An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16075 entries, 14164 authors and 1948 subjects. Updated: February 15, 2025

WHIPPLE, George Hoyt

3 entries
  • 3782

A hitherto undescribed disease characterized anatomically by deposits of fat and fatty acids in the intestinal and mesenteric lymphatic tissues.

Johns Hopk. Hosp. Bull., 18, 382-91, 1907.

“Whipple’s disease”. Whipple suggested the name lipodystrophia intestinalis (intestinal lipodystrophy) for this condition because there were abnormal lipid deposits in the small intestine wall. In figure 9 of his paper Whipple reproduced a photomicrograph clearly showing the "bacillary bodies" that were later seen by Yardley (1961). Whipple captioned the photograph, "section of gland stained by the Levaditi method. Vacuole (a) containing rod shaped organism?" In his text Whipple called these "very peculiar structures." He wrote, "The majority of these structures closely resemble in form the tubercle bacillus. They are very sharply cotoured and appear as jet black rods, sometimes bent but more often straight or only slightly curved. Some show a slight welling of one end and others a beaded appearance....Whether this is the active agent in this peculiar pathological complex cannot be determined from the study of this single case, but its distirubtion in the glands is very suggestive."

(Thanks to Juan Weiss for assisting me in updating the annotation to this entry.)

Subjects: GASTROENTEROLOGY › Diseases of the Digestive System, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Whipple's Disease
  • 3139

Blood regeneration in severe anaemia. II. Favourable influence of liver, heart and skeletal muscle in diet.

Amer. J. Physiol., 72, 408-18, 1925.

These workers showed the beneficial effect of raw beef liver upon blood regeneration in anemia. Their work paved the way for the liver diet treatment of Minot and Murphy.

In 1934 Whipple shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with George R. Minot and William Parry Murphy "for their work on liver therapy for anemia."

Subjects: HEMATOLOGY › Anemia & Chlorosis, NOBEL PRIZES › Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine , WOMEN, Publications by › Years 1900 - 1999
  • 3148.1

Mediterranean disease – thalassemia (erythroblastic anemia of Cooley); associated pigment abnormalities simulating hemochromatosis.

J. Pediat., 9, 279-311, 1936.

Whipple and Bradford contributed a classic paper on the pathology of thalassemia, a name introduced by them.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Blood Disorders › Thalassemia, HEMATOLOGY › Anemia & Chlorosis