to acute infections (“infectious mononucleosis”).

Bull. Johns Hopk. Hosp., 31, 410-17, 1920.

Classic account, with first use of the term “infectious mononucleosis”.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Infectious Mononucleosis
  • 5492

Report on the pandemic of influenza 1918-19.

London: H. M. Stationery Office, 1920.

Reports on Public Health and Medical Subjects, No. 4. The most widespread and serious pandemic of influenza occurred in 1918-19. It spread throughout Europe, Russia, Canada, S. America, New Zealand, Australia, Africa, India, China, and Japan. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

"The 1918 influenza pandemic was the most severe pandemic in recent history. It was caused by an H1N1 virus with genes of avian origin. Although there is not universal consensus regarding where the virus originated, it spread worldwide during 1918-1919.  In the United States, it was first identified in military personnel in spring 1918. It is estimated that about 500 million people or one-third of the world’s population became infected with this virus. The number of deaths was estimated to be at least 50 million worldwide with about 675,000 occurring in the United States" (, accessed 3-2020).

Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: EPIDEMIOLOGY › Pandemics › Influenza › 1918 Pandemic (H1N1 virus), Global Health, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Influenza, VIROLOGY › VIRUSES (by Family) › Orthomyxoviridae › Influenza A Virus › Influenza A virus subtype H1N1
  • 5758

Plastic surgery of the face.

London: H. Frowde, 1920.

Gillies introduced a tubed pedical flap in 1917.

  • 5538

Herpetic sore throat.

Sth. med. J. (Nashville), 13, 871-72, 1920.

First description of herpangina, an acute infection associated with Coxsackie viruses.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Coxsackie Virus Diseases, VIROLOGY › VIRUSES (by Family) › Picornaviridae › Coxsackievirus
  • 6127

Nonoperative determination of patency of Fallopian tubes in sterility. Intra-uterine inflation with oxygen, and production of an artificial pneumoperitoneum.

J. Amer. med. Ass., 74, 1017; 75, 661-67, 1920.

Tubal insufflation method for the diagnosis and treatment of sterility due to occlusion of the Fallopian tubes.

  • 6521

Medieval medicine.

London: A. & C. Black, 1920.

Subjects: MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › History of Medieval Medicine
  • 6539

Early English magic and medicine.

London: H. Milford, 1920.

Reprinted from Proc. Brit. Acad., 1919-20, 9, 341-74.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › England (United Kingdom), Magic & Superstition in Medicine, TRADITIONAL, Folk or Indigenous Medicine
  • 7000

The growth and shedding of the antlers of the deer. The histological phenomena and their relation to the growth of bone.

Glasgow: Maclehose, Jackson & Co., 1920.

The first study of the unusual and dramatic physiology of the annual growth and shedding of the antlers of deer. "The amount of bony matter annually secreted to form antlers of the larger deer is enormous, antlers of the Red Deer having been obtained which weigh upwards of 74 lbs. while those of the extinct Irish deer must have probably scaled 100 lbs during life. 'In weight the Elk will scale from 900 to 1400 pounds and the antler may weigh as much as 60 pounds. The largest span of an Elk antler on record is in possession of the Duke of Westminister. It measures six feet one and one quarter inch' " (p. xv). Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: ANATOMY › Microscopic Anatomy (Histology), ORTHOPEDICS › Muskuloskeletal System › Physiology of Bone Formation, PHYSIOLOGY › Comparative Physiology, ZOOLOGY
  • 7157

Women as army surgeons. Being the history of the Women's Hospital Corps in Paris, Wimereux & Endell Street, September 1914 - October 1919. By Flora Murray.

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1920.

Together with Louisa Garrett Anderson (1873-1943), to whom the book was dedicated, Murray co-founded the Women's Hospital for Children in 1912. The hospital provided health care for working-class children of the area, and also provided women doctors their only opportunity to gain clinical experience in pediatrics in London; the hospital's motto was Deeds not Words. In WWI Murray and Anderson served in France with the Women's Hospital Corps (WHC), establishing military hospitals for the French Army in Paris and Wimereux. Their proposals were at first rejected by the British authorities, but eventually the WHC became established at the Endell Street Military Hospital, Holborn, London staffed entirely by women, from chief surgeon to orderlies. Digital facsimile from The Medical Heritage Library, Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: MILITARY MEDICINE, SURGERY & HYGIENE › World War I, WOMEN in Medicine & the Life Sciences, Publications About, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 8898

Medical life. Edited by Victor Robinson. (214 issues were published, beginning with vol. 27 and ending with vol. 45 because Robinson considered this a merger of five earlier medical periodicals.)

New York, 19201938.

"the first monthly journal in English to be devoted to the history of medicine. Robinson opened the pages of Medical Life to eminent historians and beginners. A number of outstanding European medical historians contributed papers and served on its editorial board. Among them were Max Neuburger, Karl Sudhoff, Henry E. Sigerist, Arturo Castiglioni, John D. Comrie, and Wilhelm Haberling….Victor Robinson was a member of the generation that created medical history in this country as we know it today. He banged the drums for medical history, he blew its horn, he was a propagandist for medical history. He aroused interest in the subject and made it possible for interested individuals to participate in the medical history movement. He accomplished this chiefly through the channels of communication which he created, chiefly Medical Life.” (George Rosen, Victor Robinson: A romantic medical historian. [Philadelphia 1958]).

Subjects: Periodicals Specializing in the History of Medicine & the Life Sciences
  • 11295

A physician's anthology of English and American poetry. Selected and arranged by Casey A. Wood and Fielding H. Garrison.

London & New York: Oxford Publishing Company, 1920.

Prepared for William Osler's seventieth birthday but not completed in time. Selections were approved by Osler, and the anthology was in publication when Osler died. Osler looked forward to the volume. Less than a month before he died, Osler wrote to Garrison, "Nothing yet from Milford - I suppose the manuscript is in process of purification! There are still many things in it I wish to see. The Press will follow your wishes as to format. I am sure the entire Volume will be most attractive. I think I have sent a letter since my illness - Still in bed" (Cushing, Life of Sir William Osler, 2, 677.)

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: LITERATURE / Philosophy & Medicine & Biology › Poetry
  • 11483

American medical biographies.

Baltimore, MD: Norman, Remington Company, 1920.

This is the extensively revised second edition of Kelly's A cyclopaedia of American medical biography, comprising the lives of eminent deceased physicians and surgeons from 1610 to 1910. (Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1912). The extensively revised third edition published in New York by D. Appleton in 1928 also had a very different title: Dictionary of American medical biography. Lives of eminent physicians of the United States and Canada, from the earliest time. Although the title page of this second edition does not indicate it, this work was written by various physicians, including Kelly and Burrage, who also served as editors. It begins with a comprehensive bibliography of biographical literature on which the authors based many of the biographies. Digital facsimile of the 1920 edition from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: BIOGRAPHY (Reference Works)
  • 11921

Special tables of mortality from influenza and pneumonia in Indiana, Kansas, and Philadelphia, Pa., September 1 to December 31, 1918.

Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1920.

Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: DEMOGRAPHY / Population: Medical Statistics, EPIDEMIOLOGY › Pandemics › Influenza › 1918 Pandemic (H1N1 virus), INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Influenza
  • 12067

The lethal war gases, physiology and experimental treatment. An Investigation by the section on intermediary metabolism of the Medical Division of the Chemical Warfare Service at Yale University under the direction of Frank P. Underhill. Published with the permission of the Chemical Warfare Service.

New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1920.

Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

  • 12068

Mortality Statistics 1918. Nineteenth Annual Report.

Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1920.

From Causes of Death, p. 27:

"Influenza and pneumonia (All forms).

"In 1918 the registration area (exclusive of Hawaii) 477,467 deaths wee assigned to influenza and pneumonia (all forms). In the latter part of that year a pandemic on influenza swept over the country and did not fully spend its force until well into 1919....

"The 477,467 deaths from influenza and penumonia (all forms) in 1918 correspond to a rate of 583.2 per 100,000 population as against 125,795 in 1917 and a rate of 167, which till 1918, was the highest rare from these causes for any year since 1910. Fully 79.8 per cent of the mortality from these causes in 1918 occurred in the last four months of the year...."

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: DEMOGRAPHY / Population: Medical Statistics, EPIDEMIOLOGY › Pandemics › Influenza › 1918 Pandemic (H1N1 virus)
  • 12162

Aviation medicine in the A. E. F.

Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1920.

"This publication contains an account written by Col.William H. Wilmer, Medical Corps, who was in charge of the Air Service Medical Research Laboratories in Issoudon, France, from September, 1918, until the armistice. The account describes the various phases of the physiological and psychological problems of aviation, the organization of the work in the A[merican[ E[xpeditionary] F[orce], and the application of the newly discovered principles to the maintenance of the efficiency of the flier. It also suggests the future possibilities that lie in aviation medicine. In addition, it records the tasks accomplished by the various departments of the medical research laboratories, the character of the work with the British, conferences with various types of fliers, and it analyzes accidents and their causes" (Foreward).
Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

  • 12489

The prophylactic forceps operation.

Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol., 1, 34-44, 1920.

DeLee's advocacy of prophylactic forceps delivery made forceps deliveries more common. It remains probably his most controversial contribution to obstetrics.

"At a meeting of the American Gynecological Society in 1920, DeLee sparked controversy when he presented a paper advocating for the use of a systematic approach to childbirth for physicians, including the use of forceps and episiotomy even in women who had no labor complications.[3] DeLee's "prophylactic forceps operation" consisted of several steps: scopolamine injections in the first stage of labor, ether anesthesia in the next stage, then episiotomy and forceps delivery. Ergot was used in the subsequent manual extraction of the placenta.[10] DeLee reasoned that the episiotomy prevented perineal tears which could cause complications like uterine prolapse and vesicovaginal fistula. He said that the early use of forceps would avoid pressure from the pelvic bones against a baby's head, thus preventing complications like epilepsy and cerebral palsy; DeLee said that fatal complications occurred in 4–5% of labors managed with the traditional conservative approach.[11] Though DeLee said that such interventions should only be carried out by a well-equipped physician specialist, John Whitridge Williams and other prominent obstetricians criticized DeLee sharply. They felt that DeLee was being too aggressive by removing a baby before complications occurred; DeLee's colleagues preferred to be conservative and to manage complications as they arose. (Wikipedia article on Joseph DeLee, accessed 4-2020).

Digital facsimile from at this link.

  • 12558

Religion and health.

Boston: Little, Brown, 1920.

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: RELIGION & Medicine & the Life Sciences
  • 12577

Goulstonian Lectures on the principles of science as applied to military aviation. Lecture I; Lecture II: War flying at high altitudes; Lecture III: War flying and high altitudes, cont.

Lancet, 195, 1147-1151, 1205-1211, 1251-57, 1920.

"Fatigue was the most universal complaint of pilots. Major Birley attributed its occurrence to the bombardment of the senses by the constant stream of stimuli in the air, many of which were of a peculiar character.75 Flyers were observed to stagger from aircraft to make their meticulous reports, which were often a source of conflict as no-one could agree upon what had occurred. Overwhelming tiredness led to frayed tempers and depressed spirits, and the idea uppermost in minds was to lie down and sleep. The repetition of this work over any length of time led to the deterioration of mental and physical wellbeing, inefficiency in the air, and ultimately the shortening of the active service period.76 " (Lynsey Shaw Cobden, "The nervous flyer: Nerves, Flying and the First World War," Br. J. Mil. Hist., 4 (2018) 121-142. 

Subjects: AVIATION Medicine
  • 12592

The medical problems of flying. Including Reports Nos. I-VII of the Air Medical Investigation Committee. Privy Council Medical Research Council.

London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1920.

Subjects: AVIATION Medicine
  • 13463

McGill Library. William Osler Letter Index.

Montréal: McGill University, 19201924.

"About the William Osler Letter Collection

"Sir William Osler (1849-1919) is one of the most renowned and respected physicians in medical history. Born in Bond Head, Ontario in 1849, he studied medicine at McGill University and went on to teach at McGill and the University of Pennsylvania. In 1889 he was one of the "Big Four" founders of the Johns Hopkins Medical School and Hospital. He became Regius Professor of Medicine at Oxford University in 1905 and was knighted in 1911 in recognition of his contributions to medical science and teaching.

"Harvey Cushing (1869-1939) was a pioneering neurosurgeon and close friend to Sir William Osler. Upon Osler's death in 1919, Dr. Cushing undertook to write his biography at Lady Osler’s request. Between 1920 and 1924, Dr. Cushing collected over 7 000 letters to and from Sir William, notes and excerpts from manuscripts. Many of these were copied and the originals returned to their owners. In 1925 Cushing published the two-volume Life of Sir William Osler, which won the Pulitzer Prize the following year. Dr. Cushing later donated his research material to the Osler Library. 

"These materials, especially the letters, are an important source for Oslerian research. This online index provides access to information about materials that was previously only available to on-site visitors. It is intended to increase awareness and use of this rich collection.

"The letters and other documents indexed on this site are part of a larger collection of Oslerian material in the Harvey Cushing Fonds (P417). Photos collected by Cushing and others are available in digital format online at the William Osler Photo Collection. The index also includes original Osler material from other archival collections and fonds, including the Sir William Osler Collection (P100), the Malloch Family Fonds (P107), and the Maude Abbott Collection (P111)."

Subjects: BIOGRAPHY (Reference Works) › Biographies of Individuals, DIGITAL RESOURCES › Digital Archives & Libraries
  • 13563

The nature of animal light.

Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1920.

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Harvey later published Living light (1940) and Bioluminescence (1952). The 1952 book extended over 600 pages, and was his definitive study.

(Thanks to Malcolm Jay Kottler for the updates to Harvey's 1920 book.)

Subjects: BIOCHEMISTRY › Bioluminescence
  • 13824

Die Kohlenoxydvergiftung. Ein Handbuch für Mediziner, Techniker und Unfallrichter.

Berlin: Julius Springer, 1920.

On carbon monoxide poisoning. Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

  • 4604

Zur Analyse und Pathophysiologie der striären Bewegungsstörungen.

Z. ges. Neurol. Psychiat., 73, 1-169, 1921.

Foerster made a most important contribution to the literature on extra pyramidal diseases.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Diseases of the Nervous System
  • 2693
  • 4605

Méthode radiographique d’exploration de la cavité épidurale par la lipiodol.

Rev. neurol. (Paris), 28, 1264-66, 1921.

Positive contrast myelography with iodized oil (lipiodol). This paper records the first use of lipiodol in radiology.

Subjects: IMAGING › X-ray, NEUROLOGY › Diseases of the Nervous System, RADIOLOGY
  • 4605.1

Über die diagnostische Bedeutung der intraspinalen Luftinjektionen bei Rückenmarksleiden, besonders bei Geschwülsten.

Zbl. Chir., 48, 394-97, 1921.

Myelography by air injection into spinal subarachnoid space.

Subjects: IMAGING › X-ray, NEUROLOGY › Diseases of the Nervous System
  • 1054

Fat-soluble vitamine. VII. The fat-soluble vitamine and yellow pigmentation in animal fats with some observations on its stability to saponification.

J. biol. Chem., 47, 89-109, 1921.

Separation of vitamin A from vitamin D. With M. Sell and M. Van R. Buell.

Subjects: NUTRITION / DIET › Vitamins
  • 855

The blood supply to the heart.

New York: Paul B. Hoeber, 1921.

Coronary arterial anatomy studied by radiography of the injected arteries by a standard technique.

  • 4722

Ueber eigenartige Erkrankungen der Zentralnervensystems mit bemerkenswertem anatomischem Befunde. (Spastische Pseudosklerose — Encephalomyclopathie mit disseminirrten Degenerationsherden.)

Z. ges. Neurol. Psychiat., 64, 147-228, 1921.

“Creutzfeld-Jakob disease”, spastic pseudosclerosis. Traditionally considered to have been independently discovered by Creutzfeld, but in the 21st century recognized as a discovery by Jakob alone. See also No. 4719.1.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Prion Diseases, NEUROLOGY › Degenerative Disorders
  • 4723

Rapport sur les syndromes parkinsoniens.

Rev. neurol. (Paris), 28, 534-73, 1921.

Souques recognized the importance of encephalitis lethargica as a cause of Parkinsonism; more than any other neurologist he was responsible for unifying its diverse manifestations.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Neuroinfectious Diseases › Encephalitis, NEUROLOGY › Movement Disorders › Parkinson's Disease (paralysis agitans)
  • 2178
GREAT BRITAIN. War Office. Medical Services

History of the Great War Medical Services. Edited by William Grant MacPherson. 12 vols.

London: H. M. Stationery Office, 19211929.

  • 2179
UNITED STATES. War Dept. Surgeon General

The medical department of the U.S. Army in the First World War. Prepared under the direction of Merritte W. Ireland. Editor-in-chief: Col. Charles Lynch. 15 vols. in 17.

Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 19211929.

pt. 1. Demobilization, 1919, by C.B. Davenport and A.G. Love. 1921. pt. 2. Medical and casualty statistics based on the medical records of the United States Army, April 1, 1917, to December 31, 1919, inclusive, by A.G. Love. 1925. vol. XII. Pathology of the acute respiratory diseases, and of gas gangrene following war wounds, by G.R. Callender and J.F. Coupal. 1929- vol. XIII. pt. 1. Physical reconstruction and vocational education, by A.G. Crane. pt. 2. The Army nurse corps, by Julia C. Stimson. 1927- vol. XIV. Medical aspects of gas warfare, by W.D. Bancroft, H.C. Bradley [and others] 1926.- vol. XV. Statistics, pt. 1. Army anthropology, based on observations made on draft recruits, 1917-1918, and on veterans at J.D. Eby; opthalmology (United States), by G.E. De Schweinitz; opthalmology (American expeditionary forces), by Allan Greenwood; otolaryngology (United States), by S.J. Morris; otolaryngology (American expeditionary forces), by J.F. McKernon. 1924.-vol. VII. Training, by W.N. Bispham. 1927. - vol. VIII. Field operations, by Charles Lynch. J.H. Ford, F.W. Weed. 1925.- vol. IX. Communicable and other diseases, by J.F.Siler. 1928.- vol. X. Neuropsychiatry in the United States, by Pearce Bailey, F.E. Williams, P.O. Komora; in the American expeditionary forces, by T.W. Salmon, Norman Fenton. 1929.- vol. XI. Surgery, pt. 1. General surgery, orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery. 1927. pt. 2. Empyema, by E.K. Dunham; maxillofacial surgery, by R.H. Ivy and
Editor-in-chief: Col.Charles Lynch.


The text of the complete set is available from the U.S.Army Medical Department, Office of Medical History at this link.

  • 1332

The autonomic nervous system.

Cambridge, England: W. Heffer, 1921.

Langley divided the autonomic nervous system into (1) the orthosympathetic, and (2) the parasympathetic; he defined it as an efferent system.

Subjects: NEUROSCIENCE › NERVOUS SYSTEM › Peripheral Autonomic Nervous System
  • 1343

Ueber humorale Uebertragbarkeit der Herznervenwirkung.

Pflüg. Arch. ges. Physiol. 189, 239-42; 193, 201-13; 203, 408-12; 204, 361-67, 629-40, 19211922, 1924.

Loewi’s important experiments firmly established the theory of chemical intermediaries in nervous reactions.

In 1936 Loewi shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Dale "for discoveries related to chemical neurotransmission."

Subjects: NEUROSCIENCE › NERVOUS SYSTEM › Chemical Mediation of Nervous Impulses, NOBEL PRIZES › Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
  • 1163

The effect of the anterior lobe administered intraperitoneally upon growth, maturity and oestrus cycles of the rat.

Anat. Rec., 21, 62-63, 1921.

Evans and Long discovered the growth hormone of the anterior pituitary, showing that continued injections of an anterior pituitary extract produced an acceleration in the growth-rate of laboratory animals.

Subjects: Ductless Glands: Internal Secretion › Pituitary, ENDOCRINOLOGY › Pituitary
  • 745

On an autoxidisable constituent of the cell.

Biochem. J., 15, 286-305, 1921.

Isolation of glutathione.

  • 1205
  • 3967

The internal secretion of the pancreas.

J. Lab. clin. Med., 7, 251-66, 19211922.

This paper reports the isolation of insulin. An extract from the pancreas of a dog, removed after ligation of the excretory duct, was found to exercise a reducing influence on the percentage of sugar in the blood. Digital facsimile from at this link.

Subjects: Ductless Glands: Internal Secretion › Pancreas, HEPATOLOGY, Metabolism & Metabolic Disorders › Diabetes
  • 1654

A half-century of public health. Jubilee historical volume of the American Public Health Association.

New York: American Public Health Association, 1921.

Subjects: PUBLIC HEALTH › History of Public Health
  • 1441

The form and functions of the central nervous system.

New York: Paul B. Hoeber, 1921.

Subjects: NEUROSCIENCE › NERVOUS SYSTEM › Brain, including Medulla: Cerebrospinal Fluid
  • 1910

Ueber die wirksamen Substanzen des Mutterkorns.

Schweiz, med Wschr. 2, 525-29, 1921.

Isolation of ergotamine.

Subjects: PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Ergot › Ergotamine
  • 2133

Industrial fatigue and efficiency.

London: G. Routledge, 1921.

  • 1527

Atlas der Spaltlampenmikroskopie des lebenden Auges.

Berlin: Julius Springer, 1921.

An important work on the biomicroscopy of the eye. Second ed. greatly revised and enlarged, vol. 1-2, Springer, 1930-31; vol. 3, Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1942; vol. 3 (English translation) Zurich, 1947. Second ed. reprinted, Bonn, J. P. Wayenborgh, 1977. English trans. by F.C. Blodi, 3 vols., Bonn, J.P. Wayenborgh, 1978-81.

Subjects: Microscopy, OPHTHALMOLOGY › Anatomy of the Eye & Orbit
  • 2312.2

Studies in the palaeopathology of Egypt. Edited by Roy Lee Moodie.

Chicago, IL: University Press, 1921.

A collection of papers published previously in various journals. Ruffer spent many years in Egypt in the study of palaeopathology. Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: PATHOLOGY › Paleopathology
  • 2601.1

Studien über die Ueberempfindlichkeit.

Zbl. Bakt., I Abt. Orig. 86, 160-69, 1921.

Prausnitz–Küstner reaction. These workers demonstrated antibodies in the blood of persons suffering from atopic allergic diseases. They produced local passive sensitization by intracutaneous injection of serum from a hypersensitive subject. Prausnitz spent his later years in England, where he adopted the surname Prausnitz Giles. Translated by Prausnitz in Clinical aspects of immunology (P.G.H.Gell & R.R.A. Coombs, eds.) Oxford, 1962, pp. 808-16.

  • 1756

Medicolegal application of human blood grouping.

J. Amer. med. Ass., 77, 682-83; 78, 873-77; 79, 2137-43, 1921, 1922.

An important series of papers on blood-grouping and the jurisprudence of paternity. Ottenberg performed the first matched-blood transfusion.

Subjects: Forensic Medicine (Legal Medicine), HEMATOLOGY
  • 2521.1

Untersuchungen über die Ätiologie der Krankheiten der Herpesgruppe (Herpes zoster, Herpes genitalis, Herpes febrilis).

Arch. Derm. Syph. (Wien), 136, 428-82, 1921.

Lipschütz’s account of herpes virus diseases included identification of the characteristic inclusion bodies (“Zosterkörperchen”).

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses › Herpes Zoster (Shingles), INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Herpes, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Herpes › Herpes Simplex, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Herpes › Herpes Zoster (Shingles), VIROLOGY › VIRUSES (by Family) › Herpesviridae › Varicella zoster virus
  • 2411

Traitement de la syphilis par le bismuth.

C. R. Acad. Sci. (Paris), 173, 338-40, 1921.

Introduction of sodium-potassium bismuth tartrate in the treatment of syphilis.

  • 2573

Results of experimental studies on focal infection and elective localization.

Med. Clin. N. Amer. 5, 573-92, 1921.

Rosenow showed that focal infection could by caused by bacteria in teeth, etc.

  • 3085

Studies of the suspension stability of the blood in pulmonary tuberculosis.

Acta med. scand., 54, 247-82, 1921.

Westergren’s method of measuring the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

Subjects: HEMATOLOGY, PULMONOLOGY › Lung Diseases › Pulmonary Tuberculosis
  • 3544

Studies in gastric secretion. Introduction.

Guy’s Hosp. Rep., 71, 42-44, 1921.

Ryle’s tube, for obtaining specimens of gastric juice.

  • 3196

Un cas d’épithélioma spino-cellulaire de la région latérale du pharynx, avec adénopathie angulo-maxillaire, guéri depuis six mois par la röntgenthérapie.

Bull. Ass. franç, Etude Cancer, 10, 160-68, 1921.

Carcinoma of pharynx cured by the Coutard method of Röntgen therapy.

Subjects: ONCOLOGY & CANCER › Carcinoma, ONCOLOGY & CANCER › Radiation (Radiotherapy)
  • 3197

Roentgenographic studies of bronchiectasis and lung abscess after direct injection of bismuth mixture through the bronchoscope.

Amer. J. Roentgenol., 8, 49-61, 1921.

Important studies on bronchiectasis were carried out by Lynah and Stewart.

  • 3197.1

A study of antispasmodic drugs on the bronchus.

J. Pharmacol., 18, 373-98, 1921.

Laboratory demonstration of the antispasmodic action of theophylline on bronchial smooth muscle.

  • 3322

Operations on the frontal sinus.

J. Laryng. Otol., 36, 417-21, 1921.

Conservative treatment of sinusitis.

Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Rhinology
  • 3870

La virilisme pilaire et son association à l’insuffisance glycolytique (Diabète des femmes à barbe).

Bull. Acad. Méd., 3 sér., 86, 51-66, 1921.

“Achard–Thiers syndrome”. These writers established as a definite syndrome the combination of hirsutism with diabetes.

Subjects: ENDOCRINOLOGY › Adrenals, Metabolism & Metabolic Disorders › Diabetes
  • 2970

Ligation (partial occlusion) of the abdominal aorta for aneurism.

Ann. Surg., 74, 308-12, 1921.

First successful ligation of the abdominal aorta.

Subjects: VASCULAR SURGERY › Ligations
  • 4241

Un nuevo procedimiento para explorar al riñón.

Rev. Asoc. méd. argent., 34, 424, 1921.

Perirenal insufflation of oxygen, for the roentgenological study of the kidney.

  • 3965

Recherches sur le rôle du pancréas dans l’assimilation nutritive.

Arch. int. Physiol., 17, 85-109, 1921.

Paulesco isolated the anti-diabetic hormone of the pancreas before Banting and Best. He named it “pancréine”.

Subjects: Metabolism & Metabolic Disorders › Diabetes
  • 3001

Du traitement des varices par les injection coagulantes, concentrées de sels de quinine.

Soc. méd. mil. franç. Bull., 15, 169-71, 1921.

Injection of quinine urethane for the treatment of varicose veins.

  • 3030

Un cas de cardiolyse.

Bull. Mém. Soc. Chir. Paris., 47, 1120-21, 1921.

First pericardiectomy, for constrictive pericarditis.

  • 3697

Geschichte der Zahnheilkunde

Leipzig: J. A. Barth, 1921.

Second edition, 1926 (reprinted 1964).

Subjects: DENTISTRY › History of Dentistry
  • 3698

Index of the periodical dental literature in the English language.

Chicago, IL: Dental Index Bureau, 19211969.

Retrospective from 1839; discontinued in 1969. Later known as Index to dental literature. Digital facsimile of the early volumes from the Hathi Trust at this link. Black spearheaded the project and supervised the compilation of its early volumes.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Dentistry, BIBLIOGRAPHY › Periodicals, DENTISTRY, DENTISTRY › History of Dentistry
  • 4388

Diffuse endothelioma of bone.

Proc. N.Y. path. Soc, n.s. 21, 17-24, 1921.

Ewing described a form of bone sarcoma (“Ewing’s sarcoma”), usually involving the shaft of long bones.

Subjects: ONCOLOGY & CANCER › Sarcoma › Osteosarcoma, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4388.1

Une maladie congénitale et héréditaire de l’ossification: la pléonostéose familiale.

Bull. Mém. Soc. méd. Hôp. Paris, 3 sér., 45, 1228-30, 1921.

“Léri’s pleonosteosis” first described.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Congenital Rheumatologic Diseases › Leri Pleonosteosis, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases , RHEUMATOLOGY
  • 4388.2

Die Arthroendoskopie.

Zentralbl. Chir., 48, 1460-61, 1921.

First published account of the use of the laparoscope for arthroscopy.

Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Surgical Instruments › Arthroscope, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Knee
  • 4389

Kyphosis dorsalis juvenilis.

Z. orthop. Chir., 41, 305-17, 1921.

“Scheuermann’s disease” – necrosis of the epiphyses of the vertebrae, causing kyphosis.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 5287

Studies on the treatment of human trypanosomiasis with tryparsamide (the sodium salt of N-phenylglycineamide-p-arsonic acid).

J. exp. Med., 34, Suppl., 1-104, 1921.

Introduction of tryparsamide in the treatment of trypanosomiasis.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Triatomine Bug-Borne Diseases › Chagas Disease (American Trypanosomiasis) , PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Antiparasitic Drugs, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 5702

Anestesia metamérica.

Rev. Sanid. milit. (Madr), 11, 351-65, 389-96, 1921.

Introduction of epidural anesthesia.

Subjects: ANESTHESIA › Obstetric Anesthesia › Epidural Anesthesia
  • 5703

Anaesthetics in the plastic surgery of the face and jaws.

Proc. roy. Soc. Med., 14, Sect. Anaesth., 17-27, 1921.

Intratracheal insufflation method of anesthetization. See also Magill, I. W., Lancet, 1921, 1, 918; 1923, 2, 229.

  • 4988

Körperbau und Charakter.

Berlin: Julius Springer, 1921.

Kretschmer has attempted to correlate body build and constitution with character and mentality.

  • 4988.1

Psychodiagnostik. 1 vol & atlas of test cards.

Bern: Bircher, 1921.

Rorschach test. 2nd ed., Bern, 1932. English translation, Bern, Huber, 1942. See the biography of Rorschach in Bull. Menninger Clin., 1954, 18, 173-219.

Subjects: PSYCHOLOGY › Other Diagnostic Tests
  • 5759

A new principle in the surgical treatment of “congenital cleft palate”, and its mechanical counterpart.

Brit. med. J., 1, 335-38, 1921.

Gillies’s operation for cleft palate.

  • 5350.7

On the life cycle of Fasciolopsis buski Lankester.

Kitasato Arch. exp. Med., 4, 159-67, 1921.

  • 5368

The use of carbon tetrachloride for the removal of hookworms.

J. Amer. med. Assoc., 77, 1641-43, 1921.

Introduction of the carbon tetrachloride treatment of ankylostomiasis.

  • 5192

Ueber Behandlungsversuche der chronischen Amoebenruhr mit Yatren.

Münch, med. Wschr., 68, 802-03, 1921.

Introduction of Yatren.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Amoebiasis
  • 6003

Die Erfindung der Augengläser.

Berlin: Optische Bücherei, 1921.

Subjects: OPHTHALMOLOGY › History of Ophthalmology
  • 5392

Cultivation of rickettsia-like bodies in typhus fever.

J. Amer. med. Assoc., 77, 1967-69, 1921.

Isolation of Rickettsia prowazeki from the blood. With S. A. Ritter and G. Baehr.

Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY › BACTERIA (mostly pathogenic; sometimes indexed only to genus) › Rickettsiales › Rickettsia › Rickettsia prowazekii , INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Lice-Borne Diseases › Typhus
  • 6128

Perforating hemorrhagic (chocolate) cysts of the ovary.

Arch. Surg. (Chicago), 3, 245-323, 1921.

The true nature of ovarian endometriomata was elucidated by Sampson.

  • 6221


Amer J. Obstet. Gynec., 1, 560-73, 1921.

Potter’s operation of podalic version.

  • 6611

Le costume du médecin en France des origines au XVIIe siècle.

Paris: Longuet, 1921.

Subjects: Costume in Medicine
  • 6479

Greek medicine in Rome.

London: Macmillan, 1921.

FitzPatrick Lectures, 1909-10. Allbutt was Regius Professor of Physic at Cambridge and a great literary stylist. Underwood described him as the most learned and distinguished physician of the last hundred years.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Roman Empire › History of Medicine in the Roman Empire
  • 6507

Arabian medicine. Being the Fitzpatrick lectures delivered at the Royal College of Physicians in November 1919 and November 1920.

Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1921.

Browne, an eminent authority on oriental languages, became professor of Arabic in the University of Cambridge. Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: ISLAMIC OR ARAB MEDICINE › History of Islamic or Arab Medicine, MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › Medieval Islamic or Arab Medicine
  • 6528

Das alte medizinische Wien in zeitgenössischen Schilderungen.

Vienna: M. Perles, 1921.

  • 6579

Historia de la medicina en España.

Madrid: Editorial Reus, 1921.

  • 6413

Geschichte der Medizin im Überblick.

Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1921.

5th edition, 1965, under the title Illustrierte Geschichte der Medizin.

Subjects: History of Medicine: General Works
  • 6414

The evolution of modern medicine. A series of lectures delivered at Yale University on the Silliman Foundation in April, 1913.

New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1921.

The final text of these lectures, which Osler characterized as "an aeroplane flight over the progress of medicine through the ages," remained unfinished at Osler’s death, and Osler requested in his will that this and his other unfinished works not be published. In spite of this, the work was prepared for the press by Harvey Cushing, Edward Streeter, Fielding Garrison, and Leonard Mackall, and published two years after Osler's death. It remains one of the most interesting short histories of medicine, written in Osler’s usual charming style, and is still one of the best books with which to commence the study of medical history.

This was the first text that my historically-oriented physician father suggested I read regarding the history of medicine when I was about ten years old. Six and a half decades later I cannot remember how much of the text I comprehended at the time, but I recall that it made a favorable impression. We might say that it began to lay the groundwork for what came later.... - JMN.

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: History of Medicine: General Works
  • 37

Paulus Aegeneta [Opera] ed. J.L. Heiberg. Corpus Medicorum Graecorum IX. 2 vols.

Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 19211924.

Standard Greek text.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Late Antiquity, BYZANTINE MEDICINE, Collected Works: Opera Omnia, SURGERY: General
  • 7309

A new cave man from Rhodesia, South Africa.

Nature, 108, 371–372, 1921.

The first fossil human discovered in Africa: Homo rhodesiensis, commonly referred to as the Broken Hill Skull or the Kabwe Cranium.The skull, which most current experts classify as Homo heidelbergensis, was discovered in 1921 in a lead and zinc mine in Kabwe, Zambia (formerly Broken Hill, Rhodesia).

Subjects: ANTHROPOLOGY › Physical Anthropology, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Zambia, EVOLUTION › Human Origins / Human Evolution
  • 7746

Wunder in uns. Ein Bch von menschlichen Körper für Jedermann von Hanns Günther [Walter de Haas].

Zurich: Rascher, 1921.

Remarkable illustrations in the 1920's "modernizing" industrial style later, made more famous by Fritz Kahn (1888-1968) who got his start by contributing an essay to this work. Günther was the pseudonym of the popular science writer, Walter de Haas.

Subjects: Illustration, Biomedical
  • 9580

La radiologie et la guerre.

Paris: Félix Alcan, 1921.

Digital facsimile from BnF Gallica at this link.

  • 10196

Le bactériophage: Son rôle dans l'immunité.

Paris: Masson & Cie, 1921.

D'Hérrelle cited several actual reports of successful treatment of bacterial infections by the injection of bacteriophages in animals and humans. These may be considered early attempts at direct gene transfer in vivo (Wolff & Lederberg p. 11). The advent of antibiotics discouraged further investigation in this direction. Translated into English by George H. Smith as The bacteriophage: Its role in immunity. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1922. Digital facsimile of the 1921 edition from Google Books at this link, of the English translation at this link.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › Gene Therapy / Human Gene Transfer, IMMUNOLOGY, VIROLOGY, VIROLOGY › Bacteriophage
  • 10823

Early diagnosis of the acute abdomen.

London: Henry Frowde, 1921.

The classic treatise on the initial approach to abdominal pain. This work underwent its 22nd edition in 2011. 

Subjects: Emergency Medicine, PAIN / Pain Management, SURGERY: General
  • 11010

Diagnosis of protozoa and worms parasitic in man.

Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health, 1921.

Subjects: PARASITOLOGY › Protozoa
  • 11677

Traité des maladies congenitales du coeur.

Paris, 1921.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › Congenital Heart Defects
  • 11762

On a form of swine fever occurring in British East Africa (Kenya Colony).

J. Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics, 34, 159-191, 1921.

First description of African Swine Fever. Montgomery was "Veterinary Adviser to the Government of Uganda, formerly Veterinary Pathologist to the East Africa Protectorate."

  • 11920

Influenza: An epidemiological study. The American Journal of Hygiene. Monographic Series No. 1.

Baltimore, MD: The American Journal of Hygiene, 1921.

A comprehensive survey written two years after the pandemic, including historical information back to 1893. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: EPIDEMIOLOGY › Pandemics › Influenza › 1918 Pandemic (H1N1 virus), INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Influenza
  • 12069

Mortality statistics 1919. Twentieth annual report.

Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1921.

From "Influenza and pneumonia (All forms)" p. 28:

"In the later part of 1918 a pandemic of influenza swept over the country and did not fully spend its force until well into 1919....

"In the registration area (exclusive of Hawaii) the 189,326 deaths from influenza and pneumonia (all forms) in 1919 correspond to a rate of 222.4 per 100,000 population as against 479,038 deaths in 1918, with a rate of 588.7. Fully 79.8 per cent of the mortality from these causes in 1918 occurred in the last four months of the year, and as the pandemic continued into 1919, fully 83.2 per cent of the mortality from these causes in 1919 occured in the first six months of the year...."

Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: DEMOGRAPHY / Population: Medical Statistics, EPIDEMIOLOGY › Pandemics › Influenza › 1918 Pandemic (H1N1 virus)
  • 12254

Organon der Heilkunst. 6th edition.

Leipzig: Verlag von Dr. Willmar Schwabe, 1921.

Hahnemann completed his work for the 6th edition in 1842, a year before his death. After Hahnemann’s death in 1843, his widow, Mélanie Hahnemann, had a hand-written copy made of Hahnemann’s volume and notes. In 1920, James Ward and William Boericke, American homeopaths based in San Francisco, purchased both the interleaved volume and the manuscript copy. Richard Haehl, a German homeopath, acted as their agent. Haehl used the hand-written copy as the basis for the 6th edition, published in Germany in 1921. The interleaved volume was sent to Boericke in San Francisco, and he used it as the basis of the 1922 English-language edition.
Digital facsimile of Haehl's manuscript from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: ALTERNATIVE, Complimentary & Pseudomedicine › Homeopathy
  • 12446

Origin and history of all the pharmacopeial vegetable drugs, chemicals and preparations with bibliography... Prepared under the auspices of and published by the American Drug Manufacturers' Association, Washington, D.C. Vol. 1 Vegetable drugs

Cincinnati, OH: The Caxton Press, 1921.

Lloyd comprehensively collected and studied the historical literature, citing it throughout the text and in the numerous bibliographies of specific drugs in this work. The book includes a bibliography of historical sources citing 707 works.

Lloyd and his brothers endowed the Lloyd Library and Museum in Cincinnati, a institution concerning medical botany, pharmacy, eclectic medicine and horticulture.
Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

Subjects: PHARMACOLOGY › History of Pharmacology & Pharmaceuticals, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Materia medica / Herbals / Herbal Medicines › History of Materia Medica
  • 12620

A contribution to the histology and pathogenesis of pyorrhea alveolaris.

Dental Cosmos, 63, 215-226, 375-386, 1921.

Gottlieb was "the major periodontal investigator of the early 20th century. He extended the histopathologic studies of Znamensky.... His major contributions were in the nature of the epithelial attachment to the tooth and its apical migration as a manifestation of inflammatory periodontal disease, the biology of cementum, and its role in periodontal disease, trauma from occlusion, and active and passive tooth eruption" (Shklar and Chernin, Sourcebook of dental medicine (2002) 678.)

Subjects: DENTISTRY › Periodontics
  • 12923

A century of dental art. A centenary memoir 1820-1921.

London: Claudius Ash, Son & Co., 1921.

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: DENTISTRY › Dental Instruments & Apparatus, DENTISTRY › History of Dentistry
  • 793

The anatomy and physiology of the capillaries.

New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1922.

Silliman Lectures. Krogh was first to describe the adaptation of blood perfusion in muscle and other organs according to demands through opening and closing the arterioles and capillaries.

In 1920 Krogh received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "for the discovery of the mechanism of regulation of the capillaries in skeletal muscle." 

Besides his contributions to medicine, Krogh was one of the founders of the company known today as Novo Nordisk. 

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY, NOBEL PRIZES › Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
  • 961


New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1922.

An account of the work of the Oxford School of Physiology, in particular the Pike’s Peak expedition (No. 957). Second edition, 1935, with J. G. Priestley.

Subjects: Altitude or Undersea Physiology & Medicine, RESPIRATION
  • 660

Correlation of basal metabolic rate with pulse rate and pulse pressure.

J. Amer. med. Ass., 78, 1887-89, 1922.

Read’s formula for computation of basal metabolic rate.

Subjects: BIOCHEMISTRY › Metabolism
  • 4605.2

Right-sided hemi-hypertrophy resulting from right-sided congenital spastic hemiplegia, with a morbid condition of the left side of the brain, revealed by radiograms.

J. Neurol. Psychopath., 3, 134-39, 1922.

Sturge–Weber syndrome (see No. 4560.1).

Subjects: IMAGING › X-ray, NEUROLOGY › Diseases of the Nervous System
  • 1054.1

Studies on experimental rickets. XXI. An experimental demonstration of the existence of a vitamin which promotes calcium deposition.

J. biol. Chem., 53, 293-312, 1922.

Discovery of vitamin D. with N. Simmonds, J. E. Becker, and P. G. Shipley.

Subjects: NUTRITION / DIET › Deficiency Diseases › Rickets, NUTRITION / DIET › Vitamins
  • 1055

On the existence of a hitherto unrecognized dietary factor essential for reproduction.

Science, 56, 650-51, 1922.

Discovery of vitamin E. See also their later paper in J. Amer. med. Ass.,1923, 81, 889-92.

Subjects: NUTRITION / DIET › Vitamins, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 1035

The mechanics of the digestive tract.

New York: Paul B. Hoeber, 1922.

Includes (p. 111) his smooth diet for duodenal ulcer. Fourth edition entitled Introduction to gastro-enterology, 1950.

Subjects: GASTROENTEROLOGY › Anatomy & Physiology of Digestion
  • 4724

Eigenartige Erkrankung in extrapyramidalen System mit besonderer Beteiligung des Globus pallidus und der Substantia nigra.

Z. ges. Neurol. Psychiat., 79, 254-302, 1922.

The (extrapyramidal) syndrome of Hallervorden and Spatz.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Degenerative Disorders
  • 2185

Notes on the history of military medicine.

Washington, DC: Assoc. Mil. Surg., 1922.

Subjects: MILITARY MEDICINE, SURGERY & HYGIENE › History of Military Medicine
  • 83

Œuvres de Pasteur, réunies par Pasteur Vallery-Radot. 7 vols.

Paris: Masson & Cie, 19221939.

One of the founders of bacteriology, Pasteur's work on fermentation, the doctrine of spontaneous generation (which he exploded), virus diseases and preventive vaccinations, was fundamental. Digital facsimile of the complete works from BnF Gallica at this link. An early classic biography is René Vallery-Radot (1853-1933), La Vie de Pasteur, Paris, 1900. English translation, 2 vols., 1901. More recent scholarship includes Gerald Geison, The private science of Louis Pasteur (1995). One of the best modern biographies is Patrice Debré, Louis Pasteur, Paris: Flammarion, 1994. English translation by Elborg Forster, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1998.

Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY, BIOLOGY, Collected Works: Opera Omnia, IMMUNOLOGY, MICROBIOLOGY, VIROLOGY, Zymology (Zymurgy) (Fermentation)
  • 1164

Evaluation of the hormone of the infundibulum of the pituitary gland in terms of histamine, with experiments on the action of repeated injections of the hormone on the blood pressure.

J. Pharmacol., 20, 65-84, 19221923.

Subjects: Ductless Glands: Internal Secretion › Pituitary, ENDOCRINOLOGY › Pituitary
  • 137

The biology of death.

Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1922.

Raymond Pearl did important work on the subject of vital statistics.

Subjects: DEATH & DYING › Mortality Statistics, DEMOGRAPHY / Population: Medical Statistics
  • 2047

An essay on the history of electrotherapy and diagnosis.

London: Heinemann, 1922.

Subjects: THERAPEUTICS › Medical Electricity / Electrotherapy
  • 2048

The old English herbals.

London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1922.

Reprinted London, Minerva Press, 1972.

Subjects: BOTANY › History of Botany, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Materia medica / Herbals / Herbal Medicines › History of Materia Medica
  • 1713

The population problem: A study in human evolution.

Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1922.

Subjects: DEMOGRAPHY / Population: Medical Statistics, EVOLUTION
  • 1910.1

On a remarkable bacteriolytic element found in secretions and tissues.

Proc. roy. Soc. B., 93, 306-17, 1922.

Lysozyme, an antimicrobial enzyme that is a component of secretions such as tears and saliva.

Digital facsimile from at this link

  • 2412

A simple quantative precipitation reaction for syphilis.

Arch. Derm. Syph. (Chicago), 5, 570-78, 1922.

Kahn test.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES › Syphilis, Laboratory Medicine › Blood Tests
  • 2413

Studies in the standardization of the Wassermann reaction. XXX. A new complement-fixation test for syphilis based upon the results of studies in the standardization of technic.

Amer. J. Syph., 6, 82-110, 1922.

Kolmer test.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES › Syphilis, Laboratory Medicine › Blood Tests
  • 3086

Gangräneszierende Prozesse und Defekt des Granulocytensystems.

Dtsch. med. Wschr., 48, 1495-96, 1922.

“Schultz’s syndrome” – first description of agranulocytic angina. Schultz reported four cases of necrotic ulcerative infection of the throat with complete or almost complete disappearance of polymorphonuclears. To describe the blood change he introduced the term “agranulocytosis”.

Subjects: HEMATOLOGY › Blood Disorders
  • 212

The Rhodesian skull.

Brit. med. J., 1, 197-8, 1922.

Description of the skull found at Broken Hill, Rhodesia, in 1921.

Subjects: ANTHROPOLOGY › Paleoanthropology, ANTHROPOLOGY › Physical Anthropology, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Zambia, EVOLUTION › Human Origins / Human Evolution
  • 3136.1

Sickle-cell anemia.

J. Amer. med. Assoc., 79, 1318-20, 1922.

Mason gave sickle-cell anemia its present name.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Blood Disorders › Sickle-Cell Disease, HEMATOLOGY › Anemia & Chlorosis
  • 3545

Probleme und Technik der Gastroskopie, mit der Beschreibung eines neuen Gastroskops.

Arch. VerdauKr., 30, 133-66, 1922.

Schindler made gastroscopy a “method”. See also his paper in the Münch, med. Wschr., 1922, 69, 535-37.

Subjects: GASTROENTEROLOGY, INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments › Gastroscope
  • 3197.2

Klinische und experimentelle Beitrag zur krampflösenden Wirkung der Purinderivate.

Klin. Wschr., 1, 615-18, 1922.

Hirsch established the value of theophylline in the management of asthma.

  • 2896

Paravertebrale Novokaininjektionen zur Differentialdiagnose intra-abdomineller Erkrankungen.

Zbl. Chir., 49, 1510-12, 1922.

First paravertebral injection for the treatment of angina pectoris.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Coronary Artery Disease › Angina Pectoris
  • 3798

Endocrinology and metabolism presented in their scientific and practical clinical aspects by ninety-eight contributors. 5 vols.

New York: D. Appleton and Company, 19221924.

  • 3871

Crises solaires et hypertension paroxystique en rapport avec une tumeur surrénale.

Bull. Soc. méd. Hôp. Paris, 3 sér., 46, 982-90, 1922.

First full description of chromaffin cell tumors of the adrenal medulla. With J. Tinel and E. Doumer.

Subjects: ENDOCRINOLOGY › Adrenals, NEPHROLOGY › Renal Disease › Renal Hypertension, ONCOLOGY & CANCER
  • 3966

The internal secretion of the pancreas. (Abstract).

Amer. J. Physiol., 59, 479, 1922.

A preliminary one-page communication regarding the isolation of insulin, made to a meeting of the American Physiological Society in December 1921. Digital facsimile from at this link.

In 1923 Banting and Macleod were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "for the discovery of insulin." Banting was only 32 years old at the time. When I wrote this note in 2017 Banting remained the youngest person to receive the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. See also Nos. 1205, 3967 and 3968.

Subjects: Metabolism & Metabolic Disorders › Diabetes, NOBEL PRIZES › Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
  • 3968

Pancreatic extracts in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.

Canad. med. Ass. J., 12, 141-46, 1922.

The first clinical application of insulin in the treatment of diabetes. Co-authored by W. R. Campbell, and A. A. Fletcher. Digital facsimile from PubMedCentral at this link.

Subjects: Metabolism & Metabolic Disorders › Diabetes
  • 4272

A new method of perineal prostatectomy which insures more perfect functional results.

J. Urol. (Baltimore), 7, 339-51, 1922.

Geraghty’s modification of Young’s perineal prostatectomy.

Subjects: UROLOGY › Prostate
  • 3002

Traitement des varices par les injections phlébo-sclérosantes du salicylate de soude.

Gaz. Hôp. Paris, 95, 1573-75, 1922.

Introduction of sodium salicylate injections for the treatment of varicose veins. With J. Paraf and J. Lermoyez.

  • 3690.1

A textbook of clinical periodontia. A study of the causes and pathology of periodontal disease and a consideration of Its treatment.

New York: Macmillan, 1922.

“The first authoritative book in the field” (Ring). Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: DENTISTRY › Periodontics
  • 3691

An investigation into the aetiology of dental caries. I: The nature of the destructive agent and the production of artificial caries. II" The biological characteristics and distribution of B. acidolphilus odontolyticus. III: Further experiments on the production of artificial caries. IV: Accessory factors in dental caries. (1) Reaction of the saliva (2) Acid resistance of teeth.(3) Bacteriotropic action of saliva.

Brit. J. exp. Path., London, 3, 138-45; 5, 175-84; 6, 260-266, 19221925.

Isolation of Lactobacillus odontolyticus I and II from carious teeth. Digital facsimile of part 1 from PubMedCentral at this link. Digital facsimile of part 4 from PubMedCentral at this link.

Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY › BACTERIA (mostly pathogenic; sometimes indexed only to genus) › Gram-Positive Bacteria › Lactobacillus , DENTISTRY › Dental Pathology › Tooth Decay
  • 3691.1

The origin and evolution of the human dentition.

Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins, 1922.

Reprinted with revisions and new index from J. dent. Res., 1920, 2, 89-175, 215-426, 604-717; 1921, 3, 87-228.

Subjects: ANTHROPOLOGY › Paleoanthropology, ANTHROPOLOGY › Physical Anthropology, DENTISTRY › Dental Anatomy & Physiology, EVOLUTION › Human Origins / Human Evolution
  • 4150

A new eruptive fever associated with stomatitis and ophthalmia; report of two cases in children.

Amer. J. Dis. Child. 24, 526-33, 1922.

“Stevens-Johnson syndrome”, a generalized eruption, continued fever, inflamed buccal mucosa, and severe purulent conjunctivitis. B.A. Thomas (Brit. med. J., 1950, 1, 1393) believes this to be merely a severe form of Hebra’s erythema multiforme exudativum (No. 4049, p. 198).

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, OPHTHALMOLOGY › Diseases of the Eye › Conjunctivitis, PEDIATRICS
  • 5008

A glimpse into the history of the surgery of the brain.

London: Macmillan, 1922.

Thomas Vicary Lecture. First published in Lancet, 1922, 1, 111-16, 165-72.

Subjects: NEUROSURGERY › History of Neurosurgery
  • 5782

Cancer of the breast and its treatment. 2nd ed.

London: John Murray, 1922.

Sampson Handley advanced the theory that in mammary cancer metastasis is due to extension along lymphatic vessels – “lymphatic permeation” – and not to dissemination byway of the blood stream. The book was first published in 1906.

Subjects: ONCOLOGY & CANCER, SURGERY: General › Diseases of the Breast
  • 5369

Bibliography of hookworm disease.

New York: Rockefeller Foundation & International Health Board, 1922.

Contains 5,680 references to all aspects of hookworm disease, prefaced by a short history. Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Specific Diseases, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › DISEASES DUE TO METAZOAN PARASITES › Hookworm Disease
  • 5967

L’adaption compensatrice de l’oeil.

Ann. Oculist. (Brux.), 159, 625-37, 1922.

Introduction of the photometric spectacle lens.

  • 5393

The etiology and pathology of typhus. Being the main report of the Typhus Research Commission of the League of Red Cross Societies to Poland.

Cambridge, MA: The League of Red Cross Societies at the Harvard University Press, 1922.

The carefully controlled experiments of Wolbach, Todd, and Palfrey eliminated all doubt that R. prowazeki was the causal agent in typhus. Digital facsimile from the U.S. National Library of Medicine at this link.

Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY › BACTERIA (mostly pathogenic; sometimes indexed only to genus) › Rickettsiales › Rickettsia › Rickettsia prowazekii , INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Lice-Borne Diseases › Typhus
  • 5630.1

Removal of intrathoracic tumours by the trans-sternal route.

Brit J. Surg., 10, 4-14, 1922.

Dunhill’s operation for the removal of intrathoracic tumors.

Subjects: ONCOLOGY & CANCER, PULMONOLOGY › Thoracic Surgery, SURGERY: General › Surgical Oncology
  • 6221.1

A pathognomonic sign of intra-uterine death.

Surg. Gynec. Obstet., 34, 754-57, 1922.

Spalding’s sign” of fetal death.

  • 5255.2

A new malaria parasite of man.

Ann. trop. Med. Parasit., 16, 383-88, 1922.

Plasmodium ovale described.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Mosquito-Borne Diseases › Malaria, PARASITOLOGY › Plasmodia › P. vivax, P. falciparum, P. malariae, P. ovale, and P. knowlesi
  • 6508

Arab medicine and surgery. A study of the healing art in Algeria.

London: Oxford University Press, 1922.

Medicine, surgery and pharmacology as practiced among the nomadic Arabs in Algeria at time of writing.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Algeria, ISLAMIC OR ARAB MEDICINE › History of Islamic or Arab Medicine
  • 6348.1

Premature and congenitally diseased infants.

Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1922.

“The first book ever written dealing solely with premature and congenitally diseased infants” (Cone). Hess founded the first premature infant center in the United States at Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago.

  • 6352

Die Geschichte der Kinderheilkunde.

Berlin: Julius Springer, 1922.

Subjects: PEDIATRICS › History of Pediatrics
  • 6369

Geschwisterpaar mit adiposo-genitaler Dystrophie.

Dtsch. med. Wschr., 48, 1630, 1922.

Laurence–Moon–Biedl syndrome (see also No. 6368). Biedl’s cases were more fully described by W. Raab, in Wien. Arch. inn. Med., 1924, 7, 443-530.

Subjects: Conditions & Syndromes Not Classified Elsewhere
  • 6581

Über Medizin und Krankenpflege im Mittelalter in Schweizerischen Landen.

Zürich: Fuessli & Co., 1922.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Switzerland, MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › History of Medieval Medicine
  • 6609.1

Wunder, Wundgeburt und Wundergestalt in Einblattdrucken des 15-18. Jahrhunderts.

Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke, 1922.

History of teratology in art from 15th to 18th centuries.

Subjects: ART & Medicine & Biology, TERATOLOGY › History of Teratology
  • 57

Paracelsus: Sämtliche Werke…Herausg. von K. Sudhoff und W. Mathiessen. 14 vols.

Munich: O. W. Barth & Berlin: R. Oldenbourg, 19221933.

Paracelsus, a much-travelled man, was one of the most remarkable figures in medicine. He was first to write on miners’ diseases, to establish the relationship between cretinism and endemic goitre and to note the geographic differences in diseases. Sudhoff studied Paracelsus exhaustively. J. Hargrave published a biography in 1951. See also W. Pagel’s Paracelsus, Basel & New York, Karger, 1958.

Subjects: Collected Works: Opera Omnia, ENDOCRINOLOGY, Geography of Disease / Health Geography, OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & MEDICINE
  • 6863

Samuel Hahnemann, sein Leben und Schaffen. 2 vols.

Leipzig: Willmar Schwabe, 1922.

A standard work on the development of homeopathy and the life of Hahnemann. Digital facsimile of the 1922 German edition from the Hathitrust at this link. The work was translated into English as Samuel Hahnemann, His life and Work, Based on recently discovered State Papers, Documents, Letters, &c. by Marie J. Wheeler and W.H.R Grundy, and edited by J. H. Clarke and F. J. Wheeler, London: Homoeopathic Publishing Company, 1922. Digital facsimile of the English translation from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: ALTERNATIVE, Complimentary & Pseudomedicine › Homeopathy › History of Homeopathy, BIOGRAPHY (Reference Works) › Biographies of Individuals
  • 7649

Das Leben des Menschen. Eine volkstümliche Anatomie, Biologie, Physiologie und Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen. 5 vols.

Stuttgart: Kosmos, Gesellschaft der Naturfreunde / Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, 19221931.

By developing a new infographics style of illustration in which physiological processes and other technical medical and biological concepts were often depicted as, or compared to machines, Kahn made medical and biological information more widely accessible to the general public. Includes the famous large folding color graphic poster, Der Mensch als Industriepalast (98 x 49 cms). Also includes a pair of 3D glasses for viewing 3D images reproduced in the 5th volume.

Subjects: ANATOMY › 20th Century, ART & Medicine & Biology, BIOLOGY, EMBRYOLOGY, Graphic Medicine, Illustration, Biomedical, PHYSIOLOGY
  • 7832

Di un raro caso di osteite simmetrica ereditaria degli arti inferior.

Chirurgia degli Organi di Movimento, 6, 662-665, 1922.

"Camurati-Engelmann disease", a very rare autosomal dominant genetic disorder that causes characteristic anomalies in the skeleton. It is a form of dysplasia. See No. 4395.1.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Hereditary Disorders of the Skeleton, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 8712

South America from a surgeon's point of view.

New York, 1922.

Martin, "Director-General, American College of Surgeons," and Managing Editor, Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics, visited South American with William J. Mayo, who wrote the introduction. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Latin America, Latin American Medicine, VOYAGES & Travels by Physicians, Surgeons & Scientists
  • 9249

Die Zauberkraft des Auges und das Berufen. Ein Kapitel der Geschichte der Aberglaubens.

The Hague: J. Couvreur, 1922.

Subjects: Magic & Superstition in Medicine, OPHTHALMOLOGY › History of Ophthalmology
  • 9413

La maîtrise de soi-même par l'autosuggestion consciente.

Paris, 1922.

English translation as Self-mastery through conscious autosuggestion, New York: Markan Publishing Co., 1922. Digital facsimile of the English translation from the Internet Archive at this link.

  • 9933

History of American Red Cross nursing.

New York: The Macmillan Company, 1922.

By six authors. Also authored by Sarah Elizabeth Pickett, and Anna R. van Meter. Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › United States , NURSING › History of Nursing
  • 9985

Die homerische Medizin. Eine medizin-kulturhistorische Skizze.

Graz, Austria & Vienna: Leuschner & Lubensky's Universitaets-Buchhandlung, 1922.

Medicine in Homer.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Greece › History of Ancient Medicine in Greece, LITERATURE / Philosophy & Medicine & Biology › Poetry › Homer
  • 10819

Montaigne and medicine; being the essayist's comments on contemporary physic and physicians; his thoughts on many material matters relating to life and death; an account of his bodily ailments and peculiarities and of his travels in search of health.

London: Humphrey Milford, 1922.

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: LITERATURE / Philosophy & Medicine & Biology
  • 11722

All about coffee.

New York: The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal Company, 1922.

Covers the historical, technical, scientific, commercial, social and artistic dimensions of coffee. Second edition, 1935.  Digital facsimile of the 1922 edition from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Botanic Sources of Single Component Drugs › Coffee
  • 11919

The etiology and epidemiology of influenza.

Medicine, 1, 213-303, 1922.

Digital facsimile from Harvard Library at this link.

Subjects: EPIDEMIOLOGY › Pandemics › Influenza › 1918 Pandemic (H1N1 virus), INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Influenza
  • 12001

Early British botanists and their gardens, based on unpublished writings of Goodyer, Tradescant, and others. By R. T. Gunther.

Oxford: at the University Press, 1922.

Most of this book concerns John Goodyer, his life, his garden, a detailed 40-page catalogue of Goodyer's library, Goodyer's list of plants, lists of plants grown in English gardens, etc. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Natural History, BIBLIOGRAPHY › Catalogues of Physicians' / Scientists' Libraries, BOTANY › Botanical Gardens › History of Botanical Gardens
  • 12406

History of medicine and surgery and physicians and surgeons of Chicago. Endorsed and published under the supervision of the council of the Chicago Medical Society.

Chicago, IL: Biographical Publishing Corporation, 1922.

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

  • 12506

Bibliographiae stomatologicae.

Buffalo, NY: [Privately Printed], 1922.

An extensively annotated historical bibliography of dental bibliographies. Also published in Arthur D. Black, ed., Index of the periodical dental literature.... for 1916-1920 (Chicago, 1922) pp. xiv-liii. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

On p. 29 Weber claims to have compiled a bibliography of over 12,500 books, dissertations, and pamphlets concerning dentistry from 1490 to 1921. This huge multi-volume catalogue remained unpublished, and existed, he stated, in only a single manuscript copy.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Dentistry, DENTISTRY › History of Dentistry, DENTISTRY › Oral Pathology
  • 12637

Die epidemische Encephalitis. (Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiete der Neurologie und Psychiatrie. Bd. 30).

Berlin: Springer, 1922.

Felix Stern was the leading German specialist in encephalitis lethargica . No national statistics for this disease, first described in Vienna in 1916, were kept in Germany. For this reason, the data collected by Stern at the University Nerve Clinic in Göttingen, both in the first edition of 1922 and the enlarged second edition of 1928, is fundamental as a record of the epidemic that ended in 1926 in Germany. Stern estimated that at least 60,000 people contracted the disease in Germany. 

Subjects: EPIDEMIOLOGY › Pandemics › Encephalitis Lethargica 1915-1926, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Neuroinfectious Diseases › Encephalitis
  • 12656

Studies in the specific study of the bacteriology of dental cavities.

Military Dental Journal, 5, 199-214, 1922.

Rodríguez discovered that three types of the Lactobacillus species of bacteria, during the process of fermentation, are the causes of cavities. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY › BACTERIA (mostly pathogenic; sometimes indexed only to genus) › Gram-Positive Bacteria › Lactobacillus , DENTISTRY › Dental Pathology › Tooth Decay
  • 12842

Regional anesthesia: Its technic and clinical application. With a foreward by William J. Mayo.

Philadelphia: Saunders, 1922.

First work in English on regional anesthesia. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: ANESTHESIA › Local Anesthesia
  • 13884

Die Theologie und der ärztliche Stand.

Berlin: Walther Rothschild, 1922.

Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: MEDIEVAL MEDICINE , RELIGION & Medicine & the Life Sciences
  • 16

Hippocrates [Works] with an English translation by W.H.S. Jones, E.T. Withington, and Paul Potter. 12 vols.

Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 19232012.

Greek–English edition in the Loeb Classical Library

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Greece, Collected Works: Opera Omnia, Medicine: General Works
  • 794

Der Karotisdruckversuch.

Münch med. Wschr., 70, 1287-90, 1923.

  • 962

The velocity with which carbon monoxide displaces oxygen from combination with haemoglobin.

Proc. roy. Soc. B, 94, 336-67, 1923.

  • 963

The regulation of respiration.

J. Physiol. (Lond.), 24, 58, 81-91, 111-26, 1923.

Lumsden introduced the concept of subsidiary respiratory centers in the brain stem.

  • 907

L’hématoblaste, troisiéme élement du sang.

Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1923.

Hayem first named the hematoblasts in 1877 (Mém. Soc. Biol. (Paris), 1877, 29, 97). His view, reiterated in 1923, was that they were the early stages of red blood cells and regenerated the blood.

  • 1134

The acetonitril test for thyroid and of some alterations of metabolism.

Amer J. Physiol., 63, 257-99, 1923.

The acetonitril test was introduced by Hunt in 1905 (J. biol. Chem., 1, 33) and later modified by him. It shows the activity of thyroid preparations to be proportional to their iodine content.

Subjects: Ductless Glands: Internal Secretion › Thyroid, Parathyroids, ENDOCRINOLOGY › Thyroid
  • 1135

An elementary chemical study of the parathyroid glands of cattle.

Milit. Surg., 52, 280-84, 1923.

Hanson isolated the first really potent parathyroid extract.

Subjects: Ductless Glands: Internal Secretion › Thyroid, Parathyroids, ENDOCRINOLOGY › Thyroid
  • 1165

Further investigations on the oxytocic-pressor-diuretic principle of the infundibular portion of the pituitary gland.

J. Pharmocol., 22,289-316, 19231924.

Subjects: Ductless Glands: Internal Secretion › Pituitary
  • 1183

An ovarian hormone.

J. Amer. med. Ass., 81, 819-21, 1923.

Isolation of the active principle of the ovarian hormone (oestrin). More detailed account in J. biol. Chem., 1924, 61, 711-23.

Subjects: Ductless Glands: Internal Secretion › Gonads: Sex Hormones
  • 746

The possible significance of hexosephosphoric esters in ossification.

Biochem. J., 17, 286-93, 1923.

Records an important advance in the knowledge concerning the conversion of blood calcium into the insoluble calcium of bone.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Muskuloskeletal System › Physiology of Bone Formation
  • 1237.1

The mechanism of the elimination of phenolsulphonephthalein by the kidney–a proof of secretion by the convoluted tubules.

Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 34, 1-6, 1923.

Proof of tubular secretion in mammals.

Subjects: Genito-Urinary System › Kidney: Urinary Secretion, NEPHROLOGY › Renal Physiology
  • 1641.2

Contraception (birth control). Its theory, history and practice. A manual for the medical and legal professions.

London: John Bale, 1923.

The first formal handbook on birth control.

Subjects: Contraception , WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 138

The chemical basis of growth and senescence.

Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1923.

Subjects: BIOLOGY, GERIATRICS / Gerontology / Aging
  • 2117

Die Pfeilgifte, nach eigenen toxikologischen und ethnologischen Untersuchungen.

Leipzig: J. A. Barth, 1923.

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: ANTHROPOLOGY, TOXICOLOGY, TOXICOLOGY › History of Toxicology
  • 2252

Blood concentration changes in extensive superficial burns, and their significance for systemic treatment.

Arch. intern. Med., 32, 31-49, 1923.

F. P. Underhill, G. L. Carrington, R. Kapsinow, and G. T. Pack made important studies on the blood concentration following burns.

Subjects: Diseases Due to Physical Factors › Burns
  • 2426

Beiträge zur Geschichte der Syphilis: insbesondere über ihren Ursprung und ihre Pathologie in Ostasien.

Tokyo: Nankodo, 1923.

Gives, in an appendix, a list of writers on syphilis from 1495 to 1829.  Digital facsimile from at this link.

  • 2312.3

Paleopathology; an introduction to the study of ancient evidences of disease.

Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1923.

Surveys the ancient evidence of disease in plants, invertebrates and vertebrates, including man. 

Subjects: PATHOLOGY › Paleopathology
  • 1767

On airs, waters, and places. IN: his [Works] with an English translation by W. H. S. Jones, 1, pp. 65-137

London: Heinemann, 1923.

“The first book ever written on medical geography, climatology, and anthropology” (Garrison). The Latin translation of this text was first published in Rhazes’ Liber ad Almansorem, Milan, 1481. See No. 39.1. The standard Greek edition is Hippokrates überdie Umwelt. Herausgegeben und übersetzt von H. Diller, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum, I, 1,2, Berlin, 1970.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Greece, ANTHROPOLOGY, Bioclimatology, Geography of Disease / Health Geography
  • 2522

Manual of determinative bacteriology.

Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins, 1923.

The Society of American Bacteriologists appointed in 1920 a Committee on Characterization and Classification of Bacterial Types. Their reports were incorporated in the above Manual issued under the names of Bergey and his associates. The current edition of Bergey's manual of systematics of archaea and bacteria is published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. in Association with Bergey's Manual Trust.

Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY › Bacteria, Classification of
  • 2573.2
  • 3198

The soluble specific substance of pneumococcus.

J. exp. Med., 38, 73- 79; 40, 301-16, 19231924.

Heidelberger, Avery, and their colleagues made a chemical study of the antigenic constituents of the pneumococcus, separating the polysaccharide antigens.

  • 3087

Die Sternumtrepanation, ein einfache Methode zur diagnostischen Entnahme von Knochenmark bei Lebenden.

Dtsch. med. Wschr., 49, 180-81, 1923.

Bone marrow biopsy by sternal puncture.

Subjects: HEMATOLOGY › Blood Disorders
  • 3136.2

On the existence of more than four isoagglutinin groups in human blood.

Bull. Johns Hopk. Hosp., 34, 37-48, 80-88, 1923.

First genetic study of sickling.

Subjects: HEMATOLOGY › Anemia & Chlorosis
  • 2897

Angina pectoris.

London: H. Frowde, 1923.

A classic description of angina by “the beloved physician”, one of the greatest of all cardiologists. Mackenzie considered the disease to be due to cardiac failure.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Coronary Artery Disease › Angina Pectoris
  • 3609

Living sutures in the treatment of hernia.

Canad. med. Ass. J., 13, 469-80, 1923.

Gallie and LeMesurier used fascial sutures in their operation for inguinal hernia.

Subjects: SURGERY: General › Hernia
  • 3323

On the aetiology of the laryngeal papilloma.

Acta oto-laryng. (Stockh.), 5, 317-34, 1923.

In this classic paper Ullmann reported the transmission of the virus to animals.

Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Laryngology, VIROLOGY
  • 3797

Greffes testiculaires

Paris: Octave Doin, 1923.

Voronoff first reported his controversial experimental rejuvenation by means of testicular transplants in 1919.

Subjects: ENDOCRINOLOGY, Quackery
  • 2916

Die Röntgenographische Darstellung der Arterien und Venen am lebenden Menschen.

Klin. Wschr., 2, 2226-28, 1923.

Arteriography. First angiogram of a living patient.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Arterial Disease, CARDIOLOGY › Tests for Heart & Circulatory Function › Arteriography / Angiography, IMAGING › X-ray › Angiography / Arteriography / Venography
  • 4242

Ueber die Beseitigung giftiger Stoffe aus dem Blute durch Dialyse.

Münch. med. Wschr., 70, 1478-80, 1923.

First description of the experimental use of peritoneal dialysis in uremia.

Subjects: NEPHROLOGY › Renal Disease › Dialysis
  • 4243

Ueber Nierenveränderungen nach Verschüttung.

Virchows Arch. path. Anat., 245, 247-67., 1923.

Subjects: NEPHROLOGY › Renal Disease
  • 3404

Some experiences in the surgery of otosclerosis.

Acta. oto-laryng. (Stockh.), 5, 460-66, 1923.

Holmgren’s fenestration operation.

Subjects: OTOLOGY › Otologic Surgery & Procedures
  • 3969

The original method as used for the isolation of insulin in semipure form for the treatment of the first clinical cases.

J. biol. Chem., 55, xl-xli, 1923.

Collip improved insulin.

Subjects: Metabolism & Metabolic Disorders › Diabetes
  • 3030.1

Cardiotomy and valvulotomy for mitral stenosis. Experimental observations and clinical notes concerning an operated case with recovery.

Boston med. surg. J., 188, 1023-27, 1923.

Successful section of mitral valve for relief of mitral stenosis.

  • 3031

Ueber Erkennung und Behandlung der Umklammerung des Herzens durch schwielige Perikarditis.

Klin. Wschr., 2, 5-9, 1923.

First complete pericardiectomy for constrictive pericarditis.

  • 4390

Nouvelle observation d’acrocéphalosyndactylie.

Bull. Soc. méd. Hôp. Paris, 3 sér., 47, 1672-75, 1923.

With Tixier, Hue, and Kermorgant.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Cranialfacial Disorders, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases
  • 4391

Orthopaedic surgery.

London: H. Frowde, 1923.

Jones was a pupil of Hugh Owen Thomas and a pioneer of active surgical intervention in orthopedics. He advocated tendon transplantation, bone grafting, and other reconstructive and restorative procedures. He did much valuable work during the war of 1914-18, and he is one of the greatest figures in British orthopedics.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments
  • 4198.1

A new type of observation and operating cysto-urethroscope.

J. Urol., 10, 519-23, 1923.

McCarthy foroblique pan-endoscope.

Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Medical Instruments › Endoscope, UROLOGY
  • 4199

Roentgenography of the urinary tract during excretion of sodium iodide.

J. Amer. med. Assoc., 80, 368-73, 1923.

First use of sodium iodide in uretero-pyelography. With C. G. Sutherland and A. J. Scholl. 

Subjects: IMAGING › X-ray, UROLOGY
  • 4432

Recurrent or habitual dislocation of the shoulder-joint.

Brit. med. J., 2, 1132-33, 1923.

Blundell Bankart’s operation.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Fractures & Dislocations, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Shoulder
  • 5288

Chimiothérapie des trypanosomiasis.

Paris méd., 49, 501-08, 1923.

Introduction of moranyl (“Foumeau 309”).

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Triatomine Bug-Borne Diseases › Chagas Disease (American Trypanosomiasis) , PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Antiparasitic Drugs, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Chemotherapeutic Agents
  • 5705

Physiologic effects of ethylene; a new gas anesthetic.

J. Amer. med. Ass., 80, 765-70, 1923.

Introduction of ethylene.

  • 5706

Isoamyl ethyl barbituric acid-an anesthetic without influence on blood sugar regulation.

J. Lab. clin. Med., 9, 194-96, 1923.

Sodium amytal described.

  • 4990

La médecine psychologique.

Paris: E. Flammarion, 1923.

Janet’s summary of his work with hypnosis, including one of the most detailed histories of hypnosis available. English translation, as Psychological healing, 2 vols., 1925.

  • 5760

Die Operation der atrophischen und hypertrophischen Hängebrust.

Munch. med. Wschr., 70, 672, 1923.

Plastic operation for enlarged breasts.

  • 5538.1

On Rhinosporidium seeberi (Wernicke, 1903), with special reference to its sporulation and affinities.

Trans. roy. Soc. Edinb., 53, 301-42, 1923.

Ashworth was the first to show that Rhinosporidium was a fungus.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Mycosis, Mycology, Medical
  • 5193

Le stovarsol guérit rapidement la dysenterie amibienne.

Bull. Soc. Path. exot., 16, 79-81, 1923.

Introduction of stovarsol (oxyaminophenylarsenic acid) in the treatment of amoebiasis.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Amoebiasis
  • 6456

The medicine man: A sociological study of the character and evolution of shamanism.

New York: Macmillan, 1923.

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: ANTHROPOLOGY › Medical Anthropology, NATIVE AMERICANS & Medicine, SOCIAL MEDICINE, TRADITIONAL, Folk or Indigenous Medicine, TRADITIONAL, Folk or Indigenous Medicine › Shamanism / Neoshamanism
  • 6647

Hippocrates and his successors in relation to the philosophy of their time.

London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1923.

  • 5228

Epidemics I and III. In [Works] with English translation by W.H.S. Jones, 1, 139-287

London: Heinemann, 1923.

Hippocrates may be regarded as the first malariologist; he clearly and fully described the intermittent fevers; he was acquainted with seasonal and topographical variations in the distribution of malaria; and he recognized an association between marshes and fevers.

  • 6471.92
  • 7

Assyrian medical texts. From the originals in the British Museum.

London: Oxford University Press, 1923.

Facsimiles of the texts of 660 cuneiform medical tablets, many of which were hitherto unpublished, from the library of Ashurbanipal. The tablets date back to the seventh century B.C. No translations are included, but Thompson interpreted and systematized many of the texts in a later work (Proceedings Royal Society of Medicine, 1924, 17, Sect. Hist. Med., 1-34; 1926, 19, Sect. Hist. Med., 29-78). Digital facsimile from Stony Brook University at this link.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Mesopotamia, BIBLIOGRAPHY › Cuneiform
  • 6267

Epidemics 1, case 4. In: [Works] with an English translation by W.H. Jones.

London: Heinemann, 1923.

The earliest known description of puerperal fever.

  • 6488.1

History of Indian medicine. Containing notices, biographical, of the Ayurvedic physicians and their works on medicine, from the earliest ages to the present time. 3 vols.

Calcutta: University of Calcutta, 19231929.

Reprinted New Delhi, 1974.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › India › History of Ancient Medicine in India, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › India, INDIA, Practice of Medicine in › History of Practice of Medicine in India
  • 6349

Eine eigenartige Neurose des vegetativen Systems beim Kleinkinde.

Ergeb. inn. Med. Kinderheilk., 24, 100-22, 1923.

Feer described a vegetative neurosis (“Feer’s disease”) affecting infants and characterized by cyanosis of the extremities, recurrent sweating, tremor, motor weakness, rapid pulse, and insomnia. It was first described by Selter (No. 6344) and later by Swift, with whose names it is sometimes associated; it is also termed infantile acrodynia and pink disease.

  • 6353

History of pediatrics. In I. Abt, System of pediatrics, 1, 1-170.

Philadelphia, 1923.

Re-issued separately with an appendix on the history of pediatrics in recent times by A. F. Abt, Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1965.

Subjects: PEDIATRICS › History of Pediatrics
  • 6769

Incunabula medica. A study of the earliest printed medical books, 1467-1480.

Oxford: University Press, 1923.

Bibliographical Society Publication. Based on Osler’s presidential address to the Bibliographical Society in 1914, with minor editing for posthumous publication by Archibald Malloch and W. W. Francis. Introduction by A. W. Pollard. The work opens with an essay by Osler citing many early printed medical texts, including a detailed discussion of the earliest bloodletting calendars, showing the influence of the invention of printing upon the dissemination of medieval medical information. Next follows a descriptive list of 217 medical books printed to 1480. This list was edited, with an Editor's Note, by bibliographer Victor Scholderer. Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › 15th Century (Incunabula) & Medieval, BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographical Classics
  • 6422

A history of magic and experimental science. 8 vols.

New York: Columbia University Press, 19231958.

Vols. 1-2 deal with the first 13 centuries of the Christian era; vols. 3-4 with the 14th and 15th centuries, vols. 5-6 with the 16th century, and vols. 7-8 with the 17th century.

Subjects: MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › History of Medieval Medicine, Magic & Superstition in Medicine, Renaissance Medicine › History of Renaissance Medicine
  • 6724

Die Medizin der Gegenwart in Selbstdarstellungen. Hrsg. von L. R. Grote. 8 vols.

Leipzig: F. Meiner, 19231929.

Subjects: BIOGRAPHY (Reference Works)
  • 1672

Epidemics I and III. In: [Works] with an English translation by W.H.S. Jones.

1, 139-287, London: Heinemann, 1923.

Hippocrates introduced the inductive method of studying epidemics.

  • 4807

The sacred disease. In [Works]…edited with an English translation by W.H.S. Jones. 2, 127-83

London: Heinemann, 1923.

This includes the first mention of epilepsy in children. Hippocrates grouped all convulsive attacks together as ερα νο̂σος, the sacred disease. He did not employ the word έπίληψις, (which seems first to have been used in the 10th century by Avicenna) but the terms ρόν νόσημα, παθος παίδειον and νόσημα παίδειον. The standard Greek edition is Die hippokratische Schrift Über dieheilige Krankheit. Herausgegeben, übersetzt und erläutert von H. Grensemann, Berlin, 1968.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Child Neurology, NEUROLOGY › Epilepsy, PEDIATRICS
  • 7407

The elephant man and other reminiscences.

London: Cassell & Co., 1923.

The story of Treves's patient, Joseph Carey Merrick (1862-1890), incorrected identified by Treves in these reminiscences as "John Merrick." The story was retold in The elephant manBernard Pomerance's 1977 play about Joseph Merrick's life, as well as David Lynch's 1980 film The Elephant man in which Treves was portrayed by Anthony Hopkins

"The exact cause of Merrick's deformities is unclear. The dominant theory throughout much of the 20th century was that Merrick suffered from neurofibromatosis type I. In 1986, a new theory emerged that he had Proteus syndrome. In 2001, it was proposed that Merrick had suffered from a combination of neurofibromatosis type I and Proteus syndrome. DNA tests conducted on his hair and bones have proven inconclusive," Wikipedia article on Joseph Merrick, accessed 7-28-2016.)

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: BIOGRAPHY (Reference Works) › Autobiography, DERMATOLOGY, GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Inherited Neurological Disorders › Neurofibromatosis, NEUROLOGY › Diseases of the Nervous System › Neurofibromatosis
  • 7709

The antiquity of disease.

Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1923.

An account intended for general audiences, as compared to Moodie's Palaeopathology published the same year. Digital facsimile of The Antiquity of Disease from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: PATHOLOGY › Paleopathology
  • 8552

"Magistri Salernitani nondum cogniti": A contribution to the history of the Medical School of Salerno. By Pietro Capparoni. With a foreward by D'Arcy Power. (Wellcome Historical medical Museum. Research Studies in Medical History No. 2).

London: John Bale, 1923.

Physicans from the medical school at Salerno who were unknown to de Renzi (No. 6518). Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Italy, Education, Biomedical, & Biomedical Profession › History of Biomedical Education & Medical Profession, MEDIEVAL MEDICINE , MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › Italy, MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › Italy › Schola Medica Salernitana
  • 9077

American homeopathy in the world war. Edited by Frederick M. Dearborn.

Chicago, IL: Published by and under the Authority of the Board of Trustees of the American Institute of Homeopathy, 1923.

Reflective of the extent to which homeopathy remained in mainstream American medicine in the period immediately after World War I. Reproduces at the front of the book a letter from President Warren G. Harding congratulating American homeopathic physicians for their work during the war. Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: ALTERNATIVE, Complimentary & Pseudomedicine › Homeopathy › History of Homeopathy, MILITARY MEDICINE, SURGERY & HYGIENE, MILITARY MEDICINE, SURGERY & HYGIENE › World War I
  • 9294

Ethnobotany of the Menomini Indians.

Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee, 4, 1-174., 1923.

Digital facsimile from at this link.

  • 9321

Handbuch der Zoologie / Handbook of Zoology. Eine Naturgeschichte der Stämme des Tierreichs / A natural history of the phyla of the animal kingdom. Gegründet von / Founded by Willy Kükenthal. 8 vols., each expanded into many parts.

Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 19232005.

The Handbuch der Zoologie/Handbook of Zoology was founded by Willi Kükenthal in Berlin, and treated the complete animal kingdom from single cell organisms to mammals in eight thematic volumes: Volume I: Protozoa, Porifera, Colenteratea, Mesozoa (1925); Volume 2: Worms (1933/34); Volume 3: Arthropoda ex. Insecta (1927/1932); Volume 4: Arthopoda: Insecta; Volume 5: Solenogastres, Mollusca, Echinoderma (1925); Volume 6: Pisces / Amphibia (1930); Volume 7: Reptilia / Aves (1931); Volume VIII Mammalia. As knowledge in these subjects increased, all volumes were later broken into several parts, and the set eventually included about 100 printed volumes, with the final volumes appearing in 2005.

In April 2017 a complete list of printed volumes published, including authors, titles, dates, and pagination, was available from at this link. The publishers also announced that:

"Beginning in 2010 the Handbook of Zoology will be restructured and offered additionally as a database (Zoology Online) which can be easily searched and rapidly updated. The eight thematic volumes will be replaced with smaller and more flexible groupings that reflect the current state of phylogenetic knowledge. Faster publication times through online-prepublication, reference linking, forward linking and multimedia presentations will make the Handbook of Zoology highly attractive to both authors and users."

Handbook of Zoology Online was available from at this link.



Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Reference Works Digitized and Online, ZOOLOGY
  • 9333

The absorption and translocation of lead by plants: A contribution to the application of the method of radioactive indicators in the investigation of the change of substance in plants.

Biochem. J., 17 (4-5) 439-445, 1923.

The first application of radioactive tracers in biological studies. Digital facsimile from PubMedCentral at this link.

Hevesy received the 1943 Nobel Prize in Chemistry "for his work on the use of isotopes as tracers in the study of chemical processes."

Subjects: BIOCHEMISTRY, BOTANY, NOBEL PRIZES › Nobel Prize in Chemistry (selected), Nuclear Medicine
  • 11008

A history of the Massachusetts Medical Society: With brief biographies of the founders and chief officers, 1781-1922.

Norwood, MA: Privately Printed, 1923.

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: Societies and Associations, Medical, U.S.: CONTENT OF PUBLICATIONS BY STATE & TERRITORY › Massachusetts
  • 11567

Traumatic shock.

New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1923.

"In the fall of 1916, before the United States entered World War I, the National Research Council named Cannon a member of a committee on traumatic shock. Later he joined the Harvard University Hospital Unit. On his way to France in May 1917, he stopped in London and arranged with Fletcher, first secretary of the Medical Research Committee, to join the group of physicians and surgeons of the British Expeditionary Forces who were dealing with shock cases at the Casualty Clearing Station at Béthune. . . . Initially Cannon and his associates in the field concentrated their therapeutic efforts on treating the acidosis that accompanies shock. Later they recognized that the acidosis was merely a secondary phenomenon, the result of the inadequacy of tissue perfusion. In 1923 Cannon summarized his wartime experience in Traumatic Shock" (Dictionary of Scientific Biography).

  • 11685


Medicine, 2, 1-76, 1923.

"In their monumental 1945 paper on the surgical treatment of malformations of the heart, Alfred Blalock and Helen Taussig refer to this monograph: 'Lundsgaard and Van Slyke in their classic studies on the causes of cyanosis showed that there were four important factors in the production of cyansosis: the height of the hemoglobin, the volume of the venous blood shunted into the systemic circulation, the rate of utilization of oxygen by the peripheral tissues and the extent of the aeration of the blood in the lungs' " (W. Bruce Fye).

  • 11695

The transplantation of tissues. By Harold Neuhof with the collaboration of Samuel Hirshfeld.

New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1923.

Covers experimental and clinical transplantation with an extensive bibliography.

  • 12109

A treatise on influenza, with special reference to the pandemic of 1918.

North Lakhimpur, India: Published by the Author, 1923.

Sen, company doctor on the Hurmutty Tea Estate in Assam, estimated that the pandemic killed about 15,000,000 people in India.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › India, EPIDEMIOLOGY › Pandemics › Influenza › 1918 Pandemic (H1N1 virus), VIROLOGY › VIRUSES (by Family) › Orthomyxoviridae › Influenza A Virus › Influenza A virus subtype H1N1
  • 12116

Acute lymphadenosis compared with acute lymphatic leukemia, Part II - Hematologic studies.

Arch. Int. Med., 32, 82-112, 1923.

Downey characterized reactive lymphocytes, usually associated with viral illnesses, such as Epstein-Barr virus, but which can also be caused by drug reactions or other pathogens. He classified the cells into type 1, type 2, and type 3. They were later called "Downey cells".

(Thanks to Juan Weiss for this reference and its interpretation.)

  • 12588

The relation between home conditions and the intelligence of school children. From data collected by the late Mrs. Frances Wood. Privy Council. Medical Report Council. Special reports series No. 74.

London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1923.

Subjects: DEMOGRAPHY / Population: Medical Statistics, Environmental Science & Health, PEDIATRICS, PSYCHOLOGY › Child
  • 12594

Die Extrapyramidalen Erkrankungen: Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung der pathologischen Anatomie und Histologie und der Pathophysiologie der Bewegungsstörungen.

Berlin: Julius Springer, 1923.

Pages 218-245 represent Jakob's full clinical-pathologic description of the fifth patient that he first described in this work.The symptoms of this patient and the histopathopathologic illustrations correspond fully with 21st century understanding of Creutzfeld-Jakob disease.

(Thanks to Juan Weiss for this reference and its interpretation.)

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Prion Diseases, NEUROLOGY › Movement Disorders
  • 12756

Chronologia medica: A handlist of persons, periods and events in the history of medicine.

London: John Bale, Sons, and Danielsson, 1923.

An illustrated outline of people and events the authors considered significant in 1923. Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: History of Medicine: General Works
  • 12994

Handwörterbuch der Sexualwissenschaft. Enzyklopädie der natur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Sexualkunde des Menschen heraugegeben von Max Marcuse.

Bonn: A. Marucs & E. Webers Verlag, 1923.

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.  New edition with an introduction by Robert Jütte, Berlin & New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2001.

Subjects: Encyclopedias, SEXUALITY / Sexology
  • 14164

Vocabularium anatomiae latine-arabice.[Qāmūs al-tašrīḥ Lātīnī-‘Arabī].

Berlin: Morgen-und Abendland-Verlag, 1923.

Subjects: Dictionaries, Biomedical
  • 963.1

The determination of gases in blood and other solutions by vacuum extraction and manometric measurement.

J. biol. Chem., 61, 523-573, 1924.

Method for the manometric analysis of gases in blood and other solutions.

Subjects: BIOCHEMISTRY › Clinical Chemistry, HEMATOLOGY › Blood Gases
  • 562

Das reticulo-endotheliale System.

Ergebn. inn. Med., 26, 1-118, 1924.

In an earlier paper on this subject (Münch, med. Wschr., 1922, 69, 1352-56) Aschoff introduced the term “reticulo-endothelial system”; as early as 1914 he grouped certain phagocytic cells into his system.

Subjects: BIOLOGY › Cell Biology, DERMATOLOGY
  • 4506

Chronic arthritis in the adult, associated with splenomegaly and leucopenia.

Johns Hopk. Hosp. Bull., 35, 16-20, 1924.

“Felty syndrome”.

Subjects: RHEUMATOLOGY › Arthritis
  • 661


Berlin: Julius Springer, 1924.

A classic work on muscle tone and posture, a subject upon which Magnus spent many years of study. He demonstrated among other things that the labyrinth is the one sense organ entirely concerned with posture and equilibrium. In this book Magnus also described the reflexes involved in mammal posture. The Magnus & De Kleijn reflexes are named after Magnus and his colleague Adriaan de Kleijn (1883–1949). The head and neck reflexes of mammals cause the body to follow automatically when the head moves. He also researched the reflexes of the intestines and phenomena such as motion sickness. English translation, New Delhi, 1987.

Subjects: Neurophysiology, OTOLOGY › Vestibular System › Dizziness & Balance
  • 4605.3

Fingeragnosie. Eine umschriebene Störung der Orientierung am eigenen Körper.

Wien. klin. Wschr., 37, 1010-12, 1924.

Gerstmann’s syndrome, due to cerebral lesion. Translation in Arch. Neurol. Psychiat., 1971, 24, 475-76.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Diseases of the Nervous System
  • 4606

Some problems in neurology. No. 2. Pathological laughing and crying.

J. Neurol. Psychopath., 4, 299-333, 1924.

An important paper on the pathology of facial movements.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Diseases of the Nervous System
  • 795

Die Aenderung der Herzschlagzahl durch Aenderung des arteriellen Blutdruckes erfolgt aus reflektorischem Wege; gleichzeitig eine Mitteilung über die Funktion des Sinus caroticus, beziehungsweise der Sinusnerven.

Pflüg. Arch. ges. Physiol., 206, 721-3, 1924.

First description of the structure and function of the sinus nerve and the reflex character of carotid pressure.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY › Cardiovascular System, NEUROSCIENCE › Neurophysiology
  • 856

Die Arterien der Herzwand.

Leipzig: S. Hirzel, 1924.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Arterial Disease, CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY › Anatomy of the Heart & Circulatory System
  • 1036

Basal metabolism in health and disease.

Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1924.

Subjects: BIOCHEMISTRY › Metabolism, Metabolism & Metabolic Disorders
  • 907.1

Ergebniss einer biostatischen zusammenfassenden Betrachtung über die erblichen Blutstrukturen des Menschen.

Klin. Wschr., 3, 1495-97, 1924.

Bernstein, a mathematician, determined the correct blood group inheritance pattern of multiple alleles at one locus through statistical analysis.

  • 908

Relation of blood cells to connective tissues and endothelium.

Physiol. Rev., 4, 533-63, 1924.

Maximow’s blood regeneration theory.

  • 1305

The compound nature of the action current of nerve as disclosed by the cathode ray oscillograph.

Amer. J. Physiol. 70, 624-66, 1924.

In 1944 Erlanger and Gasser shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "for their discoveries regarding the highly differentiated functions of single nerve fibers."

Subjects: NEUROSCIENCE › NERVOUS SYSTEM › Peripheral Nerves / Nerve Impulses, NOBEL PRIZES › Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
  • 1306

The theory of decrementless conduction in narcotised region of nerve.

Tokyo: Nankodo, 1924.

Kato made valuable investigations on nerve conduction. A second volume, Further studies, appeared in 1926.

Subjects: NEUROSCIENCE › NERVOUS SYSTEM › Peripheral Nerves / Nerve Impulses
  • 1570

The mechanism of the cochlea. A restatement of the resonance theory of hearing.

London: Macmillan, 1924.

Subjects: OTOLOGY , OTOLOGY › Physiology of Hearing
  • 86.3

Surgical papers.[Edited by Walter C. Burket]. 2 vols.

Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1924.

In spite of an addiction to cocaine hydrochlorate from experimentation with it as a surgical anesthetic in 1884 until his death, Halsted was among the greatest of all surgical innovators and teachers. While pioneering important new procedures, he developed the modern system of residency training and was the first to use rubber gloves in surgery. Like Lister, Halsted never wrote any books; his collected papers remain his lasting monument. Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: Collected Works: Opera Omnia, SURGERY: General , TOXICOLOGY › Drug Addiction
  • 1184

The induction of a sexually mature condition in immature females by injection of the ovarian follicular hormone.

Amer. J. Physiol., 69,577-88, 1924.

Test for recognition of the estrus hormone.

Subjects: Ductless Glands: Internal Secretion › Gonads: Sex Hormones
  • 530

Über Induktion von Embryonalanlagen durch Implantation artfremder Organisatoren.

Wilhelm Roux Arch. Entw. Mech. Org., 100, 599-638, 1924.

This was Hilde Mangold's thesis. Spemann designed the experiment, and Mangold performed the work, and was the co-discoverer of the "organizer," the chemical that directs the embryonic development of tissues and organs. Spemann added his name to Mangold's paper over her objections. Digital facsimile of the English translation by Viktor Hamburger is available at See also Spemann's Experimentelle Beiträge zu einer Theorie der Entwicklung. Deutsche Ausgabe der Silliman Lectures gehalten an der Yale University im Spätjahr 1933 (Berlin: Julius Springer, 1936). Translated into English as Embryonic development and induction (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1938). See Hamburger, The heritage of experimental embryology: Hans Spemann and the organizer. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.

In 1935 Spemann was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "for his discovery of the organizer effect in embryonic development." Because Mangold died at the early age of 26 when the gas heater in her apartment exploded, she was unable to share the Nobel Prize with Spemann.


Subjects: EMBRYOLOGY, NOBEL PRIZES › Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine , WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 748

Chemical dynamics of life phenomena.

Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1924.

  • 747

Studies in nuclein metabolism. II. The isolation of a nucleotide from human blood.

J. biol. Chem., 59, 529-34, 1924.

Jackson demonstrated the existence of pentose nucleotides in normal blood.

  • 1787

The Assyrian herbal: A monograph on the Assyrian vegetable drugs, the subject matter of which was communicated in a paper to the Royal Society, March 20, 1924.

London: Luzac, 1924.

A study of Assyrian material medical reproduced by cyclostyle, in the author's handwriting.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Mesopotamia, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Materia medica / Herbals / Herbal Medicines
  • 1238

A description of the glomerular circulation in the frog’s kidney and observations concerning the action of adrenalin and various other substances upon it.

Amer. J. Physiol, 71, 178-208, 1924.

Richards made many experiments concerning the secretion of urine. Among other things he collected and analysed the fluid from a single glomerulus; his work confirmed the theories of Ludwig and Cushny.

Subjects: Ductless Glands: Internal Secretion › Adrenals, Genito-Urinary System › Kidney: Urinary Secretion, NEPHROLOGY › Renal Physiology
  • 1239

Observations on the composition of glomerular urine with particular reference to the problem of reabsorption in the renal tubules.

Amer. J. Physiol., 71, 209-27, 1924.

Experimental proof that the initial step in urine production is the formation in Bowman’s space of a protein-free ultrafiltrate of plasma and that reabsorption of certain substances must occur in the tubules since they were present in the filtrate but absent from the final urine. One of the most significant of all publications in renal physiology.

Subjects: Genito-Urinary System › Kidney: Urinary Secretion, NEPHROLOGY › Renal Physiology
  • 1240

The secretion of urine as studied on the isolated kidney.

Proc. roy. Soc. B 97, 321-63, 19241925.

Demonstration that the anti-diuretic action of vasopressin is exerted directly on the kidney, and that tubules of the kidney reabsorb water.

Subjects: Genito-Urinary System › Kidney: Urinary Secretion, NEPHROLOGY › Renal Physiology
  • 1442

Experimental researches on sensory localization in the cerebral cortex of the monkey (Macacus).

Proc. roy. Soc. B, 96, 272-91, 1924.

Dusser de Barenne demonstrated the major functional subdivisions of the sensory cortex.

Subjects: ANATOMY › Neuroanatomy › Comparative Neuroanatomy, NEUROSCIENCE › NERVOUS SYSTEM › Brain, including Medulla: Cerebrospinal Fluid
  • 1443

Reflexes in response to stretch (myotatic reflexes).

Proc. roy. Soc. B, 96, 212-42; 97, 267-83, 1924, 1925.

This investigation of the stretch reflex was of value in elucidating muscle tone and posture.

Subjects: NEUROSCIENCE › NERVOUS SYSTEM › Brain, including Medulla: Cerebrospinal Fluid
  • 139

Regeneration from a physico-chemical viewpoint.

New York: McGrawHill Book Co., 1924.

Subjects: BIOLOGY › Regeneration
  • 2049

Malati medici e farmacisti: Storia dei rimedi traverso i secoli e delle teorie che ne spiegano l’azione sull’organismo. 2 vols.

Milan: V. Hoepli, 19241925.

Second edition, 1947-51.

Subjects: PHARMACOLOGY › History of Pharmacology & Pharmaceuticals
  • 2086


Berlin: G. Stilke, 1924.

The classic of psychoactive drug classification. Lewin established the following categories: Euphorics, Phantastics, Inebriants, Hypnotics, and Excitants. English translation, 1931.

  • 2440.1

A plea for the early recognition of leprosy, with notes on diagnosis and methods.

J. Philippine med. Ass., 4, 132-40, 1924.

The scraped-incision slit-skin method for bacterial examination in leprosy.

  • 2602

Vascular reactions of the skin to injury. II. The liberation of a histamine-like substance in injured skin; the underlying cause of factitious urticaria and of wheals produced by burning; and observations upon the nervous control of certain skin reactions.

Heart, 11, 209-65, 1924.

Lewis postulated that a histamine-like substance (“H-substance”) was responsible for the anaphylaxis symptom-complex. See also The blood-vessels of the human skin and their responses, 1927 (No. 797).

  • 2343

Essai d’immunisation contre l’infection tuberculeuse.

Bull. Acad. Med. (Paris), 3 sér., 91, 787-96, 1924.

B.C.G. (Bacille Calmette–Guérin) vaccine was first produced in 1906 and subcultured for 13 years. It was first used as a prophylactic against tuberculosis in children in 1921. It remained in use in 2020. See also No. 2346.

Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY › BACTERIA (mostly pathogenic; sometimes indexed only to genus) › Gram-Positive Bacteria › Mycobacterium › Mycobacterium bovis, IMMUNOLOGY › Immunization, IMMUNOLOGY › Vaccines, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Tuberculosis
  • 1758

The doctor’s oath, an essay in the history of medicine.

Cambridge, England: University Press, 1924.

The Hippocratic Oath forms the basis of medical ethics. It was probably an ancient temple oath of the Asclepiadae, and not a genuine Hippocratic document. In the above work the various manuscripts of the Oath are enumerated and critically discussed.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Greece › History of Ancient Medicine in Greece, Ethics, Biomedical
  • 1766.603

The medical sciences in the German Universities: a study in the history of civilization. Translated by William H. Welch.

New York: Macmillan, 1924.

German edition first published in 1876.

Subjects: Education, Biomedical, & Biomedical Profession
  • 2646

The formation of a cancer-producing substance from isoprene (2-methyl-butadiene).

J. Path. Bact., 27, 233-38, 1924.

Kennaway produced carcinogenic tars by submitting acetylene or isoprene to high temperatures in an atmosphere of hydrogen, thus proving that some carcinogens are pure hydrocarbons.

  • 2854

Rheumatic heart disease.

Bristol: John Wright, 1924.

The first systematic textbook on rheumatic heart disease.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Rheumatic Heart Disease
  • 2855

A hitherto undescribed form of valvular and mural endocarditis.

Arch. intern. Med., 33, 701-37, 1924.

“Libman–Sacks disease”.

  • 2573.1

The genetics of tissue transplantation in mammals.

J. Cancer Res.8, 75-95, 1924.

Little established that the homograft reaction was due to genetic differences between donor and recipient.

  • 3199

L’exploration radiologique des cavités broncho-pulmonaires par les injections intra-trachéales d’huile iodée.

J. méd. franç., 13, 3-9, 1924.

Bronchography was advanced by the work of Sicard and Forestier on the intratracheal introduction of lipiodol.

Subjects: IMAGING › X-ray, PULMONOLOGY › Bronchoscopy
  • 3324

Technic of a pan-sinus operation.

South. med. J., 17, 289-92, 1924.

Independently of Howarth (No. 3322), Lynch devised an operation for the conservative treatment of sinusitis.

Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Rhinology
  • 3652

Roentgenologic examination of the gallbladder.

J. Amer. med. Assoc., 82, 613-14, 1924.

Introduction of cholecystography.

Subjects: HEPATOLOGY › Diseases of the Gallbladder, Biliary Tract, & Pancreas, IMAGING › X-ray
  • 3653

Studies in hepatic function. VI. A. The pharmacological behavior of certain dyes. B. The value of selected phthalein compounds in the estimation of hepatic function.

J. Pharmacol, 24, 265-88, 1924.

Bromsulphthalein test for liver function.

Subjects: HEPATOLOGY › Tests for Liver Function
  • 3851

The value of iodine in exophthalmic goitre.

J. Iowa med. Soc., 14, 66-73, 1924.

Plummer and Boothby recommended the pre-operative administration of iodine in exophthalmic goitre.

Subjects: ENDOCRINOLOGY › Thyroid
  • 2916.1

Intra-arterial injection of sodium iodide: Preliminary report.

J. Amer. med. Assoc., 82, 1016-19, 1924.

Clinical angiography.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › Tests for Heart & Circulatory Function › Arteriography / Angiography, IMAGING › X-ray › Angiography / Arteriography / Venography
  • 2916.2

A clinical study of diseases of the circulation of the extremities; a description of a new method of examination.

Arch. Surg. (Chicago), 9, 485-503, 1924.

Femoral arteriography.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Arterial Disease, CARDIOLOGY › Tests for Heart & Circulatory Function › Arteriography / Angiography, IMAGING › X-ray › Angiography / Arteriography / Venography
  • 4244

An unexplained diazo-colour-reaction in uraemic sera.

Lancet, 1, 590-91, 1924.

Diazo-color test of renal function.

Subjects: NEPHROLOGY › Renal Physiology › Tests for Kidney Function
  • 3405

Atlas of otology illustrating the normal and pathological anatomy of the temporal bone. 2 vols.

Glasgow: Maclehose (Jackson), 19241933.

Subjects: OTOLOGY › Anatomy of the Ear, OTOLOGY › Aural Pathology
  • 3405.1

Binaural minimum audition in a subject with ranges of deficient acuity.

Proc. Soc. exp. Biol. (N.Y.), 21, 335-37, 1924.

First demonstration of the phenomenon of loudness recruitment.

Subjects: OTOLOGY › Diseases of the Ear, OTOLOGY › Physiology of Hearing
  • 3970


Int. Clin., 34 ser., 4, 109-16, 1924.

Subjects: Metabolism & Metabolic Disorders › Diabetes
  • 3016

Ein durch die Trendelenburgsche Operation geheilter Fall von Embolie der Art. pulmonalis.

Arch. klin. Chir., 133, 312-59, 1924.

First successful surgical treatment of pulmonary embolism, a procedure suggested by Trendelenburg in 1908 (see No. 3012).

  • 4893

The influence of the sympathetic nervous system in the genesis of the rigidity of striated muscle in a spastic paralysis.

Surg. Gynec. Obstet., 39, 721-43, 1924.

Hunter believed in the sympathetic innervation of skeletal muscle and on this assumption devised the technique of sympathetic ramisection carried out by Royle (No. 4894). Biography by M.J. Blunt, Sydney, 1985.

  • 4894

A new operative procedure in the treatment of spastic paralysis and its experimental basis.

Med. J. Aust., 1, 77-86, 1924.

Sympathetic ramisection. See also Surg. Gynec. Obstet., 1924, 39, 701-20.

  • 5069

Ueber cutane Hautreaktion mittels Diphtherie-Toxin zum Nachweis der Diphtherie-Immunität.

Klin Wschr., 3, 1317-18, 1924.

The “scratch test”, a cutaneous reaction for determination of susceptibility to diphtheria.

Subjects: IMMUNOLOGY, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Diphtheria, Laboratory Medicine › Diagnostic Skin Tests
  • 5082

A skin test for susceptibility to scarlet fever.

J. Amer. med. Assoc., 82, 265-66, 1924.

The “Dick test” for the determination of individual susceptibility to scarlet fever.

Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY › BACTERIA (mostly pathogenic; sometimes indexed only to genus) › Gram-Positive Bacteria › Streptococcus , INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Scarlet Fever, Laboratory Medicine › Diagnostic Skin Tests, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 5082.1

The etiology of scarlet fever.

J. Amer. med. Assoc., 82, 301-02, 1924.

Proof that streptococcus is the cause of scarlet fever.

Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY › BACTERIA (mostly pathogenic; sometimes indexed only to genus) › Gram-Positive Bacteria › Streptococcus , INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Scarlet Fever, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 5083

A scarlet fever antitoxin.

J. Amer. med. Assoc., 82, 1246-47, 1924.

Following their successful attempts to establish individual susceptibility to scarlet fever, these workers prepared an antitoxin for immunization.

Subjects: IMMUNOLOGY › Immunization, IMMUNOLOGY › Toxin-Antitoxin, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Scarlet Fever, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 5084

The significance of Streptococcus hemolyticus in scarlet fever and the preparation of a specific anti-scarlatinal serum by immunization of the horse to Streptococcus hemolyticus-scarlatinae.

J. Amer. med. Assoc., 82, 542-44, 1924.

Dochez and Sherman immunized a horse by repeated injections of scarlet fever toxin. A serum obtained from the horse blanched a scarlet fever rash and, when injected subcutaneously, caused marked amelioration of the early symptoms. They also confirmed the relation of streptococci to scarlet fever.

Subjects: IMMUNOLOGY › Immunization, IMMUNOLOGY › Toxin-Antitoxin, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Scarlet Fever, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 4392

Hypertelorism. A hitherto undifferentiated congenital cranio-facial deformity.

Edinb. med. J., 31, 560-93, 1924.

First description of hypertelorism as a separate entity.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Cranialfacial Disorders, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton › Congenital Diseases , PLASTIC & RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY › Cranialfacial Surgery
  • 4392.1

The reconstruction operation for arthritis deformans of the hip-joint.

Ann. Surg., 80, 779-785, 1924.

The first sustained attempt to relieve osteoarthrosis of the hip by surgical means other than fusion.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Hip
  • 5301.1

On a Herpetomonas found in the gut of the sandfly, Phlebotomus argentipes, fed on kala-azar patients.

Indian med. Gaz., 59, 593-97, 1924.

Demonstration that L. donovani is capable of reproduction in Phlebotomus. With R. O. Smith.

Subjects: INDIA, Practice of Medicine in, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Sandfly-Borne Diseases › Leishmaniasis, PARASITOLOGY
  • 5327

Observations on the causal organism of rat-bite fever in man.

Ann. trop. Med. Parasit.,16, 157-75, 1924.

Robertson proved one of the causal organisms of rat-bite fever to be Sp. morsus muris. He re-named it Spirillum minus Carter, 1887, identifying it as the first spiral micro-organism to be described from a rodent.

Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY › BACTERIA (mostly pathogenic; sometimes indexed only to genus) › Gram-Negative Bacteria › Spirillium, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Animal Bite Wound Infections › Rat-Bite Fever
  • 6129

Biologie und Pathologie des Weibes. Hrsg. von 8 vols.

Berlin: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 19241929.

Second edition, 10 vols. & index, 1941-55.

  • 6252

Césarienne suivie d’extériorisation temporaire de l’utérus et de réintégration secondaire dans le bassin.

Bull. Soc. Obstét. Gynéc. Paris, 13, 171-76, 1924.

Portes operation – the classic Caesarean section followed by temporary exteriorization of the uterus. More fully described in Gynéc. et Obstét., 1924, 10, 225-50.

Subjects: OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY › OBSTETRICS › Caesarian Section
  • 6296

Geschichte der Gynäkologie. In: J. von Halban and L. Seitz: Biologie und Pathologie des Weibes.1, 1-202.

Berlin, 1924.

Subjects: OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY › GYNECOLOGY › History of Gynecology
  • 6512

Die Medizin im Avesta.

Leipzig: Pfeiffer, 1924.

The Avesta (Persian: اوستا) is the primary collection of religious texts of Zoroastrianism, composed in the otherwise unrecorded Avestan language.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Iran (Persia), MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › Medieval Persian Islamic Medicine, RELIGION & Medicine & the Life Sciences
  • 6350

The food requirements of malnourished infants with a note on the use of insulin.

J. Amer. med. Ass., 83, 600-03, 1924.

Marriott introduced the insulin-fattening method of treatment of malnutrition in infants.

  • 6372

Aleukämische Reticulose. (Ein Beitrag zu den proliferativen Erkrankungen des Retikuloendothelialapparates.)

Frankf. Z. Path., 30, 377-94, 1924.

“Letterer–Siwe disease”; see also No. 6373.

Subjects: Conditions & Syndromes Not Classified Elsewhere
  • 6653


Poznan, Poland & Warsaw, Poland, 1924.

Original title, Archiwum Historii i Filozofii Medycyny; title shortened 1957.

Subjects: Periodicals Specializing in the History of Medicine & the Life Sciences
  • 1344

Ueber humorale Uebertragbarkeit der Herznervenwirkung

Pflüg. Arch. ges. Physiol., 206, 123-40; 214, 678-96, 1924, 1926.

Established the presence of cholinesterase and that in vitro eserine inhibited this esterase.

Subjects: NEUROSCIENCE › NERVOUS SYSTEM › Chemical Mediation of Nervous Impulses
  • 4687

Une nouvelle maladie infectieuse du système nerveux central?

Acta paediat. (Stockh.), 4, 158-82, 1924.

Acute lymphocytic choriomeningitis (aseptic meningitis syndrome) first described.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Neuroinfectious Diseases › Meningitis, NEUROLOGY › Inflammatory Conditions › Cerebrospinal Meningitis
  • 7097

A bibliography of American natural history. The pioneer century. The role played by the scientific societies; scientific journals; natural history museums and botanic gardens; state geological and natural history surveys; federal exploriing expeditions in the rise and progress of American botany, geology, mineralogy, paleontology and zoology. 3 vols.

Brooklyn, NY: The Premier Publishing Co., 19241929.

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Natural History, BOTANY, BOTANY › History of Botany, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › United States , MUSEUMS › History of Museums, MUSEUMS › Natural History Museums / Wunderkammern, NATURAL HISTORY, ZOOLOGY, ZOOLOGY › History of Zoology
  • 7156

Corpus hippiatricorum Graecorum. 2 vols. 1. Hippiatrica Berolinensia. 2. Hippiatrica Parisina, Cantabrigiensia, Londinensia, Lugdunensia; Appendix.

Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 19241927.

Subjects: BYZANTINE MEDICINE › Byzantine Veterinary Medicine, VETERINARY MEDICINE
  • 7384

Proiskhozhedenie Zhizni.

Moscow: Mosckovskii Rabochii, 1924.

Oparin’s central thesis was that the first organisms to emerge in the anaerobic environment of the primitive Earth must have been heterotrophic bacteria. He proposed that life had been preceded by a lengthy period of abiotic syntheses and accumulation of organic compounds that had led to the accumulation he called the primordial soup. Reprinted and translated in J. D. Bernal, The Origin of Life, London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1967. Also translated by NASA as The origin and development of life (NASA TTF-488) Washington, D.C., 1968. See Lascano, "Historical development of origins research", Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 2010 Nov; 2(11). doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a002089 .

Subjects: BIOCHEMISTRY, BIOLOGY › Astrobiology / Exobiology / Abiogenesis
  • 9334

Radiochemical method of studying the circulation of lead in the body.

C. R. Acad. Sci. (Paris), 179, 291, 1924.

First application of radioactive tracers in animals, specifically rabbits and guinea pigs. See also Hevesy et al, "Radiochemical method of studying the circulation of bismuth in the body," C. R. Acad. Sci. (Paris) 178 (1924) 1324.

Subjects: BIOCHEMISTRY, Nuclear Medicine
  • 9919

Die Klimate der geologischen Vorzeit.

Berlin: Gebrüder Bornträger, 1924.

Translated as The climates of the geological past. Die Klimate der geologischen Vorzeit. Reproduction of the original German edition and complete English translation. Faksimile-Nachdruck der deutschen Originalausgabe und komplette englische Neuübersetzung. Edited by Jörn Thiede; Karin Lochte; Angelika Dummermuth. Translated by Bernard Oelkers. Stuttgart, Schweizerbart, 2015.

"Wegener is best known for his theory of continental drift (The Origin of the Continents and Oceans, 1915). Less widely known, but equally important, are the studies he conducted on the climates of the past (with his colleague and father-in-law, Wladimir Köppen), which they jointly published (this book). Only one edition of the book was published, but unfortunately, all – save a few private copies – were destroyed during the second World War, rendering the book essentially unavailable. 
This English translation ... includes the ‘Supplements and Corrections’ by ­Wladimir Köppen to this book, published in 1940, shortly before his death and a decade after Alfred Wegener’s untimely death on Greenland. The translation (and the facsimile) have both been enhanced by subject indices, which the original book was lacking.

"The discussion of the course and causal relationship of climates and climate change in the geological past are of principal scientific interest. Important elements of the discussions herein stem from the close collaboration with Milutin Milankovitch (who contributed entire sections of text, but is not named as an author). Building on the principles of the Milankovitch frequencies allowed Köppen and Wegener – for the first time, early in the last century – to establish a precise time scale of Late Cenozoic glacial-inter­glacial cycles. More recently, the orbital parameters originally calculated by Milankovitch were refined using time series data from deep-sea sediments and ice cores. Furthermore, Milankovitch’s cycles may be extrapolated into the future to predict climate change. This very book, in which Köppen and Wegener roll out their theory, is therefore an important publication which has early on shaped our understanding of how climate has evolved and continuously evolves in the course of time." (publisher).

Subjects: Bioclimatology › Paleoclimatology, EVOLUTION › Human Origins / Human Evolution
  • 10592

The surgical treatment of mitral stenosis: Experimental and clinical studies.

Arch. Surg., 9, 689-821, 1924.

The first successful operations on the mitral valves, published in a paper of monograph length. As Surgeon-in-Chief of Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, under whom Beck, Cutler, and Levine worked, Harvey Cushing reported, "Dr. Beck has largely been engaged during the fall semester assisting Dr. Cutler in his experiments concerned with the future operative surgery of cardiac derangements. It is to the great credit of the Brigham Hospital that the first successful operation for mitral stenosis to be recorded has been the outcome of this work. Unless all signs fail, were are on the eve of a new surgical specialty of the great promise- a specialty dealing with the chronic disorders of the heart" (Cushing, 10th Annual Report of the Surgeon-in-Chief [1924)].

  • 10828

Humane society leaders in America. With a sketch of the early history of the humane movement in England.

Albany, NY: The American Humane Association, 1924.

Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: Medicine: General Works › Experimental Design › Vivisection / Antivivisection
  • 10943

Studies on Rickettsia-like micro-organisms in insects.

J. med. Res., 44, 329-374.7, 1924.

Hertig and Wolbach first described the parasitic microbe Wolbachia in the common house mosquito in 1924. In 1936 Hertig formally described the species as Wolbachia pipientis. Since then the genus Wolbachia has become of considerable research interest due to its ubiquitous distribution, its many different evolutionary interactions, and its use as a biocontrol agent. Digital facsimile from PubMedCentral at this link.

Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY › BACTERIA (mostly pathogenic; sometimes indexed only to genus) › Rickettsiales › Wolbachia, MICROBIOLOGY, PARASITOLOGY, ZOOLOGY › Arthropoda › Entomology
  • 11226

Catalogue of the mycological library of Howard A. Kelly. Compiled by Louis C. C. Krieger.

Baltimore, MD: Privately Printed, 1924.

The catalogue was prepared for Kelly by Louis Krieger, an eminent mycologist and botanical illustrator. Entries for this library were not numbered; however in his introduction Kelly stated that the library "herewith catalogued now numbers between seven and eight thousand titles."  Digital facsimile from the Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Natural History, BIBLIOGRAPHY › Catalogues of Physicians' / Scientists' Libraries, BOTANY › Cryptogams › Mycology, Mycology, Medical
  • 11580

Herz und Sport: klinische Untersuchungen über die Einwirkung des Sportes auf das Herz.

Berlin: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1924.

This pioneering study on the effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system was translated into English by Louis M. Warfield as Herz und Sport. Heart and athletics. London: Henry Kimpton, 1927. Digital facsimile of the 1924 edition from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY, Sports Medicine
  • 12701

Pierre Curie par Marie Curie.

Paris: Payot, 1924.

Digital facsimile from BnF Gallica at this link. Through a quirk in publishing history the English translation appeared in 1923 prior to the French edition as Pierre Curie by Marie Curie, Translated by Charlotte and Vernon Kellogg with an introduction by Mrs. William Brown Meloney and autobiographical notes by Marie Curie. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1923. Digital facsimile of the English translation from Google Books at this link. Marie Curie's "Autobiographical notes (pp. 153-242) appeared only in the English translation.

Subjects: BIOGRAPHY (Reference Works) › Biographies of Individuals, RADIOLOGY › History of Radiology
  • 13374

Medicine, magic and religion. [Edited] with a preface by G. Elliot Smith.

London: Kegan Paul, 1924.

Fitzpatrick Lectures 1915-16. Originally published in Lancet , 94, 59–65, 117–23.

Subjects: ANTHROPOLOGY › Medical Anthropology, Magic & Superstition in Medicine, RELIGION & Medicine & the Life Sciences
  • 13680

Plastische Anatomie: Die konstruktive Form des menschlichen Körpers. Mit Bildern von Hermann Sachs.

Munich: J. F. Bergmann, 1924.

An anatomy for artists, illustrated by Hermann Sachs.

Subjects: ANATOMY › 20th Century, ANATOMY › Anatomy for Artists
  • 14195

The scrotum as a temperature regulator for the testes.

Amer. J. Physiol., 68, 70-79, 1924.

Moore and Quick established that the scrotal sac, and its ability to expand or contract, helps to regulate the temperature of the testes. Through this mechanism it enables sperm production and supports the viability of sperm.

Digital facsimile from at this link.

(Thanks to Juan Weiss for this reference and its interpretation.)

Subjects: BIOLOGY › Reproduction
  • 14287

The morphology and evolution of the apes and man. With a foreward by Professor G. Elliot Smith.

London, 1924.

As far as I able to determine in 2024, Sonntag's book was the first attempt to write a general treatise on what eventually came to be called "human evolutionary anatomy," in the sense of studying the relationship between primate and human anatomy as it has been understood to have evolved. One test of this analysis is that Sonntag's book is the only general anatomical treatise cited in the very extensive bibliography of mostly periodical literature in Aiello and Dean's An introduction to human evolutionary anatomy (2002), which appeared to be the first formal treatise on the subject.

Subjects: ANATOMY › 20th Century, ANATOMY › Comparative Anatomy, EVOLUTION › Human Origins / Human Evolution
  • 965

The chemical regulation of respiration.

Physiol. Rev., 5, 551-95, 1925.

  • 4480

The evolution of orthopaedic surgery.

St. Louis, MO: C. V. Mosby Co., 1925.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › History of Orthopedics, Fractures
  • 662

Handbuch der normalen und pathologischen Physiologie. Hrsg. von. A. Bethe, G. Bermann, etc. 18 vols.

Berlin: Julius Springer, 19251932.

  • 1056

Fat-soluble vitamin. XXVI. Antirachitic property of milk and its increase by direct irradiation and by irradiation of the animal.

J. biol. Chem., 66, 441-49, 1925.

Demonstration that the therapeutic properties of ultra-violet light could be effectively stored in foods and later released after consumption. With E. B. Hart, C. A. Hoppert, and A. Black.

Subjects: NUTRITION / DIET › Deficiency Diseases › Rickets, NUTRITION / DIET › Vitamins
  • 4652

Experimentelle Übertragung von Herpes zoster auf den Menschen und die Beziehungen von Herpes zoster zu Varicellen.

Mschr. Kinderheilk., 29, 516-23, 1925.

First demonstration of the infectivity of herpes.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses › Herpes Zoster (Shingles), INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Chickenpox, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Herpes › Herpes Zoster (Shingles), NEUROLOGY › Inflammatory Conditions, VIROLOGY › VIRUSES (by Family) › Herpesviridae › Varicella zoster virus
  • 1037

Contributions to the physiology of gastric secretion. The proof of a humoral mechanism. A new procedure for the study of gastric physiology.

Amer. J. Physiol., 74, 639-49, 1925.

Subjects: GASTROENTEROLOGY › Anatomy & Physiology of Digestion
  • 909

Experimental studies on the origin and maturation of avian and mammalian red blood-cells.

Contr. Embryol. Carneg. Instn. 16, 163-226, 1925.

Subjects: HEMATOLOGY, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 454

The evolution of anatomy. A short history of anatomical and physiological discovery to Harvey.

London: Kegan Paul, 1925.

This invaluable reference book was reprinted under the title A short history of anatomy and physiology from the Greeks to Harvey, Dover, 1957.

Subjects: ANATOMY › History of Anatomy
  • 1136
  • 3861

The extraction of a parathyroid hormone which will prevent or control parathyroid tetany and which regulates the level of blood calcium.

J. biol. Chem., 63, 395-438, 1925.

Isolation of parathormone, the active principle of the parathyroids.

Collip’s “parathormone”. He showed that it raises the calcium level in para-thyroidectomized dogs.

Subjects: Ductless Glands: Internal Secretion › Thyroid, Parathyroids, ENDOCRINOLOGY › Parathyroids
  • 749

A study of the oxidation of the ammonium salts of normal saturated fatty acids and its biological significance.

Biochem. J., 19, 385-96, 1925.

  • 1642

Fortschritte de Abwasserreinigung.

Berlin, 1925.

In 1909 Imhoff devised the system of sewage purification which bears his name.

  • 1444

Die Cytoarchitektonik der Hirnrinde des erwachsenen Menschen. 1 vol. and atlas.

Vienna: Julius Springer, 1925.

This work consisted of textbook of more than 800 pages and an atlas with 112 large-sized microphotographic plates of the cortex. The textbook contained detailed descriptions of their studies and an introduction to the history of cytoarchitectonic research. With their atlas, von Economo and Koskinas hoped to create a basis for future brain research and the localization of brain functions since they assumed that cytoarchitectonic differences reflect functional differences. They used letters to categorize the architecture, e.g., "F" for areas of the frontal lobe.

"The exceptionally high-resolution photographs of the human cerebral cortex presented here are a unique and lasting contribution to neuroanatomy" (Larry W. Swanson). In their chapter on the microscopic structure of the cerebral cortex, Clarke and O’Malley (1996) wrote that, “C. von Economo and G.N. Koskinas produced a monumental work on cortical areas (Die Cytoarchitektonik…), based on the work of Brodmann but identifying more than twice his number of areas [107]; it helped to dispel some of the confusion produced by the Vogt’s multiplicity of areas.” (p. 456). Abridged English translation, 1929. Complete English translation, edited, and published in large folio format, with additional appendix material and the plates reproduced full size as Atlas of cytoarchitectonics of the adult human cerbral cortex by Lazaros C. Triarhou (Basel: Karger, 2008).

Subjects: ANATOMY › Neuroanatomy › Cytoarchitecture, NEUROSCIENCE › NERVOUS SYSTEM › Brain, including Medulla: Cerebrospinal Fluid
  • 2050

Catalogue of early herbals.

Lugano: L’Art Ancien, 1925.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Botany / Materia Medica, BOTANY › History of Botany, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Materia medica / Herbals / Herbal Medicines › History of Materia Medica
  • 145.63

Elements of physical biology.

Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins, 1925.

In this landmark of theoretical population ecology Lotka attempted to provide for parts of biology a basis comparable to that given by theoretical physics to experimental physics. This was the first great exposition and elaboration of Verhulst’s logistic. (No. 145.56). Reprinted, New York, 1956 as Elements of mathematical biology.

Subjects: BIOLOGY › Ecology / Environment
  • 2134

Industrial poisons in the United States.

New York: Macmillan, 1925.

Subjects: OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & MEDICINE , TOXICOLOGY, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 1911

Intravenous use of dyes.

J. Amer. med. Assoc., 85, 1849-53, 1925.

Churchman demonstrated the selective bactericidal action of gentian violet against staphylococci. See also J. exp. Med., 1912, 16, 221-47; J. Urol., 1924, 11, 1-18.

Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY › BACTERIA (mostly pathogenic; sometimes indexed only to genus) › Gram-Positive Bacteria › Staphylococcus, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Antibiotics
  • 1912

The action and uses in medicine of digitalis and its allies.

London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1925.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Botanic Sources of Single Component Drugs › Digitalis, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Cardiovascular Medications
  • 2253

Tannic acid in the treatment of burns.

Surg. Gynec. Obstet., 41, 202-21, 1925.

Introduction of tannic acid in the treatment of burns.

Subjects: Diseases Due to Physical Factors › Burns
  • 2254

Zur Therapie schwerer Verbrennungen.

Wien. klin. Wschr., 38, 833-34, 1925.

Riehl was an early advocate of blood transfusion in the treatment of shock after burns.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Shock, Diseases Due to Physical Factors › Burns, THERAPEUTICS › Blood Transfusion
  • 2427

The earliest printed literature on syphilis. Being ten tractates from the years 1495-98. By Karl Sudhoff. Adapted by Charles Singer.

Florence: R. Lier & Co, 1925.

  • 2316

Entwicklung und Bibliographie der pathologisch-anatomischen Abbildung.

Leipzig: K. W. Hiersemann, 1925.

Traces the development of pathological anatomical illustration, and includes a chronological bibliography of all important publications known to Goldschmid containing illustrations of pathological conditions, and an index of artists, printers, and publishers. Fine color plates.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Anatomy, PATHOLOGY › History of Pathology, PATHOLOGY › Pathology Illustration
  • 2461

Key-catalogue of the protozoa reported for man.

Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1925.

Subjects: PARASITOLOGY › Protozoa
  • 2603

Allergic diseases; diagnosis and treatment of bronchial asthma, hay fever, and other allergic diseases.

Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1925.

In his important studies of asthma, Storm van Leeuwen demonstrated that in the great majority of patients allergens are the cause of the condition and also that patients are sensitive to mold spores. He experimented with an allergen-proof chamber and showed the benefit of high altitude to asthmatics.

Subjects: ALLERGY › Asthma
  • 2344

Ueber die experimentellen Grundlagen für die Sanocrysin-Behandlung der Tuberkulose.

Tuberk.-Bibl., Heft 20, 1-72, 1925.

Mollgaard was responsible for the introduction of sanocrysin.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Tuberculosis
  • 2354

Development of our knowledge of tuberculosis.

Philadelphia, 1925.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Tuberculosis › History of Tuberculosis
  • 1766.504

Medical education: A comparative study.

New York: Macmillan, 1925.

Subjects: Education, Biomedical, & Biomedical Profession
  • 2647

The aetiology of malignant new growths.

Lancet, 2, 109-17, 1925.

Gye advanced the theory that an ultramicroscopic virus combined with an intrinsic chemical factor were concerned in the production of the Rous sarcoma.

Subjects: ONCOLOGY & CANCER, VIROLOGY › VIRUSES (by Family) › Retroviridae › Rous Sarcoma Virus (RSV)
  • 2648

The microscopical examination of filterable viruses associated with malignant new growths.

Lancet, 2, 117-23, 1925.

Barnard supported, with photomicrographs, Gye’s theory concerning the origin of cancer.

  • 2649

The melanomata, their morphology and histogenesis. A study of cell origins and transformations, with a critical discussion on aspects of tumour growth, and a clinical review.

Edinb. med. J., 32, 501-732, 1925.
The first exhaustive monograph on  the pathology of melanoma.  Also issued as a separate monograph (Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1925).

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Dermatopathology, DERMATOLOGY › Skin Cancer › Melanoma, ONCOLOGY & CANCER › Melanoma
  • 3862
  • 4837

A case of tetany treated with parathyrin.

Canad. med. Ass. J., 15, 59-60, 1925.

First use of parathyroid hormone in the treatment of tetany.

Subjects: ENDOCRINOLOGY › Parathyroids , NEUROLOGY › Tetany
  • 2574

Immunisation locale; pansements spécifiques.

Paris: Masson & Cie, 1925.

Besredka’s vaccine, sensitized vaccine. English translation, Baltimore, 1927.

Subjects: IMMUNOLOGY › Immunization, IMMUNOLOGY › Vaccines
  • 2575

The chemical aspects of immunity.

New York: Chem. Catalog Co, 1925.

  • 3087.1

Familial icterus gravis of the new-born and its treatment.

Canad. med. Ass. J., 15, 1008-112, 1925.

Successful exchange transfusion.

  • 211.1

Australopithecus africanus: The man-ape of South Africa.

Nature, 115, 195-99, 1925.

First report on Dart's discovery in 1924 of the first member of the genus Australopithecus, the first hominin found in Africa.

In their 150th anniversary issue published on November 4, 2019 the editors of Nature included Dart's paper among the ten most significant papers Nature had published in its first 150 years.

Subjects: ANTHROPOLOGY › Paleoanthropology, ANTHROPOLOGY › Physical Anthropology, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › South Africa, EVOLUTION › Human Origins / Human Evolution
  • 3137

Ueber Anaemia infectiosa chronica und ihre Aetiologie.

Wien. klin. Wschr., 38, 268-69, 1925.

“Edelmann’s disease” – a type of chronic infectious anemia.

Subjects: HEMATOLOGY › Anemia & Chlorosis
  • 3138

A form of acute hemolytic anemia probably of infectious origin.

Amer. J. med. Sci., 170, 500-10, 1925.

“Lederer’s anemia” first described.

Subjects: HEMATOLOGY › Anemia & Chlorosis
  • 3139

Blood regeneration in severe anaemia. II. Favourable influence of liver, heart and skeletal muscle in diet.

Amer. J. Physiol., 72, 408-18, 1925.

These workers showed the beneficial effect of raw beef liver upon blood regeneration in anemia. Their work paved the way for the liver diet treatment of Minot and Murphy.

In 1934 Whipple shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with George R. Minot and William Parry Murphy "for their work on liver therapy for anemia."

Subjects: HEMATOLOGY › Anemia & Chlorosis, NOBEL PRIZES › Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine , WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 3200

Studies on pneumonia following naso-pharyngeal injections of oil.

Amer. J. Path., 1, 407-14, 1925.

Lipoid pneumonia first described.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Pneumonia, RESPIRATION › Respiratory Diseases
  • 3786

Generalized giant lymph follicle hyperplasia of lymph nodes and spleen; a hitherto undescribed type.

J. Amer. med. Assoc., , 84, 668-71., 1925.

See No. 3787. With G. Baehr and N. Rosenthal.

Subjects: Spleen: Lymphatics
  • 3654

Ueber eine neue kolloidchemische Liquorreaktion und ihre praktischen Ergebnisse.

Trans. 6th Congr. Far East. Ass. trop. Med., 1, 667-71, 1925.

Takata-Ara reaction for the diagnosis of liver disease.

Subjects: HEPATOLOGY › Diseases of the Liver, HEPATOLOGY › Tests for Liver Function
  • 2917

Consideraciones sobre la denominación de “Enfermedad de Ayerza”.

Semana méd., 32, pt. 2, 386-88, 1925.

In 1901 Argentinian physician Abel Ayerza (1861-1918) lectured on the syndrome of chronic cyanosis, dyspnoea, erythremia, and sclerosis of the pulmonary artery, “Ayerza’s disease” (cor pulmonale). He did not publish this work, but an important discussion on the nomenclature was given by Luis Ayerza in the above paper, and in a previous paper in the same journal, 1925, 32,pt. 1, 43. See No. 2914.

  • 2918

Concerning the pathology of some arterial diseases.

Ann. clin. Med., 4, 814-28, 19251926.

Klotz, eminent Canadian pathologist, is particularly remembered for his contributions to the subject of arteriosclerosis.

  • 3863

Therapeutischer Versuch bei Ostitis fibrosa generalisata mittels Exstirpation eines Epithelkörperchentumors.

Wien. klin. Wschr., 38, 1343-44, 1925.

Mandl was the first successfully to treat generalized osteitis fibrosa by extirpation of a parathyroid tumor.

Subjects: ENDOCRINOLOGY › Parathyroids
  • 3872

A case of virilism associated with a suprarenal tumour: recovery after its removal.

Quart. J. Med., 18, 143-52, 1925.

Records the first removal (by P. Sargent) of an adrenal cortical tumor. This was followed by disappearance of the heterosexual symptoms, thus establishing the relationship of sexual abnormality and adrenal tumors.

Subjects: ENDOCRINOLOGY › Adrenals
  • 3003

Die Behandlung der Krampfadern mit intravarikösen Kochsalzinjektionen.

Derm. Wschr., 81, 1345-51, 1925.

Sodium chloride first used in the injection treatment of varicose veins.

  • 3017

Report of a successful case of embolectomy.

Brit. med. J., 2, 985-87, 1925.

First successful embolectomy in Britain.

Subjects: NEUROSURGERY › Vascular & Endovascular, VASCULAR SURGERY › Thrombosis / Embolism
  • 3032

The surgical treatment of mitral stenosis.

Brit. med. J., 2, 603-06, 1925.

Mitral valvotomy; report of a successful case.

  • 3692

A new kind of x-ray examination for preventive dentistry.

Int. J. Orthodont., 11, 275-79, 370-74, 470-77, 1925.

Original description of technique of making “bite-wing” radiographs.

Subjects: DENTISTRY, IMAGING › X-ray
  • 4150.1

Erythro- et keratodermia variabilis in a mother and daughter.

Acta dermatovener. (Stockh), 6, 255-61, 1925.

“Mendes Da Costa’s syndrome” – erythrokeratoderma variabilis.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4151

A case of relapsing non-suppurative nodular panniculitis, showing phagocytosis of subcutaneous fat-cells by macrophages.

Brit. J. Derm. 37, 301-11, 1925.

Weber–Christian disease (see No. 4152).

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, IMMUNOLOGY, IMMUNOLOGY › Phagocytosis
  • 4895

La sympathectomie hypogastrique a-t-elle sa place dans la thérapeutique gynécologique?

Presse méd., 33, 98-99, 1925.

Presacral neurectomy.

  • 4896

Section of the sensory root of the trigeminal nerve at the pons. Preliminary report of the operative procedure.

Bull, Johns Hopk. Hosp., 36, 105-06, 1925.

Intracranial section for glossopharyngeal neuralgia. For a more detailed account see his paper in Arch. Surg. (Chicago), 1929, 18, 687-734.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Chronic Pain › Trigeminal Neuralgia, NEUROSURGERY, PAIN / Pain Management
  • 4393

Bone sarcoma, an interpretation of the nomenclature used by the Committee on the Registry of Bone Sarcoma of the American College of Surgeons.

New York: Paul B. Hoeber, 1925.

Subjects: ONCOLOGY & CANCER › Sarcoma › Osteosarcoma, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 5103

Studies on Brucella (Alkaligenes) melitensis.

Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1925.

Forms Bulletin No. 143 of the U.S. Public Health Service Hygienic Laboratory. Alice Evans showed that the causal organism of Malta fever was closely related to Brucella abortus, responsible for contagious abortion in cattle. See also her earlier paper in J. infect. Dis.,1918, 22, 580-93.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Brucellosis, VETERINARY MEDICINE, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 5140

Remèdes contre la peste. Facsimilés, notes et liste bibliographique des incunables sur la peste.

Paris: Droz, 1925.

Includes facsimile reproduction of “La régime de l’epidémie et remède contre icelle” of Jean Jacme (Johannes Jacobi), [5115], together with the “Remède très utile contre fièvre pestilencieuse” by the same writer. See No. 5115.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › 15th Century (Incunabula) & Medieval, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Flea-Borne Diseases › Plague (transmitted by fleas from rats to humans) › Plague, History of
  • 5176


J. Amer. med. Assoc., 84, 1243-50, 1925.

Francis demonstrated the transmission of tularemia to man from rodents through insects, particularly the deerfly. He gave the disease its present name; it is also called “Francis’s disease” by some writers.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Tick-Borne Diseases › Tularemia
  • 5707

A lecture on respiration in anaesthesia: Control by carbon dioxide.

Brit. med. J., 2, 1170-75, 1925.

Henderson’s important investigations on the physiology of respiration included his demonstration of the relation of acapnia to anesthesia and the recommendation that carbon dioxide inhalation be used to overcome collapse due to anesthesia.

Subjects: ANESTHESIA, RESPIRATION › Respiratory Physiology
  • 5968

Gonioscopy and its clinical applications.

Amer. J. Ophthal., 8, 433-49, 1925.

Troncoso’s gonioscope.

  • 5969

Diseases of the uvea. I. Sympathetic ophthalmia: the use of uveal pigment in diagnosis and treatment.

Trans. ophthal. Soc. U. K, 45, 208-51, 1925.

Intradermal pigment test in sympathetic ophthalmitis.

  • 5194

The cultivation of Endamoeba histolytica.

Amer. J. Hyg., 5, 371-407, 1925.

Pure cultivation of Entamoeba histolytica was first accomplished by D. W. Cutler (J. Path. Bact., 1918, 22, 22), but Boeck and Drbohlav evolved the first media upon which amoebae could be cultivated for indefinite periods.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Amoebiasis
  • 5394

Tropical typhus in the Federated Malay States, with a compilation on epidemic typhus.

London: John Bale, 1925.

Bull. Inst. med. Res., F. M. S., No. 2. Drew attention to scrub typhus in Malaya.

Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY › BACTERIA (mostly pathogenic; sometimes indexed only to genus) › Rickettsiales › Rickettsia › Orientia Tsutsugamushi, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Malaysia, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Lice-Borne Diseases › Typhus
  • 5432

Studies of the viruses of vaccinia and variola.

London: H. M. Stationery Office, 1925.

Medical Research Council Special Report No. 98; a summary of the more important additions to the knowledge of the subject.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Smallpox , VIROLOGY › VIRUSES (by Family) › Variola and Vaccinia
  • 6458

The healing gods of ancient civilizations.

New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1925.

Subjects: TRADITIONAL, Folk or Indigenous Medicine
  • 6612

Le costume du médecin à l’étranger.

Paris: Longuet, 1925.

Subjects: Costume in Medicine
  • 5218

Eine neue Hautreaktion bei “Lymphogranuloma inguinale”.

Klin. Wschr., 4, 2148-49, 1925.

The Frei skin test for the diagnosis of lymphogranuloma venereum.

  • 6725

Profili bio-bibliografici di medici naturalisti celebri Italiani dal sec. XVo al sec. XVIIIo. 2 vols.

Rome: Ist. Naz. Med. Farm, 19251928.

  • 6297

Entwicklund der Gerurtshilfe und Gynäkologie im 19. Jahrhundert.

Berlin: Julius Springer, 1925.

Subjects: OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY › GYNECOLOGY › History of Gynecology, OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY › OBSTETRICS › History of Obstetrics
  • 6354

Pediatrics of the past: an anthology.

New York: Paul B. Hoeber, 1925.

Contains sketches of the lives of the more important pediatricians of the past, with a comprehensive selection of their works, translated where necessary into English. Ruhräh has thrown much light on the important contributions of long-forgotten writers, and he has carefully traced the progress of pediatrics from ancient times to the 19th century. The book includes a valuable bibliography.

Subjects: PEDIATRICS › History of Pediatrics
  • 6355

Erstlinge der pädiatrischen Literatur.

Munich: Münchener Drucke, 1925.

Facsimile reproductions of the three earliest printed works on pediatrics: Bagellardo, Metlinger, and Roelans, together with a valuable prefatory essay on their importance.

Subjects: PEDIATRICS › History of Pediatrics
  • 6610

De arts in de caricatuur.

Amsterdam: Van Munster, 1925.

German edition, Berlin, 1927.

Subjects: ART & Medicine & Biology, Satire / Caricature & Medicine
  • 3573.1
  • 5816.1

Die Handschrift des Schnitt- und Augenarztes Caspar Stromayr in Lindau im Bodensee: In der Lindauer Handschrift (P.1.46) vom 4. Juli 1559. Mit einer historischen Einführung und Wertung von Walter von Brunn.

Berlin: Idra, 1925.

Stroymayr's manuscript was discovered in Lindau in 1909, and remained unpublished until the above edition, which reproduced his drawings in color. Like Bartisch (No. 5817) Stromayr specialized in hernia repair and eye surgery; he was advanced in his concept of hernia. His unique manuscript contains 186 large colored paintings of surgical instruments and procedures. The portrait-like illustrations of eye diseases at the end of this work bear a striking resemblance to the woodcuts in Bartisch. 

Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Surgical Instruments, OPHTHALMOLOGY , SURGERY: General › Hernia
  • 6831

Hunain ibn Ishaq über die syrischen und arabischen Galen-Übersetzungen zum ersten mal Herausgegeben und Überzetzt von G. Bergsträsser.

Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, 17, No. 2, 1925.

Various writings of Galen survived through Arabic and Syriac translations rather than the original Greek. In the ninth century the Assyrian Christian physician and translator into Arabic and Syriac Hunain ibn Ishaq (Abu Zayd Hunayn ibn Ishaq al-Ibadi), compiled a bibliography of his translations into Arabic. Hunain ibn Ishaq also wrote a letter to one of his patrons discussing his translation process. In February 2015 the website stated that Hunain, who was known as Johannitius Onan to Latin readers, "translated 95 works of Galen from Greek to Syriac and 99 into Arabic." This would represented a significant percentage of Galen's output. In 1925 G. Bergsträsser published the Arabic text of Hunain ibn Ishaq's bibliographical work from a manuscript he found in Constantinople. Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Roman Empire › History of Medicine in the Roman Empire, BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Individual Authors, BIBLIOGRAPHY › Manuscripts & Philology › Translations to and from Arabic
  • 7728

La correction esthétique du prolapsus mammaire par le procédé de la transposition du mamelon.

La Presse médicale, No. 20, 313-328, 1925.

No vertical scar breast lift technique. Translated into English by Schleich et al, "The aesthetic correction of the ptotic breast by the procedure of nipple-areola transposition - a contemporary translation and commentary," J. Plast Reconstr. Aesthet. Surg., 63 (2010) 1136-41.

  • 7785

Some unrecognized dangers in the use and handling of radioactive substances.

JAMA, 85, 1769-76, 1925.

From autopsies on several young women who had painted radium dials, and ingested large cumulative doses by licking their brushes, Martland, medical examiner of Essex County, New Jersey, provided evidence that ingestion of radium could lead to serious illness and death. With Philip Conlon and Joseph P. Knef.

  • 9038

La Société des Nations et la politique sanitaire internationale.

Lille: Douriez-Bataille, 1925.

Health work of the League of Nations.

Subjects: Global Health
  • 9445

The Medical Services: Official history of the Canadian forces in the Great War: 1914-1919.

Ottawa: Department of National Defence, 1925.

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

  • 9587

Practical chiropody.

London: Scientific Press, 1925.

"The book reached its eighth edition in 1952, and there were seven reprints; a revised, ninth edition was published in 1956, after Runting's death, and there were several American editions as well as one in Spanish. The Lancet had printed an article by Runting on the treatment of corns in 1927, and in many of his other writings Runting built on the work of Lewis Durlacher (1792–1864), developing the use of silver nitrate, the treatment of verrucae, toenail problems, the rational approach to the treatment of corns, and the importance of considering ‘the chiropodist's handicap—the shoe’ " (Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, accessed 10-2017). 

Subjects: Podiatry
  • 10197


New York: Harcourt, Brace & Company, 1925.

"This novel has been inspirational for several generations of pre-medical and medical students. There is much agonizing along the way concerning career and life decisions. While detailing Arrowsmith's pursuit of the noble ideals of medical research for the benefit of mankind and of selfless devotion to the care of patients, Lewis throws many less noble temptations and self-deceptions in Arrowsmith's path. The attractions of financial security, recognition, even wealth and power distract Arrowsmith from his original plan to follow in the footsteps of his first mentor, Max Gottlieb, a brilliant but abrasive bacteriologist.

"In the course of the novel Lewis describes many aspects of medical training, medical practice, scientific research, scientific fraud, medical ethics, public health, and of personal/professional conflicts that are still relevant today. Professional jealousy, institutional pressures, greed, stupidity, and negligence are all satirically depicted, and Arrowsmith himself is exasperatingly self-involved. But there is also tireless dedication, and respect for the scientific method and intellectual honesty...."

"The book's climax deals with Arrowsmith's discovery of a phage that destroys bacteria and his experiences as he faces an outbreak of bubonic plague on a fictional Caribbean island."

"Martin Arrowsmith shares some biographical elements with Félix d'Herelle, who is identified in the novel as a co-discoverer of the bacteriophage and represented as having beaten Arrowsmith into publication with his results" (selections from Wikipedia article on Arrowsmith, accessed 4-2018).

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Flea-Borne Diseases › Plague (transmitted by fleas from rats to humans), LITERATURE / Philosophy & Medicine & Biology › Fiction, VIROLOGY › Bacteriophage
  • 10277

The beginnings of California's medical history.

California & Western Medicine, 23(5), 561–576., 1925.

Digital facsimile from PubMedCentral at this link.

  • 10405

The scalpel under three flags in California.

California Historical Society Quarterly, 4, 142-206, San Francisco, CA, 1925.

  • 10610

The mental growth of the pre-school child: A psychological outline of normal development from birth to the sixth year, including a system of development diagnosis.

New York: Macmillan, 1925.

"The Maturational Theory of child development was introduced in 1925[1] by Dr. Arnold Gesell, an American educator, pediatrician and clinical psychologist whose studies focused on "the course, the pattern and the rate of maturational growth in normal and exceptional children"(Gesell 1928).[2] Gesell carried out many observational studies during more than 50 years working at the Yale Clinic of Child Development, where he is credited as a founder. Gesell and his colleagues documented a set of behavioral norms that illustrate sequential & predictable patterns of growth and development. Gesell asserted that all children go through the same stages of development in the same sequence, although each child may move through these stages at their own rate [3] Gesell's Maturational Theory has influenced child-rearing and primary education methods since it was introduced.[4][5] (Wikipedia article on Gesell's Maturational Theory, accessed 05-2018). Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link. Various films made by Gesell and/or showing him at work are available on YouTube.

Subjects: IMAGING › Cinematography, PSYCHOLOGY › Child
  • 10615

Bryan and Darrow at Dayton. The Record and documents of the "Bible-Evolution Trial." Edited and compiled by Leslie H. Allen.

New York: Arthur Lee & Company, 1925.

Key documents from the Scopes Trial. Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: EVOLUTION, LAW and Medicine & the Life Sciences, RELIGION & Medicine & the Life Sciences
  • 10763

Neurological fragments, with ‘Biographical Memoir’ and ‘List of Dr. Hughlings Jackson's Published Writings’ by James Taylor.

London: Humphrey Milford & Oxford University Press, 1925.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Individual Authors, BIOGRAPHY (Reference Works) › Biographies of Individuals, NEUROLOGY
  • 11006

The life of Sir William Osler. 2 vols.

Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1925.

Cushing received the Pulitzer Prize for this masterful biography, which remains the essential account of Osler's life, work, and selections from his correspondence. Cushing donated his very extensive research material for this book to the Osler Library at McGill University. Cushing's source material was arranged in a separate file for virtually every week in Osler's life for which Cushing had data.

Subjects: BIOGRAPHY (Reference Works) › Biographies of Individuals
  • 11007

Beginnings of medical education in and near Chicago: The institutions and the men.

Proc. Inst. Med. Chicago, 5 , 1925.

Digital facsimile of separately paginated 144pp. illustrated offprint from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: Education, Biomedical, & Biomedical Profession › History of Biomedical Education & Medical Profession, U.S.: CONTENT OF PUBLICATIONS BY STATE & TERRITORY › Illinois
  • 11108

Opere di Agostino Bassi n. a Mairago 1778-m. a Lodi 1856- scelte e pubblicate a cura del comitato nazionale per la ristampa auspice la Società medico-chirurgica di Pavia.

Pavia: Tipografia Cooperativa, 1925.

Subjects: Collected Works: Opera Omnia, MICROBIOLOGY, Mycology, Medical, PARASITOLOGY
  • 11264

The scientific man and the bible: A personal testimony.

Philadelphia: The Sunday School Times Company, 1925.

Subjects: RELIGION & Medicine & the Life Sciences
  • 11426

A list of old medical books, books on the history of medicine, and medical bibliography, and a list of medical portraits, in the posession [sic] of Le Roy Crummer. Together with some bibliographical notes. By Myrtle Crummer.

Omaha, NE: [Privately Printed], 1925.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Catalogues of Physicians' / Scientists' Libraries
  • 11479

Sur un remarquable example d'antogonisme entre deux souches de colibacille.

Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., 93, 1040-42, 1925.

Discovery of bacteriocins. Gratia called his discovery a colicine because bacteriocins killed E. coli.

  • 12035

Pansporella perplexa. Réflexions sur la biologie et la phylogénie des protozoaires.

Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool. 10e serie, 7, 1-84, 1925.

Chatton was the first to characterize the distinction between the eukaryotic and prokaryotic systems of cellular organization. See Jan Sapp, "The prokaryote-Eukaryote dichtomy: meanings and mythology," Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev., 69 (2005) 292-305.

  • 12382

Chirurgie der Sportunfalle.

Berlin: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1925.

Subjects: Sports Medicine
  • 12850

Documents pour servir à l’histoire de l’art dentaire en France et principalement à Paris.

Paris: La Semaine Dentaire, 1925.

  • 12908

Operative dentistry for children: A text book dealing with prophylactic and curative treatment of the teeth of the child, based upon experience gained during more than twenty-five years devoted to the care of children exclusively.

Brooklyn, NY: Dental Items of Interest Publishing Co. & London: Claudius Ash, Son & Co., 1925.

The first book in English exclusively on pedodontics. Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: DENTISTRY › Pedodontics
  • 12935

The anatomy of the root-canals of the teeth of the permanent dentition. By Walter Hess. [with] The anatomy of the root-canals of the teeth of the deciduous dentition and of the first permanent molars. By Ernst Zürcher.

London: J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson, Ltd, 1925.

Subjects: DENTISTRY › Dental Anatomy & Physiology, DENTISTRY › Endodontics
  • 13849

The medical follies: An analysis of the foibles of some healing cults: Including osteopathy, homeopathy, chiropractic, and the electronic reactions of Abrams, with Essays on the antivivisectionists, health legislation, physical culture, birth control, and rejuvenation.

New York: Boni & Liveright, 1925.

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link

Subjects: ALTERNATIVE, Complimentary & Pseudomedicine, Quackery
  • 795.1

The capillary pressure in frog mesentery as determined by micro-injection methods.

Amer. J. Physiol., 75, 548-70, 1926.

Direct measurement of the blood pressure within the capillaries.

  • 796

Studies in the velocity of blood flow.

J. Clin. Invest., 4, 1-13, 15-31, 149-71, 173-97, 199-209, 389-425, 555-74, 19261927.

First practical method of measuring circulation time. 

"In 1925, Hermann Blumgart performed the first diagnostic procedure using radioactive indicators on humans; this first is well recognized. Less well recognized is the fact that Blumgart and his coworker Otto C. Yens, then a medical student, developed the first instrumentation used in a diagnostic procedure involving radioactive indicators. The instrumentation, a modified Wilson cloud chamber, turned out to be the detector most suitable for their purpose. Blumgart also showed remarkable foresight in outlining the requirements both for a satisfactory indicator (tracer) and for a satisfactory detector—requirements that still hold true today. The Blumgart–Yens modified cloud chamber was the birth of nuclear medicine instrumentation" (, accessed 03-2018).


Digital facsimile of most of the papers in this series are available from PubMedCentral.

  • 663

Muscular contraction and the reflex control of movement.

Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins, 1926.

A detailed study of the physiology of skeletal muscle. A valuable historical introduction will be found on pp. 3-55, and the book includes an extensive bibliography.

Subjects: PHYSIOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY › History of Physiology
  • 663.1

Cameron Prize Lectures on some results of studies in the physiology of posture.

Lancet, 2, 531-36, 585-88, 1926.

Magnus demonstrated the function of the otoliths and semicircular canals of the inner ear in regulating the equilibrium of the body.

Subjects: OTOLOGY › Vestibular System, OTOLOGY › Vestibular System › Dizziness & Balance
  • 4608

A classification of the tumors of the glioma group on a histogenetic basis with a correlated study of prognosis.

Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1926.

From 1922 to 1925 Bailey undertook extensive pathological and histological studies of brain tumors, and based on cellular configuration, he created a classification system of thirteen categories. In 1927 he reduced the number of categories to ten. German translation, 1930. Ferguson, Sherise and Maciej S. Lesniak. "Percival Bailey and the Classification of Brain Tumors," Neurosurgical Focus, 18. No. 4. (April 2005).


Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Brain & Spinal Tumors, NEUROLOGY › Diseases of the Nervous System, NEUROSURGERY › Neuro-oncology, ONCOLOGY & CANCER
  • 4609

Über das morphologische Wesen und die Histopathologie der hereditaersystematischen Nervenkrankheiten.

Berlin: Julius Springer, 1926.

Schaffer was a pioneer Hungarian neuropathologist. He laid down a triad of criteria for judging whether or not a neurological disease is hereditary.

  • 1057

A further study of butter, fresh beef, and yeast as pellagra preventives, with consideration of the relation of factor P-P of pellagra (and black tongue of dogs) to vitamin B.

U.S. publ. Hlth Rep., 41, 297-318, 1926.

Anti-pellagra vitamin (B2, riboflavine). With G. A. Wheeler, R. D. Lillie, and L. M. Rogers.

Subjects: NUTRITION / DIET › Deficiency Diseases › Pellagra
  • 1058.1

The anti-rachitic properties of irradiated sterols.

Biochem. J., 20, 537-44, 1926.

Proof that the irradiation of ergosterol formed vitamin D.

Subjects: NUTRITION / DIET › Deficiency Diseases › Rickets, NUTRITION / DIET › Vitamins
  • 4633

Aphasia and kindred disorders of speech. 2 vols.

Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1926.

Head’s theory of aphasia conceived the condition as being “a disorder of symbolic formulation and expression”. 

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Aphasia, Agraphia, Agnosia, Speech, Anatomy and Physiology of › Speech Disorders
  • 1307

The impulses produced by sensory nerve-endings. Part 2. The response of a single end-organ.

J. Physiol. (Lond.), 61, 151-71, 1926.

The observations of Adrian and Zotterman on the response of single sensory end-organs to a natural stimulus led them to formulate their conception of “adaptation” of receptors to stimuli.

Subjects: NEUROSCIENCE › NERVOUS SYSTEM › Peripheral Nerves / Nerve Impulses
  • 1137

Chemistry of thyroxine I.

Biochem. J., 20, 293-313, 1926.

Harington showed that thyroxine is a derivative of tyrosine, and he gave its formula as C15H11O4NI4.

Subjects: Ductless Glands: Internal Secretion › Thyroid, Parathyroids, ENDOCRINOLOGY › Thyroid
  • 1227

Die Unfruchtbarkeit als Folge unnatürlicher Lebensweise.

Munich: J. F. Bergmann, 1926.

Investigation of the effect of starvation and overfeeding on the gonads and on sexual capacity.

Subjects: Genito-Urinary System, NUTRITION / DIET
  • 1241

Studies on kidney function.

Biochem. J., 20, 447-82, 1926.

First attempt to determine the glomerular filtration rate in man.

Subjects: Genito-Urinary System › Kidney: Urinary Secretion, NEPHROLOGY › Renal Physiology
  • 2051

Der Apotheker als Subjekt und Objekt der Literatur.

Berlin: Julius Springer, 1926.

Subjects: PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACY › History of Pharmacy
  • 145.64

Variazioni e fluttuazioni del numero d’individui in specie animali conviventi.

Mem. R. Acad. Naz. dei Lincei (ser.6), 2, 31-113-, 1926.

The mathematician Volterra created the basic equations for two species interactions. Abridged English translation as appendix to R. Chapman, Animal ecology, New York, 1931.

Subjects: BIOLOGY › Ecology / Environment, COMPUTING/MATHEMATICS in Medicine & Biology
  • 1912.1

Biological relations of optically isomeric substances.

Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins, 1926.

Cushny made important contributions concerning the pharmacological action of optical isomers over a period of nearly twenty years. He summarized this work and that of others in his Charles E. Dohme Lectures, 1925.

  • 1913

Vergleichende Messungen über die Gewöhnung des Atemzentrums an Morphin, Dicodid und Dilaudid.

Münch, med. Wschr., 73, 595-96, 1926.

Introduction of dilaudid (Hydromorphone)

Subjects: PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Botanic Sources of Single Component Drugs › Opium › Morphine › Hydromorphone
  • 1914

Actions and uses of the salicylates and cinchophen in medicine.

Medicine, 5, 197-373, 1926.

Republished in book form, Baltimore, 1927.

Subjects: PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Botanic Sources of Single Component Drugs › Cinchona Bark, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Botanic Sources of Single Component Drugs › Willow Tree Bark (Salycilic Acid; Aspirin)
  • 1915

On the chemotherapy of neurosyphilis and trypanosomiasis.

J. Pharmacol., 29, 69-82, 1926.

Study of the effect of twelve different substances in neurosyphilis and trypanosomiasis.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES › Syphilis, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Triatomine Bug-Borne Diseases › Chagas Disease (American Trypanosomiasis) , PARASITOLOGY › Trypanosoma, PHARMACOLOGY › Chemotherapy
  • 1917

The action of adrenalin and ergotamine on the uterus of the rabbit.

J. Physiol. (Lond.), 61, 141-50, 1926.

Gaddum produced concentration-effect curves of antagonistic drugs, showing the dose-ratio linearly related to antagonistic concentration. See also No. 1925.1

Subjects: PHARMACOLOGY, PHARMACOLOGY › Pharmacodynamics
  • 2137.6

Aviation medicine.

Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins, 1926.

Bauer established the first school for flight surgeons in the United States. His book discusses the question of oxygen supply and its essential partial pressure, and discusses the effect of hight degrees of acceleration on the circulatory system. Includes the first significant bibliography on the subject. See J.F. Fulton, Louis H. Bauer and the rise of aviation medicine, J. Aviation med., 1955, 26, 92-103.

  • 2311

Handbuch der speziellen pathologischen Anatomie und Histologie. Edited by Friedrich Henke, Otto Lubarsch and Robert Rössle. 13 vols. in 43.

Berlin: Springer, 19261978.

1: Blut, Knochenmark, Lymphknoten, Milz.    

1/1: Blut, Lymphknoten von Max Askanazy. 1926.         

1/2: Milz, Knochenmark von Max Askanazy. 1927.          

3A: Lymphknoten: Diagnostik in Schnitt und Ausstrich: Cytologie und Lymphadenitis von Karl Lennert. 1961.  

3B: Malignant lymphomas: Other than Hodgkin's disease; Histology, cytology, ultrastructure, immunology von Karl Lennert. 1978.  

2: Herz und Gefässe von Carl Benda. 1924.        

3: Atmungswege und Lungen.

3/1: Von Walther Berblinger. 1928.  

3/2: Von Walther Berblinger. 1930.  

3/3: Hans J. Arndt. 1931.

3/4: Die gut- und bösartigen Lungengeschwülste von Hermann Eck. 1969.  

3/5: The pathologic anatomy of mycoses: Human infection with fungi actinomycetes and algae by Roger D. Baker. 1971.     

4: Verdauungsschlauch von B. Borchardt.

4/1: Rachen und Tonsillen, Speiseröhre, Magen und Darm, Bauchfell. 1926.     

4/2:  Verdauungsschlauch von B. Borchardt. 1928.

4/3:  Verdauungsschlauch von B. Borchardt. 1929

5: Verdauungsdrüsen von W. Fischer.

5/1: Leber. 1930.  

5/2: Kopfspeicheldrüsen, Bauchspeicheldrüse, Gallenblase und Gallenweg. 1929.

6: Harnorgane, männliche Geschlechtsorgane.

6/1: Niere von Theodor Fahr. 1925.     

6/2: Niere und ableitende Harnwege von Hermann Chiari. 1934.     

6/3: Männliche Geschlechtsorgane  / Chiari, Hermann. 1931.     

7: Weibliche Geschlechtsorgane / hrsg. von E. Uehlinger

7/1: Uterus und Tuben. 1930.

7/2: Die Krankheiten der Brustdrüsen und Gebärmutterbänder. 1933.

7/3: Die Krankheiten des Eierstockes. 1937.                   

7/4: Vulva, Vagina, Urethra. 1972.               

7/5: Placenta von Fritz Strauss. 1967.                      

8: Drüsen mit innerer Sekretion  / Berblinger, Walther. 1926.              

9: Bewegungsapparat von Ambrosius von Albertini, Hermann Beitzke, & Georg Axhausen.

9/1: Knochen, Muskeln, Sehnen, Sehnenscheiden, Schleimbeutel von Ambrosius von Albertini. 1929.                       

9/2: Gelenke und Knochen von Hermann Beitzke. 1934.          

9/3: Knochen und Gelenke von Georg Axhausen. 1937.             

9/4: Spezielle Pathologie des Skelets und seiner Teile : unspezifische  Entzündungen, metastatische Geschwülste,                   Parasiten, Wirbelsäule, Becken von Friedrich Boemke. 1939.               

9/5: Spezielle Pathologie des Skelets und seiner Teile : die primären Knochengeschwülste von Georg Herzog. 1944.               

9/6: Die Entwicklungsstörungen der Extremitäten von Andreas Werthemann. 1952                 

9/7: Pathologische Anatomie des Schädels von Ludwig Burkhardt. 1970                 

10: Pathologische Anatomie und Histologie der Vergiftungen von Else Petri. 1930.               

11/1-3 Auge / Hrsg. von Karl Wessely. Bearb. von G. Abelsdorff.

12: Gehörorgan von Karl Wittmaack. 1926.               

13: Nervensystem / hrsg. von W. Scholz.

13/1A: Erkrankungen des zentralen Nervensystems von Gustav Bodechtel. 1957.    

13/1B: Erkrankungen des zentralen Nervensystems von Gustav Bodechtel. 1957.             

13/2A: Erkrankungen des zentralen Nervensystems von Richard Bieling. 1958.     

13/2B: Erkrankungen des zentralen Nervensystems von Richard Bieling. 1958.     

13/3: Erkrankungen des zentralen Nervensystems von Gerhard Döring. 1955.     

13/4: Erkrankungen des zentralen Nervensystems von G. Biondi. 1956.     

13/5: Erkrankungen des peripheren Nervensystems. Erkrankungen des vegetativen Nervensystems von Gerhard Döring. 1955.



Subjects: ANATOMY › Microscopic Anatomy (Histology), PATHOLOGY
  • 2462

Protozoology. 2 vols.

London: Baillière, Tindall & Cox, 1926.

Wenyon was one of the world’s foremost authorities on medical protozoology.

Subjects: PARASITOLOGY › Protozoa, ZOOLOGY › Protistology (formerly Protozoology)
  • 2345

Ueber Versuche, schwere Formen der Tuberkulose durch diätetische Behandlung zu beeinflussen.

Münch. med. Wschr., 73, 47-51, 1926.

Gerson introduced a salt-restricted diet in the treatment of tuberculosis; this was subsequently modified by Sauerbruch and Herrmannsdorfer, becoming known as the “Gerson–Sauerbruch–Hermannsdorfer diet”. The scientific efficacy of this diet, or of other diets promoted by Gerson to cure cancer, was never independently confirmed. With A. Hermannsdorfer,

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Tuberculosis, NUTRITION / DIET, Quackery
  • 2650

Haemagglutinegehalte van het bloedserum bij carcinoompatiënten.

Ned. T. Geneesk.70, i, 2856-58, 1926.

Bendien test for the diagnosis of cancer. He published books in German and English on this subject in 1931. Modification by E. C. Lowe, Brit. med. J., 1932, 2, 1060.

Subjects: Laboratory Medicine › Blood Tests, ONCOLOGY & CANCER
  • 2651

Ueber den Stoffwechsel der Tumoren.

Berlin: Julius Springer, 1926.

In his important studies of the metabolism of tumors, Warburg was first to observe that malignant tissue utilizes glucose by glycolysis, whether or not oxygen is available (aerobic glycolysis). English translation, 1930.

  • 2522.1

A disease of rabbits characterised by a large mononuclear leucocytosis, caused by a hitherto undescribed bacillus acterium monocytogenes (n. sp.).

J. Path. Bact., 29, 407-39, 1926.

Isolation of Listeria monocytogenes. With R. A. Webb and M. B. R. Swann.

Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY › BACTERIA (mostly pathogenic; sometimes indexed only to genus) › Gram-Positive Bacteria › Listeria, VETERINARY MEDICINE
  • 3087.2

Hereditär pseudohemofili.

Fin. Läk.-Sallsk. Handl., 68, 87-112, 1926.

Von Willebrand’s disease, pseudo-hemophilia type B, an hereditary bleeding disorder affecting both sexes.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Blood Disorders › Von Willebrand Disease, HEMATOLOGY › Blood Disorders
  • 3140

Treatment of pernicious anemia by a special diet.

J. Amer. med. Assoc., 87, 470-76, 1926.

Introduction of raw liver diet in the treatment of pernicious anemia. This treatment ranks as one of the greatest modern advances in therapy. See also the later paper in the same journal, 1927, 89,759-66. Reprinted in Blood, 1948, 3,8-21.

In 1934 Minot and Murphy shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Whipple (see No. 3139) "for their work in liver therapy for anemia."

Subjects: HEMATOLOGY › Anemia & Chlorosis, HEPATOLOGY › Hepatic Physiology, NOBEL PRIZES › Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
  • 3201

The nature of the “oat-celled sarcoma” of the mediastinum.

J. Path. Bact., 29, 241-44, 1926.

An important study of the histology of “oat-celled sarcoma” which Barnard showed to be primary carcinoma of the lung.

Subjects: ONCOLOGY & CANCER › Carcinoma, ONCOLOGY & CANCER › Sarcoma › Soft Tissue Sarcoma, RESPIRATION › Respiratory Diseases
  • 3325

Displacement irrigation of nasal sinuses; a new procedure in diagnosis and conservative treatment.

Arch. Otolaryng. (Chicago), 4, 1-13, 1926.

Displacement method of treatment of nasal sinusitis; published in book form, St. Louis, 1931.

Subjects: OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Rhinology
  • 1058
  • 3746

Antineuritische Vitamine.

Chem. Weekbl., 23, 1387-1409, 1926.

Isolation of vitamin B1 (aneurine, thiamine), lack of which is a cause of beri-beri.

Subjects: NUTRITION / DIET › Deficiency Diseases › Beriberi
  • 3758

A further study of butter, fresh beef, and yeast as pellagra preventatives, with consideration of the relation of factor P-P of pellagra (and black tongue of dogs) to vitamin B.

Publ. Hlth. Rep. (Wash.), , 41, 297-318, Washington, DC, 1926.

Anti-pellagra vitamin. With G. A. Wheeler, R. D. Lillie, and L. M. Rogers.

Subjects: NUTRITION / DIET › Deficiency Diseases › Pellagra
  • 3785

Der Morbus Gaucher und die ihm ähnlichen Erkrankungen. (Die lipoidzellige Splenohepatomegalie Typus Niemann und die diabetische Lipoidzellenhyperplasie der Milz.)

Ergebn. inn Med. Kinderheilk., , 29, 519-627, 1926.

“Niemann-Pick disease” – a group of inherited, severe metabolic disorders, first noted by Albert Niemann in 1914, (No. 3784) in 1914. Pick’s account is of greater importance.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Inherited Metabolic Disorders › Niemann-Pick Disease, Metabolism & Metabolic Disorders, Spleen: Lymphatics
  • 2988

A new treatment of thoracic aneurysm.

Ann. clin. Med., 4, 933-42, 1926.

Babcock’s operation for thoracic aneurysm. See also Amer. J. Surg.,1932, 16,401-07.

  • 1206
  • 3971

Crystalline insulin.

Proc. nat. Acad. Sci.(Wash.), 12, 132-36, 1926.

Crystalline insulin first obtained. See also J. Pharmacol., 1927, 31, 65-85.

Subjects: Ductless Glands: Internal Secretion › Pancreas
  • 4273

Minor surgery of the prostate gland; a new cystoscopic instrument employing a cutting current capable of operation in a water medium.

Int. J. Med. Surg., 39, 72-77, 1926.

Stern’s resectoscope.

Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Surgical Instruments, UROLOGY › Prostate
  • 3004

Die Calorose als Verödungsmittel varikös entarteter Venen.

Wien. klin. Wschr., 39, 1217-19, 1926.

Nobl used dextrose in the injection treatment of varicose veins.

  • 3699

Orthodontics; an historical review of its origin and evolution, including an extensive bibliography of orthodontic literature up to the time of specialization. 2 vols.

St. Louis, MO: C. V. Mosby Co., 1926.

Subjects: DENTISTRY › History of Dentistry, DENTISTRY › Orthodontics
  • 4151.1

Über Myome, ausgehend von der quergestreiften willkürlichen Muskulatur.

Virchows Arch. path. Anat., 260, 215-33, 1926.

“Abrikosov’s tumor”, granular-cell myoblastoma.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses, ONCOLOGY & CANCER
  • 4151.2

An unusual type of pemphigus, combining features of lupus erythematosus.

Arch. Derm. Syph. (Chicago), 13, 761-81, 1926.

Pemphigus erythematodes. “Senear–Usher syndrome”.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4897

Die Operationstechnik der Hirntumoren (nach eigenen Erfahrungen).

Folia neuropath, eston., 6, 127-49, 1926.

Puusepp, an Estonian, was the first professor of neurosurgery; he was particularly notable for his method of removing cerebral tumors. The above journal was founded and edited by him, and vol. 16 (1935) is a Festschrift in his honor.

  • 5130

A treatise on pneumonic plague.

Geneva: League of Nations, 1926.

Publication of the League of Nations, III. Health III, 13.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Flea-Borne Diseases › Plague (transmitted by fleas from rats to humans)
  • 5141

Die ersten gedruckten Pestschriften.

Munich: Verlag der Münchener Druck, 1926.

Includes descriptions of 130 incunabula.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › 15th Century (Incunabula) & Medieval, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Flea-Borne Diseases › Plague (transmitted by fleas from rats to humans) › Plague, History of
  • 5289

Essai de prophylaxie des trypanosomiases par des dérivés phénylarsiniques administré

per os. Bull. Soc. Path. exot., 19, 737-46, 1926.

First attempt to induce prophylaxis by chemical means in trypanosomiasis. With S. Nicolau and I. Galloway.

Subjects: IMMUNOLOGY › Immunization, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Triatomine Bug-Borne Diseases › Chagas Disease (American Trypanosomiasis) , PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Antiparasitic Drugs
  • 5707.1

Some physical factors in the administration of gaseous ether.

Brit med. J., 2, 1113-17, 1926.

McKesson introduced the intermittent flow method.

Subjects: ANESTHESIA › Ether
  • 5328

Erythema arthriticum epidemicum; preliminary report.

Boston med. surg. J., 194, 285-87, 1926.

“Haverhill fever” first reported. The writers isolated an organism, later found to be identical with Streptothrix muris ratti and Streptobacillus moniliformis. With L. E. Sutton and O. Willner.

Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY › BACTERIA (mostly pathogenic; sometimes indexed only to genus) › Gram-Positive Bacteria › Streptococcus , INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Animal Bite Wound Infections › Rat-Bite Fever
  • 5782.1

A further report on cancer of the breast, with special reference to its associated antecedent conditions.

Rep. Minist. Hlth, London, No. 32. London, H. M. S. O., , 1926.

First modern case-control study.

Subjects: ONCOLOGY & CANCER, SURGERY: General › Diseases of the Breast, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 5970

Glaukosantropfen, Glaukomund Akkommodation.

Klin. Mbl. Augenheilk., 76, 400-03, 1926.

Introduction of glaucosan.

  • 5971

Studien über Kleinhirncysten. Bau, Pathogenese und Beziehungen zur Angiomatosis retinae.

Acta path. microbiol. scand., Suppl. 1, 1926.

Lindau’s important histological study of hemangiomatosis retinae (“Lindau’s disease”).

  • 5395

The Weil-Felix reaction in sporadic tropical typhus.

London: John Bale, 1926.

Bull. Inst. Med. Res., F. M. S., 1926, No. 1. Demonstration that scrub-typhus patients developed agglutinins against the OX-K strain of B. proteus but not the OX-19 strain.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Lice-Borne Diseases › Typhus
  • 5396

Clinical observations on endemic typhus (Brill’s disease) in Southern United States.

Publ. Hlth. Rep. (Wash.), 41, 1213-20, 2967-95, 1926.

Maxcy described murine (flea-borne) typhus (“Maxcy’s disease”).

Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY › BACTERIA (mostly pathogenic; sometimes indexed only to genus) › Rickettsiales › Rickettsia › Rickettsia typhi , COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › United States › American South, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Lice-Borne Diseases › Typhus
  • 5433

Studies on variola, vaccinia, and avian molluscum.

J. State Med., 34, 125-43, 1926.

Ledingham’s diagnostic test.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Smallpox , VIROLOGY › VIRUSES (by Family) › Variola and Vaccinia
  • 6470

Imhotep: the vizier and physician of Kind Zoser, and afterwards the Egyptian god of medicine.

Oxford: University Press, 1926.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Egypt › History of Ancient Medicine in Egypt, BIOGRAPHY (Reference Works)
  • 6632

Medical numismatics.

Ann. med. Hist., 8, 128-35, 1926.

An excellent short paper on the subject, with references to the more important previous work.

Subjects: Numismatics, Medical
  • 5256

Die Wirkung des Plasmochins auf die Vogelmalaria.

Arch. Schiffs- u. Tropenhyg., 30, Beihefte, 311-18; 31, Beihefte, 48-58, 19261927.

Introduction of plasmoquine (pamaquin) in the treatment of malaria.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Mosquito-Borne Diseases › Malaria, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Antimalarial Drugs
  • 6509

Arabian medicine and its influence on the Middle Ages. 2 vols.

London: Kegan Paul, 1926.

A survey of the Arabian medical writings of the Eastern and Western Caliphates. The first volume includes a survey early Arabic medical manuscripts then known, and a survey of the Arab medical writers of the Eastern and Western Caliphates. The second volume includes, as Appendix 1 a list of translators into Latin of Arabic works, and Appendix II, "An investigation of the date and authorship of the Latin versions of the works of Galen." This long appendix, which occupies most of the volume,  was an attempt to recontruct the Galenic Library as it was known in the Middle Ages. 

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Manuscripts & Philology, BIBLIOGRAPHY › Manuscripts & Philology › Translations to and from Arabic, ISLAMIC OR ARAB MEDICINE › History of Islamic or Arab Medicine, MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › History of Medieval Medicine, MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › Medieval Islamic or Arab Medicine
  • 6771

A short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland and of English books printed abroad, 1475-1640.

London: Bibliographical Society, 1926.

This has been completely superseded by the second edition, revised and enlarged. Begun by W. A. Jackson and F. S. Ferguson; completed by K. F. Pantzer. Vol. 1. A-H.; Vol. 2. I-Z. London, Bibliographical Society, 1972-86. In addition to countless works of medical interest, this includes in brief form many bibliographies of individual medical authors whose works appeared during the dates covered.

  • 6415

An introduction to the history of medicine from the time of the Pharaohs to the end of the XVIIIth century … With an essay on the relation of history and philosophy to medicine by F.G. Crookshank.

London: Kegan Paul, 1926.

Subjects: History of Medicine: General Works
  • 6417

Die Lehre von der heilkraft der Natur im Wandel der Zeiten.

Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke, 1926.

The standard work on the history of the doctrine of “the healing power of Nature”. English translation, New York, 1932.

Subjects: History of Medicine: General Works
  • 251

The theory of the gene.

New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1926.

  • 32

Collectionum medicarum reliquae, libri 1-VIII, libri IX-XVI, libri XXIV-XXV, XLIII-XLVIII, libri XLIX-L, libri incerti ecologae medicamentorum. Synopsis ad Eustathium, Libri ad Eunapium. Edited by Johannes Raeder. 5 vols.

Leipzig & Berlin: B. G. Teubner, 19261933.

Contains selections from the writings of physicians, the originals of some of whose works no longer exist, and who would have been forgotten, but for the compilations of Oribasius. Writers included are Agathinus, Antyllus, Apollonius, Archigenes, Athenaeus, Ctesias, Dieuches, Diocles, Dioscorides, Herodotus, Justus, Lycus, Menemachus, Mnesitheus Atheniensis, Mnesitheus Cyzicenus, Oribasius, Philagrius, Philotimus, Philumenus, Sabinus, Xenocrates, Zopyrus. 

"Born in Pergamum, he [Oribasius] studied medicine at Alexandria under Zeno of Cyprus, and practised in Asia Minor. He became the personal physician of Julian, who took him to Gaul (355). Closely involved in the proclamation of Julian as emperor (361), Oribasius accompanied him until his death in Mesopotamia (363). Banished for a time to foreign courts, Oribasius was soon recalled by the emperor Valens and continued to practise his profession until an advanced age. His principal works are a collection of excerpts from Galen—now lost—and the Collectiones medicae, a vast compilation of excerpts from earlier medical writers, from Alcmaeon of Croton (c.500 bc) to Oribasius' contemporaries Philagrius and Adamantius. Both of these works were written at the behest of Julian. Of the 70 (or 72) books of the Collectiones only 25 survive entire; but the rest can be in part reconstructed from the Synopsis ad Eustathium, and the treatise Ad Eunapium, epitomes of the Collectiones in 9 books and 4 books respectively made by Oribasius himself, and from various excerpts and summaries, some of which are still unpublished. Oribasius was a convinced pagan, and his medical encyclopedia is a product of the vain effort of Julian and his circle to recall the classical past. For the medical historian its importance lies in the large number of excerpts from lost writers—particularly those of the Roman period—which it preserves, usually with a precise reference to the source; Oribasius adds nothing of his own. His work was constantly quoted and excerpted by early Byzantine medical writers, the Synopsis and the Ad Eunapium were twice translated into Latin in Ostrogothic Italy, and Syriac and Arabic translations of portions of Oribasius' work form one of the principal channels by which knowledge of Greek medicine reached the Islamic world" (Robert Browning & Vivian Nutton, Oxford Reference;

Digital facsimiles from Corpus Medicorum Graecorum at this link

  • 4607

Idiopathic narcolepsy: a disease sui generis; with remarks on the mechanism of sleep.

Brain, 49, 257-306., 1926.

Adie’s description of narcolepsy is called “maladie d’Adie” by some French writers.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Diseases of the Nervous System
  • 7031

Het volkomen huwelijk. Een studie omtrent zijn physiologie en zijn techniek: voor den arts en den echtgenoot geschreven.

Leiden: Leidsche Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1926.

English translation: Ideal Marriage: Its Physiology and Technique. (1930). The first printing had an insert: "The sale of this book is strictly limited to members of the medical profession, Psychoanalysts, Scholars, and to such adults as may have a definite position in the field of Physiological, Psychological, or Social Research." In its different editions and translations over the nearly 100 years since it was published, it is possible that this work sold more copies than virtually any other book in this bibliography.

Subjects: SEXUALITY / Sexology
  • 7105

Happiness in marriage.

New York: Blue Ribbon Books, 1926.

Full text available from at this link.

Subjects: Contraception , SEXUALITY / Sexology, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 7307

Human origins: A manual of prehistory. 2 vols.

New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1926.

A detailed and extensively illustrated summary, with detailed bibliographical references, of the state of knowledge of prehistory in Europe as of 1926. Appendix 1: "Stratigraphic Study of Paleolithic Sites" is a very useful inventory of sites then known with detailed bibliographies of literature on each site. Appendix 2: "Repertory of Paleolithic Art" provides a similar reference for this aspect.

Subjects: EVOLUTION › Human Origins / Human Evolution
  • 7724

La chirurgie esthétique, son rôle social.

Paris: Masson & Cie, 1926.

Noël was one of the first women to practice cosmetic surgery; her book on the subject was the first written by a woman and one of the earliest books on aesthetic plastic surgery in French.

Subjects: PLASTIC & RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY › Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 8362

Anatomies de Mondino dei Luzzi et de Guido de Vigevano. Par Ernest Wickersheimer.

Paris: E. Droz, 1926.

Facsimile of the 1478 edition of Mondino's Anothomia along with the text and 18 plates from Guido de Vigevano's (fl. 14th century) Anathomia. Vigevano's manuscript, completed in 1345, is MS. 569 in the Musée Condé at the Chateau de Chantilly. In his Anathomia Vigevano discusses the usefulness of using drawings for the demonstration of anatomy as well as the church's attitude toward dissection of the human body. According to Wickersheimer, the Papal Bull of Boniface VIII in 1300 was not aimed at curtailing dissection, but was intended to halt the practice of boiling and dismembering the bodies of crusaders who had died away from home for easier transportation back to Europe. Vigevano's plates are among the earliest anatomical drawings of the time and are intended to show the techniques of dissection and a limited number of diagnostic techniques.

Subjects: ANATOMY › Anatomical Illustration, ANATOMY › History of Anatomy, ANATOMY › Medieval Anatomy (6th to 15th Centuries), MEDIEVAL MEDICINE , MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › Italy
  • 8909

Catalogue of an exhibition of early and later medical Americana.

New York: New York Academy of Medicine, 1926.

  • 9513

Ayurvedic medicine in ancient and medieval Ceylon.

New York: Paul B. Hoeber, 1926.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › India › History of Ancient Medicine in India, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Sri Lanka
  • 9656

The natural history of ants: From an unpublished manuscript in the Academy of Sciences of Paris. Translated and annotated by William Morton Wheeler.

New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1926.

French and English text. The French text was first published in France as the 7th volume of Reaumur's Mémoires, Paris, 1928.

Subjects: ZOOLOGY › Arthropoda › Entomology
  • 10467

Health, wealth and population in the early days of the industrial revolution.

London: Routledge, 1926.

Chapters on water supply, 18th physicians and pioneers of public health, the hospital and dispensary movement, general hygiene and midwifery, rickets and scurvy, antiseptics, smallpox, anti-typhus campaign, malaria, etc. 

Subjects: ECONOMICS, BIOMEDICAL › History of Biomedical Economics, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Lice-Borne Diseases › Typhus, NUTRITION / DIET › Deficiency Diseases › Rickets, NUTRITION / DIET › Deficiency Diseases › Scurvy, OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & MEDICINE › History of Occupational Health & Medicine
  • 10468

Population problems of the age of Malthus.

Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1926.

Includes chapters on birth and marriage rates relating to conditions of employment, also the influence of the Poor Laws on these rates. Other chapters concern agriculture and food and health of towns and factores, and alcohol, and medicine as affecting the death rate. The second edition (1967) benefits from the addition of a significant new introduction by the author.

Subjects: DEMOGRAPHY / Population: Medical Statistics › History of Demography, ECONOMICS, BIOMEDICAL › History of Biomedical Economics, OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & MEDICINE › History of Occupational Health & Medicine
  • 12298

Über den Energieverbrauch bei musikalischer Betätigung.

Pflügers Archiv, 211, 1-63, 1926.

Specialized study on the energy consumption of musicians.

Subjects: Music and Medicine, PHYSICAL MEDICINE / REHABILITATION › Exercise / Training / Fitness
  • 12386

Isolation of a crystalline protein with tuberculin activity.

Science, 63, 619-620, 1926.

Siebert identified the active agent in tuberculin as a protein.

Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY › BACTERIA (mostly pathogenic; sometimes indexed only to genus) › Gram-Positive Bacteria › Mycobacterium › Mycobacterium tuberculosis, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Tuberculosis, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 12574

Medical report of the Hamilton Rice Seventh expedition to the Amazon In conjunction with the Department of Tropical Medicine of Harvard University, 1924-1925. By Richard P. Strong, George C. Shattuck, Joseph C. Bequaert, and Ralph E. Wheeler.

Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1926.

"The Hamilton Rice Seventh Expedition to Amazonia was undertaken [under the leadership of Richard Pearson Strong] partly for general geographical exploration and partly for medical investigation in a section of the Amazon Valley which comprises the greater portion of the most tropical parts of Brazil. The expedition was equipped with complete laboratory apparatus and had further help in various hospitals and clinics, particularly in Mangos and Para. The report of the work is divided into three sections: Part I describes the climate and inhabitants of the country and gives full details about various tropical diseases; Part II discusses the medical and economic entomology of the region; and the third part summarizes briefly the various medical and biological observations made by George Shattuck on the Branco, the Uraricuera, and the Parima Rivers, and adds three other chapters on general biology. A very large number of full-page illustrations and cuts in the text will be of great value to all scientists. Certain sections, intended primarily for workers not especially interested in entomology, have been written with as few technical terms and details as was possible under the circumstances" (publisher)

Contents: The Amazon forest.--The spirochaetal infections.--Chronic inflammatory and nicorative processes of the skin.--Leishmaniasis.--Leprosy.--Malaria.--Splenomegaly.--Trypanosomiasis.--Biastomycosis.--Other parasitic infections of animals.--Pathological conditions produced by arthropoda.--Medical and economic entomology: General remarks. Arachnoidea. Insects.--Observations on the Branco, the Uraricuera and the Parima rivers.--A new mammalian cestode from Brazil.--A dipterous parasite of a snail for Brazil, with an account of the arthropod enemies of mollusks.--Land and fresh-water mollusks obtained during the expedition

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Brazil, TROPICAL Medicine , VOYAGES & Travels by Physicians, Surgeons & Scientists
  • 12907

The dental assistant.

St. Louis, MO: C. V. Mosby Co., 1926.

The first textbook for dental assistants. 

  • 14003

Le bactériophage et son comportement.

Paris: Masson & Cie, 1926.

In this book d'Hérelle reported on the results of quantitative work based on the plaque-count, and dilution methods of assay that he invented. He described a three-step process for the life history of the bacteriophage virus: 1. Attachment to the susceptible bacterium, 2. Multiplication in the cell, 3. Disintegration of the cell to free the progreny virus particles and attachment of the progreny to other susceptible bacteria, if they are present.
English translation as The bacteriophage and its behavior. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins Co., 1926. 

Subjects: VIROLOGY › Bacteriophage
  • 14025

The isolation and crystallization of the enzyme urease.

J. Biol. Chem., 69, 435-441, 1926.

Sumner first isolated and crystallized an enzyme (urease) and proved that enzymes are proteins.
One month after publication of the above paper Sumner reinforced his discovery by recrystalizing urease, publishing a follow-up paper:
"Note. The recrystallization of urease," J. Biol. Chem., 70, 1926, 97-98.

In 1946 Sumner was awarded half of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry "for his discovery that enzymes can be crystallized." The other half was awarded to John Howard Northrop and Wendell Meredith Stanley "for their preparation of enzymes and virus proteins in a pure form."

(Thanks to Juan Weiss for the follow-up reference.)

Subjects: BIOLOGY › MOLECULAR BIOLOGY › Protein Structure, BIOLOGY › MOLECULAR BIOLOGY › X-Ray Crystallography, NOBEL PRIZES › Nobel Prize in Chemistry (selected)
  • 14313

Studies in intracranial physiology & surgery. The third circulation. The hypophysis. The gliomas. The Cameron Prize Lectures delivered at the University of Edinburgh October 19, 20, 22, 1925.

London: Oxford University Press & Humphrey Milford, 1926.

This series of three lectures was an analytical review by Cushing of the three main categories of scientific work that he had accomplished during the previous 25 years. Remarkably, Cushing completed this review and delivered the lectures during the same year in which his biography of Osler was published. Prior Cameron lecturers included Pasteur (1889), Lister (1890), Ferrier (1891) and Horsley (1891).

(Thanks to Malcolm Kottler for this reference.)

Subjects: ENDOCRINOLOGY › Pituitary, NEUROSCIENCE › NERVOUS SYSTEM › Brain, including Medulla: Cerebrospinal Fluid, NEUROSURGERY › Neuro-oncology
  • 797

The blood-vessels of the human skin and their responses.

London: Shaw, 1927.

  • 563

Handbuch der mikroskopischen Anatomie des Menschen. 7 vols. [in 17.]

Berlin: Julius Springer, 19271943.

Subjects: ANATOMY › 20th Century
  • 4610

L’encéphalographie artérielle, son importance dans la localisation des tumeurs cérébrales.

Rev. neurol., (Paris), 34, II, 72-90, 1927.

Introduction of cerebral arteriography. See also Presse méd., 1928, 36, 689-93. English translation in J. Neurosurg., 1964, 21, 145-56.

Subjects: IMAGING › X-ray › Angiography / Arteriography / Venography, NEUROLOGY › Brain & Spinal Tumors
  • 4653

A leukoenkephalitis periaxialis concentricaról.

Magy. orv. Arch., 28, 108-24, 1927.

“Baló’s disease” – encephalitis periaxialis concentrica. Translation in Arch. Neurol. Psychiat. (Chicago), 1928, 19, 242-64.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Neuroinfectious Diseases › Encephalitis, NEUROLOGY › Inflammatory Conditions
  • 910

A new agglutinable factor differentiating individual human bloods.

Proc. Soc. exp. Biol. (N.Y.), 24, 600-02, 1927.

Discovery of M and N agglutinogens. See also the same journal, pp. 941-42.

Subjects: HEMATOLOGY › Blood Groups
  • 456

Anatomical texts of the earlier Middle Ages: A study in the transmission of culture, with a revised Latin text of Anatomia Cophonis and translations of four texts.

Washington, DC: Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1927.

Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: ANATOMY › History of Anatomy, MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › History of Medieval Medicine
  • 1138

Chemistry of thyroxine. III. Constitution and synthesis of thyroxine.

Biochem. J., 21, 169-81, 1927.

Synthesis of thyroxine.

Subjects: Ductless Glands: Internal Secretion › Thyroid, Parathyroids
  • 1148

Further studies on adrenal insufficiency in dogs.

Science, 66, 327, 1927.

Cortical hormone first obtained.

Subjects: Ductless Glands: Internal Secretion › Adrenals
  • 1166

The induction of precocious sexual maturity by pituitary homeotransplants.

Amer. J. Physiol., 80, 114-25, 1927.

Smith was able to induce precocious sexual maturity in mice and rats by the implantation of pituitary tissue.

Subjects: Ductless Glands: Internal Secretion › Pituitary
  • 1167

Experimental evidence regarding the rôle of the anterior pituitary in the development and regulation of the genital system.

Amer. J. Anat., 40, 159-217, 1927.

Pituitary tissue implanted in the immature mouse was found by these writers to cause precocious sexual maturity. Thus they showed that the activity of the gonads is maintained by the anterior lobe of the pituitary.

Subjects: Ductless Glands: Internal Secretion › Pituitary, ENDOCRINOLOGY › Pituitary
  • 1168

Das Hormon des Hypophysenvorderlappens.

Klin. Wschr., 6, 348-52; 7, 831-35, 1927.

Isolation of the gonadotrophic hormone of the anterior pituitary (Prolan A & B).

Subjects: Ductless Glands: Internal Secretion › Pituitary
  • 1185

The menstrual cycle of the monkey, Macacus rhesus. Observations on normal animals, the effects of removal of the ovaries and the effects of injection of ovarian and placental extracts into the spayed animals.

Contr. Embryol. Carneg. Instn., 19,1-44, 1927.

This paper marks the beginning of modern knowledge of the menstrual cycle. Allen showed that uterine bleeding occurs as a withdrawal effect when estrogen ceases to act on the endometrium.

Subjects: Ductless Glands: Internal Secretion › Gonads: Sex Hormones
  • 1186

Über das Vorkommen weiblichen Sexualhormons (Menformon) im Harn von Männern.

Klin. Wschr. 6, 1859, 1927.

Discovery of the estrogenic activity of male urine. With E. Dingemanse, P. C. Hart, and S. E. de Jongh.

Subjects: Ductless Glands: Internal Secretion › Gonads: Sex Hormones
  • 1187

The effect of the injection of a lipoid fraction of bull testicle in capons.

Proc. Inst. Med. Chicago, 6, 242-54, 1927.

McGee prepared the first active male hormone extract from the lipoid fraction of bull testes. His paper includes a preliminary account of the capon-comb test. See No. 1191.

Subjects: Ductless Glands: Internal Secretion › Gonads: Sex Hormones
  • 2008

Discordance des effets des rayons X, d’une part dans la peau, d’autre part dans le testicule, par le fractionnement de la dose: diminution de l’efficacité dans la peau, maintien de l’efficacité dans le testicule.

C. R. Soc. Biol. (Paris), 97, 431-4, 1927.

Dose fractionation.

  • 1242

Estimation of afferent arteriole and glomerular capillary pressures in the frog kidney.

Amer. J. Physiol., 79, 389-409, 1927.

Subjects: Genito-Urinary System › Kidney: Urinary Secretion, NEPHROLOGY › Renal Physiology
  • 1655

The history of heating, ventilation, and lighting.

Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med., 2 ser., 3, 57-67, 1927.

Subjects: PUBLIC HEALTH › History of Public Health, Ventilation, Health Aspects of
  • 1656

Evolution of preventive medicine.

London: Baillière, Tindall & Cox, 1927.

Subjects: PUBLIC HEALTH › History of Public Health
  • 2052

Four thousand years of pharmacy; an outline history of pharmacy.

Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1927.

First history of pharmacy by an American. Reprinted as The curious lore of drugs and medicines, New York, Garden City Publ. Co., 1936.

Subjects: PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACY › History of Pharmacy
  • 145.65

Animal ecology.

London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1927.

Elton integrated the concepts of food chains, pyramids of numbers, and the “niche” into a useful framework for ecology.

Subjects: BIOLOGY › Ecology / Environment
  • 2086.1

Der Meskalinrausch. Seine Geschichte und Erscheinungsweise.

Berlin: Julius Springer, 1927.

The most comprehensive treatise on peyote and its active agent, mescaline, which was synthesized in 1919.

Subjects: PSYCHIATRY › Psychopharmacology › History of Psychopharmacology, PSYCHIATRY › Psychopharmacology › Mescaline, TOXICOLOGY
  • 1916

The nature of the vaso-dilator constituents of certain tissue extracts.

J. Physiol. (Camb.), 62, 397-417, 1927.

Proof that histamine occurs in certain organs in amounts sufficient to account for the depressant action of extracts of these organs. With H. H. Dale, H. W. Dudley, and W. V. Thorpe.

Subjects: PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Cardiovascular Medications
  • 2255

Contribution to the study of burns, their classification and treatment.

Ann. Surg., 85, 490-501, 1927.

Goldblatt’s classification of burns.

Subjects: Diseases Due to Physical Factors › Burns
  • 1528

The action of light on the eye.

J. Physiol. (Lond.), 63, 378-414; 64, 279-301; 65, 273-308, 1927, 1928.

 On the electrical discharges from the vertebrate optic nerve.

Subjects: Neurophysiology, OPHTHALMOLOGY › Physiology of Vision, PHYSIOLOGY › Electrophysiology, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 1529

An introduction to the theory of perception.

Cambridge, England: University Press, 1927.

Subjects: PSYCHOLOGY › Sensation / Perception
  • 1530

The nature of the intra-ocular fluids.

London: G. Pulman, 1927.

Subjects: OPHTHALMOLOGY › Physiology of Vision
  • 2346

Sur la vaccination préventive des enfants nouveau-nés contre la tuberculose par le B.C.G.

Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 41, 201-32, 1927.

Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY › BACTERIA (mostly pathogenic; sometimes indexed only to genus) › Gram-Positive Bacteria › Mycobacterium › Mycobacterium bovis, IMMUNOLOGY › Immunization, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Tuberculosis, PEDIATRICS
  • 2414

Bismuth arsphenamine sulphate.

J. Amer. med. Assoc., 89, 1500-1505, 1927.

Clinical introduction of bismarsen, synthesized by G. W. Raiziss in 1924.

  • 2856

Congenital cardiac disease by Maude Abbott. IN: Modern medicine: Its theory and practice, edited by Sir William Osler, assisted by Thomas McCrae. 3rd ed., 4, 612-812.

Philadelphia, 1927.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › Congenital Heart Defects, GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Congenital Heart Defects, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 3242

Die Krankheitslehre der Phthise in den Phasen ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung.

Beitr. Klin. Tuberk., 66, 66-98, 1927.

Subjects: PULMONOLOGY › History of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
  • 3141

Anemia in children, with splenomegaly and peculiar changes in the bones.

Amer. J. Dis. Child, 34, 347-63, 1927.

“Cooley’s erythroblastic anemia”, thalassemia. With E. R. Witwer and O. P. Lee. An earlier brief account by Cooley and Lee appeared in Trans. Amer. Pediat. Soc.,1925, 37, 29.

  • 3142

Familiäre infantile perniziösaartige Anämie (perniziöses Blutbild und Konstitution).

Jb. Kinderheilk., 117, 257-80, 1927.

“Fanconi’s syndrome”, congenital hypoplasia of bone marrow with multiple congenital defects occurring as a familial disease.

  • 3142.1

The pathology of the bone marrow in pernicious anaemia.

Amer. J. Path., 3, 179-202, 1927.

Peabody studied the bone marrow in pernicious anemia. He suggested that failure of blood formation rather than hemolysis was the main defect in the disease, and that the benefit from liver feeding was due to a factor in liver that promoted development and differentiation of mature erythrocytes.

Subjects: HEMATOLOGY › Anemia & Chlorosis, HEPATOLOGY › Hepatic Physiology
  • 2694

Einstellung der Röntgenologie.

Vienna: Julius Springer, 1927.

  • 2715

Hypertension of the pulmonary circulation.

Amer. J. med. Sci. 174, 388-406, 1927.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Hypertension (High Blood Pressure), CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY › Cardiovascular System › Diseases of Cardiovascular System
  • 3706

Avitaminosen und verwandte Krankheitszustände. Edited by W. Stepp and P. György.

Berlin: Julius Springer, 1927.

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: NUTRITION / DIET › Deficiency Diseases, NUTRITION / DIET › Vitamins
  • 3724

The effect of desiccation upon the nutritive properties of egg-white.

Biochem. J., 21, 712-24, 1927.

Demonstration of the effect of deprivation of biotin.

Subjects: NUTRITION / DIET › Deficiency Diseases › Scurvy, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 3787

Follicular lymphadenopathy with splenomegaly: a newly recognized disease of the lymphatic system.

Arch. Path. Lab. Med., , 3, 816-20., 1927.

“Brill-Symmers disease” (see No. 3786).

Subjects: Spleen: Lymphatics
  • 3655

Funktionsprüfung der Leber mittels Bilirubinbelastung.

Z. klin. Med., 106, 529-60, 1927.

Bilirubin excretion test of liver function. See also his thesis, published in 1925.

Subjects: HEPATOLOGY › Tests for Liver Function
  • 4006
  • 5206

Handbuch der Haut-und Geschlechtskrankheiten. Hrsg…von J. JADASSOHN. 24 vols.

Berlin: Julius Springer, 19271937.

  • 3972

Carcinoma of the islands of the pancreas; hyperinsulinism and hypoglycemia.

J. Amer. med. Assoc., 89, 348-55., 1927.

R. M. Wilder, F. N. Allan, M. H. Power, and H. E. Robertson reported the occurrence of carcinoma with hyperinsulinism. They also reported the first operation for hyperinsulinism performed on December 2, 1926 by William Mayo.

Subjects: Ductless Glands: Internal Secretion › Pancreas, Metabolism & Metabolic Disorders › Diabetes, ONCOLOGY & CANCER › Carcinoma, SURGERY: General
  • 4296

The experimental production of stone-in-the-bladder.

Indian J. med. Res., 14, 895-99; 15, 197-205, 485-88, 801-06, 19271928.

McCarrison’s experiments showed that urinary calculi could follow a diet probably deficient in vitamin A.

Subjects: NUTRITION / DIET, UROLOGY › Urinary Calculi (lithotomy)
  • 4394

Bone sarcoma. The primary malignant tumors of bone and the giant cell tumor.

Surg. Gynec. Obstet., 44, Suppl., 1-214, 1927.

Based on material collected by the Registry of Bone Sacrcoma in Boston since its foundation in 1921.

Subjects: ONCOLOGY & CANCER › Sarcoma › Osteosarcoma, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 5142

The plague in Shakespeare’s London.

Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1927.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Flea-Borne Diseases › Plague (transmitted by fleas from rats to humans) › Plague, History of, LITERATURE / Philosophy & Medicine & Biology › Drama › Shakespeare
  • 4406

Fractures, joints, instruments of reduction. In [Works] with an English translation by E.T. Withington, 3, 83-449.

London: Heinemann, 1927.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Greece, ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Fractures & Dislocations
  • 4203.9

Aphorisms, Section VII, number 34. In his Works. Ed. W. H. S. JONES and E. T. WITHINGTON

London, 1927.

The first description of the association of proteinuria and chronic renal disease.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Greece, NEPHROLOGY › Renal Disease
  • 5708

Ueber rektale Narkose mit Avertin (E 107).

Dtsch. med. Wschr., 53, 710-12., 1927.

Experimental use of “avertin’’ (tribromethanol).

  • 5709

Klinische Erfahrungen mit Avertin (E 107).

Dtsch. med. Wschr., 53, 710-12, 1927.

First clinical use of “avertin”.

  • 4990.1

Einführung in die Technik der Kinderanalyse.

Leipzig: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1927.

Daughter of Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud made the psychoanalysis of children her own province. This is probably the most famous classic of child analysis.

Subjects: PSYCHIATRY › Child Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis
  • 5350.8

The insect transmission of Onchocerca volvulus (Leuckart, 1893), the cause of worm nodules in man in Africa.

Brit. med. J., 1, 129-33, 1927.

The fly Simulium damnosum shown to be the vector of onchocerciasis.

  • 5972

Nouveaux cas de guérison opératoire de décollements rétiniens.

Ann. Oculist. (Paris), 164, 817-26, 1927.

Gonin’s operation of ignipuncture for treatment of detachment of the retina.

Subjects: OPHTHALMOLOGY › Diseases of the Eye › Retinal Diseases, OPHTHALMOLOGY › Ocular Surgery & Procedures
  • 5973

Experimental production of a trachoma-like condition in monkeys by means of a micro-organism isolated from American Indian trachoma.

J. Amer. med. Ass., 89, 739-42, 1927.

Isolation of Bact. granulosis, believed by Noguchi to be the causal organism in trachoma. See also his monograph in J. exp. Med., 1928, 48, Suppl. 2.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Trachoma, OPHTHALMOLOGY › Diseases of the Eye › Conjunctivitis › Trachoma
  • 5974

A new operation for removing cataracts with their capsules.

Trans. Amer. ophthal. Soc., 25, 54-64, 1927.

Verhoeffs buttonhole iridectomy.

  • 6009

Sorani Gynaeciorum libri 4. De signis fracturarum. De fasciis. Vita Hippocratis secundum Soranum. Ed. Johannes Ilberg. Corpus medicorum Graecorum, 4.

Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1927.

Standard Greek edition of the works of Soranus. Digital facsimile from the Corpus Medicorum Graecorum at this link.

  • 5630.2

Mechanism and treatment of experimental shock. I. Shock following hemorrhage.

Arch. Surg. (Chicago), 15, 762-98, 1927.

First of a series of papers in the Archives. See also No. 5630.3.

  • 6459

The infancy of medicine. An enquiry into the influence of folk-lore upon the evolution of scientific medicine.

London: Macmillan, 1927.

Subjects: TRADITIONAL, Folk or Indigenous Medicine
  • 6626

Die magischen Heil- und Schutzmittel aus der unbelebten Natur.

Stuttgart: Strecker & Schröder, 1927.

Subjects: Magic & Superstition in Medicine
  • 6627

Amulette und Talismane und andere geheime Dingen.

Munich: Drei Masken Verlag, 1927.

Subjects: Magic & Superstition in Medicine
  • 5219

Contribución al estudio de la linfogranulomatosis inguinal subaguda o ulcera venérea adenógena de Nicolás y Favre.

Act. dermo-sifiliogr. (Madr.), 20, 122-75, 1927.

Gay Prieto was the first actually to see the infective agent of lymphogranuloma venereum.

  • 6482

Kos und Knidos.

Munich: Münchener Drucke, 1927.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Greece › History of Ancient Medicine in Greece
  • 6298

Missgeburten und Wundergestalten in Einblattdrucken und Handzeichnungen des 16. Jahrhunderts.

Zürich: O. Füssli, 1927.

Subjects: OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY › OBSTETRICS › History of Obstetrics, TERATOLOGY › History of Teratology
  • 6299

History of British midwifery from 1650-1800.

London: John Bale, 1927.

Subjects: OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY › OBSTETRICS › History of Obstetrics
  • 6559

Die Entwickelung der ärztlichen Kunst in Deutschland.

Munich: Münchener Drucke, 1927.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Germany, History of Medicine: General Works
  • 6418

Storia della medicina.

Milan: Soc. Ed. Unitas, 1927.

This work is similar in plan and scope to that of Garrison (No. 6408). Much attention is devoted to palaeopathology, with valuable accounts of the School of Salerno, and medieval and Renaissance Italian medicine. An English translation by E. B. Krumbhaar was published in 1941 and revised in 1947; new Italian editions, 1936 and 1938.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Italy, History of Medicine: General Works
  • 6419

Introduction to the history of science. 3 vols. in 5.

Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins, 19271948.

An extensively annotated bibliographical survey to the end of the 14th century. 

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Egypt › History of Ancient Medicine in Egypt, ANCIENT MEDICINE › Greece › History of Ancient Medicine in Greece, ANCIENT MEDICINE › Roman Empire › History of Medicine in the Roman Empire, BIBLIOGRAPHY , BYZANTINE MEDICINE › History of Byzantine Medicine, History of Medicine: General Works, ISLAMIC OR ARAB MEDICINE › History of Islamic or Arab Medicine, MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › History of Medieval Medicine
  • 6598

Historia de la medicina en el Uruguay. 3 vols.

Montevideo, Uruguay: Imprenta Nacional, “Rosgal”, 19271952.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Uruguay, Latin American Medicine › History of Latin American Medicine
  • 251.1

Artificial transmutation of the gene.

Science, 66, 84-7, 1927.

Muller showed that radiation causes mutations that are passed on from one generation to the next. This was the first suggestion that inherited traits might be altered or controlled, and it created a sensation: “Man’s most precious substance, the hereditary material which he could pass on to his offspring, was now potentially in his control. X rays could speed up evolution,’ if not in practice at least in the headlines. Like the discoveries of Einstein and Rutherford, Muller’s tampering with a fundamental aspect of nature provoked the public awe.“(Carlson). See also Muller's follow-up paper, "The production of mutations in x-rays," Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 14 (1928) 714-26. 

In 1946 Muller was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "for the discovery of the production of mutations by means of X-ray irradiation."

Subjects: BIOLOGY › MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, GENETICS / HEREDITY, NOBEL PRIZES › Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
  • 4610.1

Injections intracarotidiennes et substances injectables opaques aux rayons X.

Presse méd., 35, 969-71, 1927.

Carotid arteriography.

Subjects: IMAGING › X-ray › Angiography / Arteriography / Venography
  • 3088

"Methodology of examining bone marrow in live patients, with haemopoietic disease."

Vestn. Khir., No. 30, 57-60, 1927.

Needle puncture of bone marrow biopsy. (In Russian.) German account in Folia haemat. (Lpz.), 1929, 38, 233-40. English translation from the German in Bick, Classics of orthopaedics, 339-44.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Russia, HEMATOLOGY › Blood Disorders, ONCOLOGY & CANCER, ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 6947

A catalogue of manuscripts and medical books printed before 1640 in the library of Le Roy Crummer. By Mrytle Crummer.

Omaha, NE: Privately Printed, 1927.

The collection was mostly bequeathed to the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.  See also A Doctor's OdysseyA Sentimental Record of Le Roy Crummer: Physician, Author, Bibliophile, Artist in Living, 1872-1934, by Alex Gaylord Beaman (1935). 



Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Catalogues of Physicians' / Scientists' Libraries
  • 7227

Die Ohrenkrankheiten im Kindesalter mit Einschuss der Grenzgebiete.

Leipzig: F. C. W. Vogel, 1927.

The first work on pediatric ear diseases, dedicated to the author's teacher, Adam Politzer. Alexander "was assassinated on the street between his home and the Poliklinik by Johann Sokoup, a Czechoslovakian former patient who had tried to assassinate him 22 years earlier[4]" (Wikipedia).

  • 7255

The lower molar hominid tooth from the Chou Kou Tien deposit.

Beijing: Geological Survey of China, 1927.

In this report on a single hominid tooth found by Swedish archeologist Birger Bohlin at the Zhoukoudian site in 1927 Black named a new genus and species of hominid, Sinanthropus pekinensis. He characterized the specimen as representing “a new genus of the family Hominidae to be named Sinanthropus. . . . The species of which the dental characters have been described in detail in the foregoing pages may be named S. pekinensis” (p. 21). This report follows Black’s brief notice in Nature (“Tertiary man in Asia: the Chou-Kou-Tien discovery,” Nature 118 [1926]: 733-734) describing two hominid teeth discovered at the Zhoukoudian site between 1921 and 1925 by archeologist Otto Zdansky.

Subjects: ANTHROPOLOGY › Paleoanthropology, ANTHROPOLOGY › Physical Anthropology, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › China, People's Republic of, EVOLUTION › Human Origins / Human Evolution
  • 7529

Die Zukunft einer Illusion.

Vienna: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1927.

Subjects: Psychoanalysis, RELIGION & Medicine & the Life Sciences
  • 7698

Bibliographie des Selbstmords mit textlichen Einführungen zu Jedem Kapitel.

Augsburg: Literar. Institute von Haas & Grabherr, 1927.

Approaches the literature of suicide from many points of view including philosophical, medical, psychological, religious, literary, and artistic, as well as topics like family suicide, mass suicide and euthanasia, from the 15th to 20th centuries. The bibliography lists about 4000 works in thematic chapters, to each of which Rost wrote an introduction. It includes 54 illustrations, which may represent the first published collection of historical images on suicide. 

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Specific Subjects, DEATH & DYING › Suicide, PSYCHIATRY, PSYCHOLOGY
  • 7842

Certain samaritans.

New York: Macmillan, 1927.

A first-hand account of the American Women's Hospitals especially in Greece, Turkey and the Balkans helping to relieve the poulations uprooted by World War I and its aftermath. Lovejoy became the second woman to graduate from the University of Oregon's medical school in 1894. In 1907 she became the first woman appointed to direct a department of health in a major U. S. city, i.e. Portland, Oregon.  She was also one of the founders of the Medical Women's International Association. Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Greece , COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Turkey, HOSPITALS, NURSING, PUBLIC HEALTH, WOMEN in Medicine & the Life Sciences, Publications About, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 8711

South America, amplified to include all of Latin America: The Vandyck Cruise.

New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1927.

Medical visits to Latin America on behalf of the American College of Surgeons, of which Martin was a founder. Includes chapters by William J. Mayo, among others.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Latin America, Latin American Medicine, VOYAGES & Travels by Physicians, Surgeons & Scientists
  • 9335

Studies on the velocity of blood flow: I. The method utilized.

J. Clin. Invest., 4, 1-13, 1927.

Reports the first diagnostic procedure, done in 1925, using radioactive indicators on humans. "Less well recognized is the fact that Blumgart and his coworker Otto C. Yens, then a medical student, developed the first instrumentation used in a diagnostic procedure involving radioactive indicators. The instrumentation, a modified Wilson cloud chamber, turned out to be the detector most suitable for their purpose. Blumgart also showed remarkable foresight in outlining the requirements both for a satisfactory indicator (tracer) and for a satisfactory detector--requirements that still hold true today. The Blumgart-Yens modified cloud chamber was the birth of nuclear medicine instrumentation" (Patton, Dennis D., "The birth of nuclear medicine instrumentation: Blumgart and Yens, 1925," Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 44, No. 8 [2003] 1362-1365).  Digital facsimile from PubMedCentral at this link.



  • 9622

Essai de repertoire des ex-libris et fers de reliure des medecins et des pharmaciens français. Préface de ... Laignel-Lavastine.

Paris: Charles Bosse, 1927.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Book Collecting, BIBLIOGRAPHY › Catalogues of Physicians' / Scientists' Libraries, PHARMACOLOGY › History of Pharmacology & Pharmaceuticals
  • 10150

A history of the Royal Army Veterinary Corps 1796-1919.

London: Baillière, Tindall & Cox, 1927.

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: MILITARY MEDICINE, SURGERY & HYGIENE › History of Military Medicine, VETERINARY MEDICINE › History of Veterinary Medicine
  • 10304

History of medicine in Iowa.

Des Moines, IA: Reprinted from the Journal of the Iowa State Medical Society, 1927.

  • 10355

The care of the patient.

J. Amer. Med. Assoc., 88, 887-882, 1927.

Full text from at this link.

Subjects: Ethics, Biomedical
  • 11383

The herbal in antiquity and its transmission to later ages.

J. Hellenic Studies, 47, 1-52, 1927.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › History of Ancient Medicine & Biology, ANCIENT MEDICINE › Late Antiquity, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Materia medica / Herbals / Herbal Medicines › History of Materia Medica
  • 11595

How to make the periodic health examination: A manual of procedure. Foreward by Major General Merritte W. Ireland, Surgeon General, United States Army.

New York: The Macmillan Company, 1927.

Fisk was medical director, Life Extension Institute; Crawford was Assistant Medical Director, Life Extension Institute. "This pioneering monograph on the value of periodic health examination includes numbers of photographic illustrations depicting the examination of patients. The concept of comprehensive routine health examinations was first promoted aggressively in the twentieth century. It was one factor that contributed to the growth of cardiology as a specialty" (W. Bruce Fye). See Fye, American cardiology, 37-44.

Subjects: PREVENTATIVE MEDICINE › Periodic Health Examinations
  • 11994

La vaccination préventive contre la tuberculose par le "BGG". Par Albert Calmette avec la collaboration de C. Guérin, A. Boquet et L. Nègre.

Paris: Masson, 1927.

A 250-page monograph, with bibliographical references, on the development of the BCG vaccine from M. bovis, from 1909 to 1927 by the scientists involved.

(Thanks to Ron Cox for this reference.)

Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY › BACTERIA (mostly pathogenic; sometimes indexed only to genus) › Gram-Positive Bacteria › Mycobacterium › Mycobacterium bovis, IMMUNOLOGY › Immunization, IMMUNOLOGY › Vaccines, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Tuberculosis
  • 12226

A study of the electrical field surrounding active heart muscle.

Heart, 14, 71-109, 1927.

At Johns Hopkins Hospital Craib evolved his fundamental theory of the doublet hypothesis which revolutionized electrocardiographic thinking. Until then, it was held that electricity in the heart differed from electricity elsewhere, in that it consisted of negativity only - a view known as the negativity hypothesis. He was to show that electrocardiography in the heart was the same as elsewhere, and consisted of both negativity and positivity. This challenged the views held by the establishment of his day and was met with reactive and, at times, destructive criticism. 

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY › Cardiac Electrophysiology
  • 12266

Paroxysmal hypertension with tumor of retroperitoneal nerve. Report of a case.

J. Amer. Med. Assoc., 89, 1047-1050, 1927.

First resection of a pheochromocytoma in America, and the second in the world, by the co-founder of the Mayo Clinic.  In 1926 César Roux of Lausanne did the first resection of this rare type of tumor.

Subjects: ENDOCRINOLOGY, ONCOLOGY & CANCER, SURGERY: General , SURGERY: General › Surgical Oncology
  • 12383

Muscular movement in man: The factors governing speed and recovery from fatique.

New York: McGraw-Hill, 1927.

Subjects: Sports Medicine
  • 12674

Ar-Raoudat at-tibbiyya (Le jardin médical) par Ubaîd-Allah Ben Gibraîl Ben Bakhtichoû, Chrétien décédé en 1058: Texte arabe, publié pour la première fois d’après trois manuscrits conservées dans la Bibliothèque des Manuscrits.

Cairo: H. Friedrich, 1927.

Subjects: MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › Syria and Syriac Texts, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Materia medica / Herbals / Herbal Medicines
  • 13850

The new medical follies: An encyclopedia of cultism and quackery in these United States, with essays on the cult of beauty, the craze for reduction, rejuvenation, eclecticism, bread and dietary fads, physical therapy, and a forecast as to the physician of the future.

New York: Boni & Liveright, 1927.

Subjects: ALTERNATIVE, Complimentary & Pseudomedicine, Quackery
  • 13996

Metatarsus atavicus: The identification of a distinct type of foot disorder.

J. Bone Joint Surg., 9, 531-544, 1927.
"Morton's toe,"  the condition of having a first metatarsal which is short in relation to the second metatarsal.  It is a type of brachymetatarsia
See also Morton, The human foot: Its evolutionary development, physiology, and function disorders. New York: Columbia University Press, 1935. Morton believed that two major causes of foot problems were the short first metatarsal bone and hypermobility of the first metatarsal bone.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Orthopedic Surgery & Treatments › Foot / Ankle, Podiatry
  • 14272

Zur Frage der Angiomatosis Retinae und Ihrer Hirncomplikation.

Acta Ophthalmologica, 4, 193-226, 1927.

Lindau described the angiomas of the cerebellum and spine found in Von Hippel-Lindau disease (VHL).

  • 798

Die Thermo-Stromuhr. Ein Verfahren zur fortlaufenden Messung der mittleren absoluten Durchfulssmengen in uneröffneten Gefässen in situ.

Z. Biol, 87, 394-418, 1928.

Introduction of the Thermostromuhr, an instrument for measuring the velocity of the blood flow.

  • 799

The pressure pulses in the cardiovascular system.

London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1928.

Wiggers, professor of physiology at the Western Reserve University, Cleveland, contributed much to the knowledge of the circulation and devised several instruments to promote the study of this subject.

  • 350

The brain from ape to man: A contribution to the study of the evolution and development of the human brain by Frederick Tilney. With chapters on the reconstruction of the gray matter in the primate brain stem by Henry Alsop Riley. 2 vols.

New York: Paul B. Hoeber, 1928.

Classic study of the evolution of the central nervous system in the higher mammals. Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: ANATOMY › Neuroanatomy, ANATOMY › Neuroanatomy › Comparative Neuroanatomy, ANTHROPOLOGY › Paleoanthropology, COMPARATIVE ANATOMY, EVOLUTION, ZOOLOGY › Mammalogy › Primatology
  • 966

Die Bindungsweise des Kohlendioxyds im Blute.

Biochem. Z., 200, 1-24, 1928.

Carbamino reaction.

  • 1059

Observations on the function of peroxidase systems and the chemistry of the adrenal cortex. Description of a new carbohydrate derivative.

Biochem. J., 22, 1387-1409, 1928.

Isolation of vitamin C, ascorbic acid.

In 1937 Szent-Györgyi was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "for his discoveries in connexion with the biological combustion process with special reference to vitamin C and the catalysis of fumaric acid."

Subjects: NOBEL PRIZES › Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine , NUTRITION / DIET › Vitamins
  • 1060

The tripartite nature of vitamin B.

J. biol. Chem., 78, 311-22, 1928.

Vitamin B3.

Subjects: NUTRITION / DIET › Vitamins
  • 856.1

A double perfusion-pump.

J. Physiol. (Lond.), 64, 356-64, 1928.

Mechanical heart.

  • 4654

Ueber die Encephalitis epidemica in Japan.

Ergebn. inn. Med. Kinderheilk., 34, 342-456, 1928.

Japanese encephalitis distinguished from encephalitis lethargica.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Japan, EPIDEMIOLOGY, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Neuroinfectious Diseases › Encephalitis, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Mosquito-Borne Diseases › Japanese Encephalitis, NEUROLOGY › Inflammatory Conditions
  • 1308

The basis of sensation. The action of the sense organs.

London: Christophers, 1928.

In 1932 Adrian shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Charles Scott Sherrington "for their discoveries about the function of neurons." See also Nos. 1307, 1528, and 1303.

Subjects: NEUROSCIENCE › NERVOUS SYSTEM › Peripheral Nerves / Nerve Impulses, NOBEL PRIZES › Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
  • 1333

Zur Histologie und Topographie der vegetativen Zentren im Rückenmark.

Z. Anat. EntwGesch. 85, 213-50, 1928.

Study of the cells of origin of the white rami.

Subjects: NEUROSCIENCE › NERVOUS SYSTEM › Peripheral Autonomic Nervous System
  • 1168.1

The active principles of the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. I. The demonstration of the presence of two active principles. II. The separation of the two principles and their concentration in the form of potent solid preparations.

J. Amer. chem. Soc., 50, 573-601, 1928.

Isolation of vasopressin and oxytocin. With T. B. Aldrich, I. W. Grote, L. W. Rowe, and E. P. Bugbee.

Subjects: Ductless Glands: Internal Secretion › Pituitary, ENDOCRINOLOGY › Pituitary
  • 750

Ueber die katalytischen Wirkungen der lebendigen Substanz.

Berlin: Julius Springer, 1928.

  • 1445

Lectures on conditioned reflexes. 2 vols.

New York: International Publishers, 19281941.

Besides his work on digestion, Pavlov is remembered for his investigations upon conditioned reflexes. An English translation of another work by Pavlov, entitled Conditioned reflexes, appeared in 1927. 

Subjects: GASTROENTEROLOGY › Anatomy & Physiology of Digestion, Neurophysiology, PSYCHOLOGY › Biological
  • 142

The history of biology: A survey. Translated by L. B. Eyre.

New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1928.

Previously published in Swedish and German editions. Many reprints were published.

Subjects: BIOLOGY › History of Biology
  • 2134.1

A case of pneumoconiosis. Result of the inhalation of asbestos dust.

Brit. med. J., 2, 982 (only), 1928.

Seiler established an unequivocal relationship between asbestos and pulmonary fibrosis.

Subjects: OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & MEDICINE › Asbestosis, OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & MEDICINE › Miners' Diseases › Pneumoconiosis
  • 2317

A history of pathology.

Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins, 1928.

The first systematic history of the subject in the English language. Revised edition, New York, Dover Publications, 1965.

Subjects: PATHOLOGY › History of Pathology
  • 2652

Cancer and heredity.

Ann. intern. Med. 1, 951-76, 1928.

By selective breeding over a period of 15 years, Slye produced generations of mice absolutely resistant to, or particularly susceptible to, cancer. She demonstrated that resistance is a Mendelian dominant and susceptibility a recessive, either of which can be bred into or out of susceptible or resistant generations, according to the laws of genetics. Her earlier papers are in J. med. Res., 1914, 25, 281; 1915, 27, 159; J Cancer Res., 1916, 1, 479, 503; 1921, 6, 139; 1922, 7, 107.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Hereditary Cancers, ONCOLOGY & CANCER, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 2652.1

Über ein neues Prinzip zur Herstellung höher Spannungen.

Arch. Elektrotech. 21, 387-406, 1928.

RF-powered linear accelerator.

Subjects: ONCOLOGY & CANCER › Radiation (Radiotherapy)
  • 2523

The pathogenic streptococci. An historical survey of their role in human and animal disease.

Ann. Pickett-Thomson Res. Lab., 4, pt. 1-2. London, 19281929.

Documents over 1,600 studies.

Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY › BACTERIA (mostly pathogenic; sometimes indexed only to genus) › Gram-Positive Bacteria › Streptococcus , BACTERIOLOGY › History of Bacteriology, VETERINARY MEDICINE
  • 194.1

Äskulap und Venus. Eine Kultur- und Sittengeschichte im Spiegel des Ärztes.

Berlin: Popylaen-Verlag, 1928.

An exhaustive and well-illustrated survey of medical anthropology with emphasis on sexuality.

Subjects: ANTHROPOLOGY › Cultural Anthropology, ART & Medicine & Biology, SEXUALITY / Sexology › History of Sexuality / Sexology
  • 2856.1

Beiträge zur Lehre von den angeborenen Herzfehlern.

Wien. Arch. inn. Med., 15, 487-538, 1928.

Roesler described the most important roentgenologic sign of aortic coarctation.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › Congenital Heart Defects, CARDIOLOGY › Tests for Heart & Circulatory Function › Cardiac Radiology, GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Congenital Heart Defects
  • 2576

Studies on Bacillus typhosus toxic substances. I. Phenomenon of local skin reactivity to B. typhosus culture filtrate.

J. exp. Med., 48, 247-68, 1928.

“Shwartzman phenomenon.”

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Salmonellosis › Typhoid Fever
  • 3089

Demonstratie van een paar zeldzaam voorkomende typen van bloedlichaampjes en bespreking der patiënten.

Ned. T. Geneesk., 72, 1178, 1928.

See No. 3092.

Subjects: HEMATOLOGY › Blood Disorders
  • 3546

Die Entzündungen des Magens. In: F. Henke & O. Lubarsch: Handbuch der speziellen pathologischen Anatomie und Histologie, 4, Heft 2, 768-1116.


Konjetzny suggested that peptic ulceration is the sequel to a specific form of gastritis.

Subjects: GASTROENTEROLOGY › Diseases of the Digestive System › Gastric / Duodenal Ulcer
  • 3156

Cardio-vascular diseases since Harvey’s discovery.

Cambridge, England: University Press, 1928.

Harveian Oration, 1928.

Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › History of Cardiology
  • 4246

Studies of urea excretion.

J. clin. Invest., 6, 427-504, 19281929.

Blood urea clearance test. With J. F. Mcintosh and D. D. Van Slyke.

Subjects: Laboratory Medicine › Blood Tests, NEPHROLOGY, NEPHROLOGY › Renal Physiology › Tests for Kidney Function
  • 3406

Menière’s disease; its diagnosis and a method of treatment.

Arch. Surg. (Chicago), 16, 1127-52, 1928.

Dandy’s operation for relief of Menière’s syndrome.

Subjects: OTOLOGY › Otologic Surgery & Procedures
  • 3004.1
  • 4897.2

Traumatic aneurysm of the intracranial portion of the internal carotid artery. With a note by Wilfred Trotter.

Brain, 51, 184-208, 1928.

In 1924 Wilfred Trotter(1872-1939) performed the first planned operation for intracranial aneurysm diagnosed pre-operatively.

Subjects: NEUROLOGY › Neurovascular Disorders, NEUROSURGERY › Vascular & Endovascular
  • 4152

Relapsing febrile nodular nonsuppurative panniculitis.

Arch. intern. Med. 42, 338-51, 1928.

See No. 4151.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › Specific Dermatoses
  • 4897.1

Electro-surgery as an aid to the removal of intracranial tumors. With a preliminary note on a new surgical-current generator by W.T. Bovie.

Surg. Gynec. Obstet., 47, 751-84, 1928.

Introduction of electrocoagulation in neurosurgery.

Subjects: INSTRUMENTS & TECHNOLOGIES › Surgical Instruments › Electrosurgery, NEUROSURGERY › Neuro-oncology
  • 5070

L’anatoxine diphtérique. Ses propriétés–ses applications.

Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 42, 959-1009, 1928.

In 1923 Ramon so modified the diphtheria toxin with formaldehyde that it lost its toxic properties while retaining its antigenic virtues. This modified “anatoxin” (toxoid) superseded toxin–antitoxin as an immunizing agent against diphtheria. Preliminary paper in C. R. Soc. Biol. (Paris), 1923, 89, 2-4.

Subjects: IMMUNOLOGY › Immunization, IMMUNOLOGY › Toxin-Antitoxin, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Diphtheria
  • 4155

Geschichte der Dermatologie, geographische Verteilung der hautkrankheiten Nomenklatur. (Handbuch der Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten, Bd. 14, 2. T.)

Berlin: Julius Springer, 1928.

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY › History of Dermatology
  • 4395

Dissociation of bone growth. (Exostoses and enchondromata, of Ollier’s dyschondroplasia and associated phenomena.) In The Robert Jones Birthday Volume

London: Oxford University Press, 1928.

Jansen’s theory of dissociation of bone growth.

Subjects: ORTHOPEDICS › Diseases of or Injuries to Bones, Joints & Skeleton
  • 4958

Mongolism. A study of the physical and mental characteristics of mongolian imbeciles. Revised by H. G. Brainerd.

Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins, 1928.

  • 5709.1

Anaesthesia for tonsillectomy and removal of adenoids.

Brit. med. J., 2, 632 (only), 1928.

Denis Browne ether inhaler.

Subjects: ANESTHESIA › Ether, ANESTHESIA › Inhalers, OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat)
  • 5761

Cleft palate.

Brit J. Surg., 16, 127-48, 1928.

Wardill’s operation for cleft palate.

  • 5783

Mammectomie totale et autogreffe libre aréolomamelonnaire; mammectomie bilatérale esthétique.

Bull. Soc. Chirurgiens Paris, 20, 739-44, 1928.

The modern operation of total bilateral mammectomy, with transplantation of the nipple and areola, was especially developed by Dartigues.

Subjects: PLASTIC & RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY › Mammaplasty, SURGERY: General › Diseases of the Breast
  • 5351

Hydatid disease. Its pathology, diagnosis and treatment.

Sydney: Australasian Med. Publ. Co, 1928.

Dew’s book remains the authoritative source. His many contributions to the knowledge of hydatid disease are summarized in it.

  • 5814.1

The book of the ten treatises on the eye ascribed to Hunain Ibn Is-hâq. The earliest existing systematic text-book of ophthalmology. The Arabic text from the only two known manuscripts, with an English translation and glossary by Max Meyerhof.

Cairo: Government Press, 1928.

The earliest extant systematic textbook of ophthalmology. The Arabs were the first to make a specialty of ophthalmology.

  • 5194.1

Researches on the intestinal protozoa of monkeys and man.

Parasitology, 20, 357-412, 1928.

Classic account of the life-cycle of Entamoeba histolytica.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Amoebiasis, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Dysentery, ZOOLOGY › Protistology (formerly Protozoology)
  • 5396.1

Experiments relating to the pathology and the etiology of Mexican typhus (tabardillo).

J. infect. Dis., 43, 241-72, 1928.

Mooser differentiated murine from epidemic typhus. The causative organism was later named Rickettsia mooseri.

Subjects: BACTERIOLOGY › BACTERIA (mostly pathogenic; sometimes indexed only to genus) › Rickettsiales › Rickettsia, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Mexico, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Lice-Borne Diseases › Typhus
  • 5434

The reaction of the skin of the normal rabbit following intradermal injection of material from smallpox lesions: the specificity of this reaction and its application as a diagnostic test.

Amer. J. Hyg., 8, 93-106, 1928.

McKinnon’s diagnostic test.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Smallpox , Laboratory Medicine › Diagnostic Skin Tests
  • 5434.1

Cultivation of vaccinia virus without tissue culture.

Lancet, 2, 596-97, 1928.

Introduction of “Maitland’s medium”.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Smallpox , VIROLOGY › VIRUSES (by Family) › Variola and Vaccinia, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 5461

A yellow fever vaccine.

Brit. med. J., 1, 976-77, 1928.

First vaccine for immunization against yellow fever. Hindle devised a method for the transportation of frozen infected material from West Africa to London, making it possible to carry on experimental work in Britain.

Subjects: IMMUNOLOGY › Immunization, IMMUNOLOGY › Vaccines, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Mosquito-Borne Diseases › Yellow Fever
  • 5462

Experimental transmission of yellow-fever to laboratory animals.

Amer. J. trop. Med., 8, 103-64, 1928.

Experimental infection of the monkey, Macacus rhesus, with the yellow fever virus. Stokes succumbed to yellow fever while investigating the disease. With J. H. Bauer and N. P. Hudson.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Mosquito-Borne Diseases › Yellow Fever, VIROLOGY › VIRUSES (by Family) › Flaviviridae › Yellow Fever Virus
  • 6222

Schwangerschaftsdiagnose aus dem Ham (durch Hormonnachweis).

Klin. Wschr., 7, 8-9, 1404-11, 1453-57, 1928.

The Aschheim-Zondek test for the diagnosis of pregnancy.

  • 6643

The quacks of old London.

London: Brentano’s , 1928.

Subjects: Quackery, Social or Sociopolitical Histories of Medicine & the Life Sciences
  • 6727

Available sources and future prospects of medical biography.

Bull N. Y. Acad. Med., 2 ser., 4, 586-607, 1928.

Includes a valuable bibliography of sources of medical biography.

Subjects: BIOGRAPHY (Reference Works)
  • 6728

Dictionary of American medical biography. Lives of eminent physicians of the United States and Canada, from the earliest times.

New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1928.

This is the revised and expanded third and final edition of Kelly's A cyclopedia of American medical biography, comprising the lives of eminent deceased physicians and surgeons from 1610 to 1910. (Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1912). The second edition appeared in 1920. See GM 11483.

  • 5256.1

Studies in malaria, with special references to treatment. Part IX. Plasmoquine in the treatment of malaria.

Indian J. med. Res., 16, 159-77, 1928.

Clinical trials of pamaquin.

  • 6366

Xanthomatosis and the reticulo-endothelial system.

Arch intern. Med., 42, 611-74, 1928.

“Rowland collected 14 cases of the Hand–Schüller–Christian syndrome, and made the important generalization that it was due to xanthomatosis” (Rolleston).

Subjects: Conditions & Syndromes Not Classified Elsewhere
  • 6421

A short history of medicine.

Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1928.

A highly readable outline history. Second edition revised by E.A. Underwood (1962).

Subjects: History of Medicine: General Works
  • 6583

Four centuries of medical history in Canada. 2 vols.

London: Simpkin, Marshall, 1928.

  • 6610.1

Esculape chez les artistes.

Paris: Le François, 1928.

Chapters and illustrations on deformities, infirmities, medicine, surgery, etc.

Subjects: ART & Medicine & Biology
  • 251.2

The significance of pneumococcal types.

J. Hyg. (Camb.), 27, 113-59., 1928.

Griffith’s experiments on transforming type II pneumococci into type III were repeated by Avery who was able sixteen years later (No. 255.3) to demonstrate that DNA was the transforming material.

  • 7392

The development of the human eye.

Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1928.

The first monograph on the subject, illustrated with drawings by the author.

Subjects: EMBRYOLOGY, OPHTHALMOLOGY › Anatomy of the Eye & Orbit, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 7824

Bibliographicheskii ukazatel' russkoi literatury po istorii meditsiny s 1789 g. po 1928.

Moscow, 1928.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Specific Subjects, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Russia
  • 8326

Firdausu'l-Hikmat or Paradise of wisdom. Edited by M. Z. Siddiqi.

Berlin: Buch-und Kunstr. , 1928.

Firdous al-Hikmah is one of the oldest encyclopedias of Islamic medicine, based on Syriac translations of Greek sources (Hippocrates, Galen Dioscorides, and others). It is divided into 7 sections and 30 parts, with 360 chapters in total. The work was eclipsed by those of Rabban al-Tabari's more famous pupil, Muhammad ibn ZakarÄ«a Rāzi (Rhazes). After writing the work in Arabic Rabban a-Tabari also translated it into Syriac, to give it wider usefulness. However, the information in Firdous al-Hikmah never entered common circulation in the West because it was not edited until the 20th century, when Mohammed Zubair Siddiqui assembled an edition using the five surviving partial manuscripts. There is still no English translation. A German translation by Alfred Siggel of the chapters on Indian medicine was published in 1951. (adapted from the Wikipedia article on Ali ibn Sahl Rabban-al Tabari, accessed 12-2016.)

See Max Meyerhof, "Alî at-Tabarî's 'Paradise of Wisdom", one of the oldest Arabic compendiums of medicine," Isis, 16 (1931) 6-54. Available from Scribd at this link.

Subjects: Encyclopedias, MEDIEVAL MEDICINE , MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › Medieval Persian Islamic Medicine
  • 8532

The zoological section of the Nuzhatu-l-Qulūb of Hamdullāh Al-Mustaufī Al-Qazwīnī. Edited and translated by John Stephenson.

London: Royal Asiatic Society, 1928.

Subjects: MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › Medieval Islamic or Arab Medicine, Medieval Zoology
  • 8796

Mescal: The "divine" plant and its psychological effects. With an introduction by Macdonald Critchley.

London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co, 1928.

The first study of the psychological effects of mescaline.

Subjects: PSYCHIATRY › Psychopharmacology, PSYCHOLOGY
  • 9271

Use of plants by the Chippewa Indians. Smithsonian Institution-Bureau of American Ethnology Annual Report 44.

Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1928.

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

  • 9289

Ethnobotany of the Meskwaki Indians.

Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee, 4, 175-326., Milwaukee, WI, 1928.

  • 9516

Das Arteriensystem der Japaner von Dr. Buntaro Adachi unter Mitwirkung von Dr. Kotondo Hasebe ... mit 539 Abbildungen im Text und auf vier farbigen Tafeln sowie mit etwa 700 Tabellen.

Kyoto: Kaiserlich-japanische Universität zu Kyoto, in Kommission bei , 1928.

Subjects: ANATOMY › 20th Century, ANTHROPOLOGY › Physical Anthropology, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Japan
  • 9943

The holy incense: A botanical, pharmacological, psychological and archaeological appreciation of the Bible.

Baltimore, MD: Waverly Press, 1928.

Subjects: BOTANY › History of Botany, PHARMACOLOGY › History of Pharmacology & Pharmaceuticals, RELIGION & Medicine & the Life Sciences
  • 10118

Coming of age in Samoa: A psychological study of primitive youth for western civilisation.

New York: William Morrow & Company, 1928.

Mead based her study primarily on adolescent girls on the island of Ta'u in the Samoan Islands. The book detailed the sexual life of teenagers in Samoan society in the early 20th century, and theorized that culture has a leading influence on psychosexual development. Later editions revised the title to better reflect the content: Coming of age in Samoa: A study of adolescents and sex in primitive societies.

Subjects: ANTHROPOLOGY › Cultural Anthropology, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Samoa, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › South Pacific, PSYCHOLOGY, SEXUALITY / Sexology, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 10287

History of medicine in Nebraska. Albert F. Tyler, Editor. Ella F. Auerbach, Compiler.

Omaha, NE: Magic City Printing Co., 1928.

This work was edited by Tyler from the writings of 24 collaborators. Reprinted and augmented, with an index, by Bernice M. Hetzner. Omaha, NE: University fo Nebraska Medical Center, 1977. Digital facsimile of the 1977 edition from at this link. Review of original edition from at this link, from which I quote this selection: "The beginning of the history of medicine in Nebraska can be traced to the week of Sept. 26, 1819, when United States troops came up the Missouri River by steamboat and landed at Fort Calhoun, near Omaha. One of this band, Dr. John Gale, married an Indian chief's daughter, and his grand-daughter, Dr. Suzanne La Flesche, afterward Picotte, graduated from the Women's Medical College of Philadelphia. She thus was the only American Indian woman physician."

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › United States › American Midwest, U.S.: CONTENT OF PUBLICATIONS BY STATE & TERRITORY › Nebraska, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 10639

Folklore of the teeth.

New York: Macmillan, 1928.

Subjects: DENTISTRY › History of Dentistry, TRADITIONAL, Folk or Indigenous Medicine
  • 10820

Medical and allied topics in Latin poetry.

London: John Bale, 1928.

Subjects: LITERATURE / Philosophy & Medicine & Biology › Poetry
  • 10950

De retardatione accidentium senectutis cum aliis opusculis de rebus medicinalibus. Nunc primum ediderunt A. G. Little [and] E. Withington.

Oxford: E Typographeo Clarendoniano, 1928.

New edition edited from the 1590 printed edition in comparison with existing medieval manuscripts.

Subjects: GERIATRICS / Gerontology / Aging, MEDIEVAL MEDICINE , MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › England, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Materia medica / Herbals / Herbal Medicines
  • 11005

A medical review of Soviet Russia.

London: British Medical Association, 1928.

Gantt went to Russia in the 1920s with the American Relief Administration, and became a student of Pavlov.  Moving to Johns Hopkins in 1929, he founded the Pavlovian Laboratory, and devoted his career to understanding the connections between physiological functions and behavior. He translated many of Pavlov's works into English. This book was published in 1928, 11 years after the Russian Revolution, and marked the beginning of Stalin's first Five Year Plan.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Russia, Social or Sociopolitical Histories of Medicine & the Life Sciences
  • 11773

Index litteraturae entomologicae serie I: Die Welt-Literatur über die gesamte Entomologie bis inklusive. Index litteraturae entomologicae series II: von 1864 bis 1900. 9 vols.

Berlin: W. Horn & Akademie der Lanwirtschaftswissenschaften der DDR, 19281975.

The first part, by Horn and Schenkling, was privately published by Horn in 4 vols., 1928-29. The second part, by Derksen and Göllner-Scheiding, was published by the Akademie der Lanwirtschafwissenschaften der DDR in 5 vols, 1963-75.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Natural History, ZOOLOGY › Arthropoda › Entomology
  • 12605

With a woman's unit in Serbia, Salonika and Sebastopol.

London: Williams & Norgate, 1928.

Hutton, a physician who specialized in mental and nervous disorders, began working with the Scottish Women’s Hospitals, a voluntary organisation established by her older colleague Elsie Inglis, in 1915 first in France, and then in the east, where she ran field hospitals, eventually accompanying the Serbian army in its advance in 1918. Hutton was awarded the Order of the White Eagle, Serbia's highest award.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Serbia, Republic of, MILITARY MEDICINE, SURGERY & HYGIENE › World War I, VOYAGES & Travels by Physicians, Surgeons & Scientists, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 12622

Les associations microbiennes: Leurs applications thérapeutiques.

Paris: Octave Doin, 1928.

This work included a 60-page chapter on bacterial inhibition by molds and antibiosis, with several hundred historical references. It appeared one year before Fleming's landmark paper.

  • 12678

The divine origin of the craft of the herbalist.

London: Culpepper House, 1928.

A semi-popular account useful for its surveys of the earliest herbal literature: Egyptian, Sumerian, Assyrian, Greece, Syriac, Arabic, Coptic, Ethiopian (Abyssinian).

Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: BOTANY › Ethnobotany, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Materia medica / Herbals / Herbal Medicines › History of Materia Medica
  • 12909

Partial denture construction: A text book describing the technics of impression taking and the construction of that type of removable partial dentures which are supported and retained by external attachments.

Brooklyn, NY: Dental Items of Interest Publishing Co., 1928.

First book form exposition of the Kennedy Classification for partially edentulous arches or partial removable dentures.

The Kennedy Classification system was originally introduced by Dr. Edward Kennedy in New York in 1923 or 1925. "The classification is divided into four partially edentulous arch designs:

"Class I - Bilateral distal edentulous area located posterior to the existing teeth
"Class II - Unilateral distal edentulous area located posterior to existing teeth
'Class III - Unilateral edentulous area with remaining teeth mesial and distal to the edentulous area.
"Class IV - Bilateral (i.e. crossing the midline) anterior edentulous area with remaining teeth distal to edentulous area."

Subjects: DENTISTRY › Prosthodontics
  • 13778

Tumors arising from the blood-vessels of the brain. Angiomatous malformations and hemangioblastomas.

Springfield, IL & Baltimore, MD: Charles C Thomas, 1928.

Subjects: NEUROSURGERY › Neuro-oncology, NEUROSURGERY › Vascular & Endovascular
  • 967

Le sinus carotidienet la zone homologue cardio-aortique.

Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1929.

In 1938 Heymans was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "for the discovery of the role played by the sinus and aortic mechanisms in the regulation of respiration."

Subjects: NOBEL PRIZES › Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine , RESPIRATION
  • 968

Cytochrome and respiratory enzymes.

Proc. roy. Soc. B, 104, 206-52, 1929.

Keilin discovered cytochrome and laid the foundations of the modern concept of cellular respiration. See No. 1588.3.

Subjects: BIOLOGY › Cell Biology, RESPIRATION › Respiratory Physiology
  • 566.1

The growth, development and phosphatase activity of embryonic avian femora in limb-buds cultivated in vitro.

Biochem. J., 23, 767-84, 1929.

First modern organ cultures.

Subjects: BIOLOGY › Cell Biology, EMBRYOLOGY, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 969

Ueberden Absorptionsspektrum des Atmungsferments.

Biochem. Z., 1929, 214, 64-100, 1929.

Warburg discovered the nature and function of the respiratory ferment.

In 1931 Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "for discovery of the nature and mode of action of the respiratory enzyme."

Subjects: BIOCHEMISTRY, NOBEL PRIZES › Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine , RESPIRATION › Respiratory Physiology
  • 4506.1

L’aurothérapie dans les rhumatismes chroniques.

Bull. Soc. méd. Hôp. Paris, 323-27, 1929.

Introduction of gold therapy.

  • 1061

The absorption spectrum of vitamin D.

Proc. roy. Soc. B, 94, 561-83, 1929.

See No. 1065. With C. Fischmann, R. G. C. Jenkins, and T. A. Webster.

Subjects: NUTRITION / DIET › Vitamins
  • 1062

Cholesterinstoffwechsel in Hühnereiern und Hühnchen.

Biochem. Z., 215, 475-92, 1929.

In 1943 Dam shared the Nobel Prize with Doisy "for discovery of vitamin K, the blood coagulating factor."

Subjects: NOBEL PRIZES › Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine , NUTRITION / DIET › Vitamins
  • 857